Telopea Topics No 18
Un grand merci à tous les parents qui se sont portés volontaires pour participer aux différentes instances statutaires dans une école homologuée . Votre participation est essentielle à un partenariat efficace entre l’école et les familles.
Grâce à vous, au collège et au lycée, les compte-rendus des conseils de classe seront désormais envoyés avec les bulletins scolaires trimestriels.
Le conseil d’école se réunira prochainement pour aborder des questions liés aux projets du primaire.
Le premier conseil d’établissement s’est réuni le 20 septembre 2022 et a donné son avis sur le projet d’établissement. Le compte- rendu est disponible sur la site de l’école FR.
Un grand Bravo aussi à tous les parents du Pand C qui se sont investis dans la “Grande Fête de l’Ecole “ et qui ont su l’organiser en tant que Fête Eco-responsable !
Cette journée ensoleillée faite de moments de convivialité et de partage a été un vrai succés !
C’est ensemble, parents, élèves, enseignants, Direction que nous bâtissons la communauté éducative du lycée franco-australien !
A partir de 2023, en partenariat avec l’Alliance Française , le Diplôme d’Etude en Langues Françaises ( DELF) pourra de nouveau être proposé à nos élèves à la fin de la 6ème et à la fin de la 3ème . Cela offre l’opportunité aux élèves de l’EFS d’obtenir un diplôme qui reconnait leur compétences langagières en français. La première session d’examens aura lieu en avril 2023.
Le Français Langue Etrangère et de Scolarisation (FLESco) est une discipline à part entière, différente de l’enseignement du français. Elle est destinée à aider les élèves non francophones dans la compréhension des consignes, ou du vocabulaire utilisé à l’école. Le FLESco est fréquent dans les écoles AEFE car le public accueilli est majoritairement non francophones. Dans le cadre d’une convention, L’alliance française et l’Ambassade de France en Australie (Merci à eux deux) permettent à un jeune enseignant de FLESCo encore en formation de faire un stage de 6 mois à l’école Télopéa. Grâce à son enseignement, la classe « passerelle » devrait commencer bientôt. Une trentaine d’élèves qui éprouvent des difficultés en classe en raison du langage français, seront pris en charge de la Y1 à la Y5 . Ceci aura lieu dans une nouvelle classe aménagée pour l’occasion ( Merci à Mary Ryan pour sa réactivité et son aide) et en petits groupes à raison de 1 à 3h par semaine en fonction des besoins.
Journée de la Tolérance – Hommage à Samuel Paty
Le lundi 18 octobre 2022, les enseignants du lycée franco-australien de Canberra ont participé à un hommage rendu au professeur Samuel Paty. Nos élèves du CM1 à la Terminale, comme tous les autres élèves de France ou appartenant aux écoles du réseau AFE, ont travaillé et échangé sur l’importance de la tolérance, de la liberté de penser, de s’exprimer ainsi que le respect d’opinion d’autrui.
Florence Llopis
November, 14th 2022
We warmly thank all the parents who have volunteered to participate in the various statutory bodies of our accredited school. Your support is important to the continuing and effective partnership between the school and families.
Thanks to you, middle and high school class council reports will now be sent with the report cards.
The Primary School Council will be meeting soon to address issues related to Primary projects .
The first School Council met on September 20, 2022 and discussed the school development plan. The minutes are available on the French school website.
Congratulations to all the parents of Pand C who have put so much in the school’s "Grande Fête" to make it an eco-friendly event!
This sunny day was a real success, thanks to the atmosphere of friendliness and sharing!
That’s how, together, parents, students, teachers and the leadership team build the school community of Telopea Park School / Lycée franco-australien de Canberra!
DELF Certification
Starting in 2023, thanks to a partnership with the Alliance Française, the DELF certification (Diplôme d'Etude en Langues Françaises) will again be available to our students at the end of Year 6 and the end of Year 9. This is a great opportunity for our EFS students to obtain a diploma that certifies their French language skills. The first exam session will take place in April 2023.
FLEsco (French as a Foreign Language) is a subject that differs from the teaching of French. It is designed to help non-French speaking students understand instructions and vocabulary used in class and at school. FLESco is very often available in AEFE schools because most students are non-French speaking. The Alliance Française and the French Embassy in Australia have signed an agreement (we thank both of them) to offer a FLESco teacher who is still training, a 6-month internship at Telopea Park School / Lycée franco-australien de Canberra. We are glad to announce that the "bridging" class should start soon. This program will benefit about 30 students from Year 1 to 5 who need additional support in French language skills. Students will meet in a new classroom, in small groups, between one to three hours a week depending on the students’ needs. We warmly thank Mary Ryan for being so helpful and proactive.
Tolerance Day - Tribute to Samuel Paty
On Monday, October 18, 2022, Telopea Park School teachers paid tribute to the French teacher Samuel Paty. Our students from Years 4 to 12, like all students in France or in AEFE schools, exchanged views on the importance of tolerance, freedom of thought and speech, as well as respect for the views of others.
Florence Llopis
November 14 2022
As we enter the final five weeks of the year, students are finalising assessments for this semester. As students prepare for these tasks it is also the time to reflect on their learning and read carefully the feedback provided by teachers on formative tasks and past assessment tasks. Students should note the suggestions and apply these to the next task. The class time allocated to work on assignments provides a good opportunity for students to discuss areas of concern with their teacher.
We would like to congratulate a number of students who have participated in competitions over the last few months. The Evatt Competition is a national inter-school model United Nations for Year 9-12 students. Eight students competed in teams of two to negotiate diplomatically with other students with the goal of passing amendments and resolutions on an international scale. Two of our students, Brynn Widmaier and Elise French, progressed to the national round. Six other students, Ava Starling, Molly Brailey, Jacob Small, Riley Wilson, Saskia Davis and Zachary Saxby, competed and successfully showed their international mindedness and cooperation skills.
Only a small number of students competed in The Australian History Competition in Term 2 and we congratulate those students for their participation and achievement. Brynn Widmaier and Claudette Bodel in Year 10 received Distinctions, and Layla Barbour in Year 8 received a Distinction and Celeste Murphy a Merit certificate.
Brynn Widmaier also entered the National History Challenge with her entry on the political response to the Port Arthur massacre. The competition is research-based providing students a chance to be historians, researching world history, examining Australia’s past, investigating their community or exploring their own roots. It emphasises and rewards quality research, the use of community resources and effective presentation. Dr Blythe-Jones, Miss Millington and I were honoured to attend, with Brynn’s family, the awards ceremony last week at the Museum of Democracy. Brynn received silver awards in both her year level and the Democracy Matters category. She then went on to win both categories, receiving a gold certificate and medal. Congratulations Brynn.
Last Friday was Remembrance Day. Years 6, 9 and 10 assembled on the front lawns of the school next to our war memorial for our commemorative ceremony. We were joined by a special guest French Liaison Officer Lieutenant Colonel Guillaume Bellivard and during the assembly we acknowledged the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Kokoda and the four ex-students of Telopea Park School who died during the battle. I would like to congratulate the excellent presenters and cadets who gave up their lunch time to practise in order to make the assembly run smoothly and with such respect. The presenters this year were Ava and Guliiame in Year 6 and Daniel, Elise, Ines and Zac from year 10. The cadets ably lead by Sakchham were Sadith, Siddhant, Manushri, Arya, Nathaniel, Angelo, Sahasri, Reuben, Rafael with Aarushi from the band providing support on the snare drum. Congratulations to the band and Rachel Winter , the trumpeter for the Last Post and Rouse.
Thank you to all parents and carers for the support you give to your child’s teacher and, please feel free to contact your child’s Humanities teacher if you have any concerns.
Natalie Bray
Executive Teacher Humanities
Colour Run SUCCESS
In week 4 we held our first ever colour run – CONGRATUALTIONS to all our fundraisers – we officially raised a massive total of $46,571.00. Well done and thank you to everyone who fundraised, but also to everyone who participated. The weather was perfect, Montgomery Oval looked AMAZING with the course and obstacles set out and it was an great atmosphere with the music playing.
Thanks to the PE staff for the great set up, to all teachers for their participation and support, to the parents who came along to cheer and even participate … and a BIG thank you to all the students for getting involved.
Here are a few pictured of the day – enjoy!
One last SHOUT OUT to our School Sport ACT representatives this year … we congratulate you on your selection and performance, and thank your families for their support as well.
12&U Basketball Girls | Aisha Shave |
12&U Australian Football Girls | Brady Weston |
12&U Football Girls | Elianne Lum |
15&U Volleyball Boys | Finn Edwards |
13&O Swimming | Genevieve Mitcham |
15&U Australian Football Boys | Jesse Weston |
12&U Tennis | Logan Wicks |
12&U Track & Field | Maimuna Shave |
12&U Hockey Boys | Mark Ferran |
13&O Cross Country | Oscar Flanagan |
12&U Swimming | Samuel Harvey |
12&U Tennis | Tommy Camus |
On Friday 4 November, CM2 / Y5 students welcomed Sophie GREUIL, with whom they worked on covering the 2022 FIBA Women's World Cup of basketball.
The students were very proud to offer Sophie a hard copy of Planète Orange, the magazine they created in a week covering the event.
Attached are some pictures of this day.
Image5594: Lea Cisterna, Y5.2, thanks Sophie Greuil on behalf of the year 5s for what they have been taught
'' 5595: Lea is offering Sophie the finalised Planète Orange magazine
'' 5597: La une / The front page
'' 5605: A part of the Planète Orange eidtorial team
Congratulations Y5s for the great job!
Vendredi 4 novembre, nos élèves de CM2 ont accueilli Sophie GREUIL. Ils ont eu le plaisir de travailler avec elle pour couvrir la Coupe du monde féminine de basket 2022.
Les élèves étaient très fiers d'offrir à Sophie un exemplaire de Planète Orange, le magazine qu'ils ont créé en une semaine pour couvrir cet événement.
Vous trouverez ci-joint quelques photos de cette journée:
Image 5594 : Lea Cisterna, CM2.2, représente les élèves de CM2 pour remercier Sophie Greuil pour ce qu'elle leur a appris.
Image 5595 : Lea offre à Sophie un exemplaire du magazine Planète Orange.
Image 5597 : La une de Planète Orange
Image 5605 : Une partie de l'équipe éditoriale de Planète Orange
Félicitations à tous nos élèves de CM2 pour leur excellent travail !
La Grande Fête
Thank you to everyone who came along and enjoyed the La Grande Fête on 5 November! 🎉
It was without a doubt a massive success with a total of $9.4k raised after expenses. This includes a brand new 3 phase power board that will see a far easier setup for fêtes in the future!
A big thanks from all of us to everyone who made it possible, through volunteering their time or providing donations.
Feedback, photos and stories are welcome to be sent to Please check out some of the 2022 Grande Fête highlights on the Telopea Instagram account ( plus a few pics below (with more fete reflections to come). Thank you to everyone who helped make La Grande Fête a great success!
The events team is just having a breather but will soon be sending a survey out to gather useful intel on the fête. As a new team this year, we are all keen to learn what worked/what could be improved and where there are opportunities for the 100-year anniversary fête next year!
The Department of Education $20,000 Parent Engagement grant ( to conduct a gap analysis and governance review of the P&C has been finalized and acquitted. The strategic and communication plans formed out of those will be finalized and available on our website soon!
Second-Hand Uniform Shop
As a reminder, the Second-Hand Uniform Shop is opened on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 9am to 9.30am near the high school and bike shed. We welcome any uniform donations, which can be dropped off at the Front Office.
Lost Property
Two weeks left to claim lost property! The end of term is fast approaching. Please come and collect your lost items by Friday 2 December.
The lost property team will be working hard to return all labelled items right up to the last day, but we will need to start donating and recycling unlabeled items from Monday 5 December.
You can find the Lost Property Area in the main primary playground, opposite the Francophonie Hall and near the bike shed.
The kindergarten’s lost property baskets will continue to be brought to the gates on Wednesday mornings and/or Friday afternoons. They are very full, so please come and have a look.
Happy finding!
P&C Meetings
Week 8 meetings now to be held at Eastlake football club in the function rooms from 6.30-8.30pm. Next meeting is Wednesday 30 November.
Dinner beforehand for anyone who's interested.
Next year the P&C is looking to hold meeting on alternative days to the traditional Wednesday. We will be seeking your feedback on how to best manage this.
Free Parenting Support
Childhood is made up of many moments – big and little; difficult and magical. Make every parenting moment count, grow closer to your child, to help them do well, now and for the future, with free, online support. Improve child emotional wellbeing, solve problems early on, reduce stress with the fully-researched, Australian Triple P Program (
Stay Connected!
The P&C Newsletter keeps everyone informed of P&C meetings, events and school & community activities. P&C has its own e-Newsletter and website Please note, we need your permission to send you emails via our emailing list. Please subscribe today to stay informed. Sign up at to receive our updates!
The P&C Facebook Page is now available to publish P&C news, events, activities -
Parents Facebook Groups per year - These groups have been set up by parents for parents to share valuable information with parents whose kids attend the same year classes. This can be very useful with lost notes and forms in the primary kids’ pochettes, events, homework, birthday invite, etc.…
A list of known Facebook groups can be found on the P&C website in the ‘Who We Are’ section:
La Grande Fête
Merci à toutes les personnes qui sont venues participer à La Grande Fête le 5 novembre ! 🎉
L’événement a certainement remporté un franc succès, avec 9 400 dollars de fonds mobilisés après déduction des dépenses. Cela inclut une carte d’alimentation triphasée flambant neuve qui contribuera largement à faciliter l’organisation de nos futures fêtes !
L’équipe des événements tient à remercier chaleureusement toutes les personnes qui ont contribué à sa mise en œuvre, en donnant de leur temps ou à travers leurs dons.
Nous vous encourageons à nous faire de vos retours et expériences et à nous envoyer des photos, à l’adresse N’oubliez pas non plus d’aller voir la présentation des faits marquants de l’événement sur le compte Instagram de notre école Telopea (, en plus des quelques photos ci-dessous (d’autres réflexions au sujet de la Fête vous seront communiquées ultérieurement). Encore un grand merci à tous ceux qui ont aidé à faire de notre Grande Fête un véritable succès !
L’équipe des événements reprend son souffle, mais elle diffusera prochainement une enquête pour recueillir des informations utiles sur la Fête. Comme l’équipe de cette année était nouvelle, nous souhaiterions connaître
vos avis sur ce qui a fonctionné ou ce qui pourrait être amélioré, ainsi que vos idées pour la préparation du centenaire de notre école l’an prochain !
La subvention de 20 000 $ du Département de l’Éducation en soutien à l’engagement des parents ( pour la conduite d’une analyse des lacunes et d’un examen de la gouvernance du Comité des Parents et Citoyens de l’école (P&C) a été finalisée et versée. Les plans stratégique et de communication préparés dans ce cadre seront prochainement finalisés et accessibles sur notre site Web !
Boutique des uniformes d’occasion
Pour rappel, la boutique des uniformes d’occasion est ouverte le mardi et le vendredi, de 9 h à 9 h 30, à proximité de l’école secondaire et de l’abri à vélos. Tous les dons d’uniformes sont les bienvenus, et vous pouvez les déposer à la réception.
Objets trouvés
La fin du trimestre approche à grands pas, et il ne reste plus que deux semaines pour récupérer vos objets perdus ! Vous avez jusqu’au vendredi 2 décembre pour venir récupérer vos objets éventuellement égarés.
L’équipe des objets trouvés s’efforcera autant que possible de rendre tous les articles étiquetés jusqu’au dernier jour, mais nous devrons commencer à donner et recycler les articles non étiquetés à partir du lundi 5 décembre.
L’espace des objets trouvés se situe dans la cour de récréation principale du primaire, en face du Hall de la Francophonie et derrière l’abri à vélos.
Les paniers d’objets trouvés de la maternelle continueront d’être placés au niveau des portails le mercredi matin et/ou le vendredi après-midi. Ils sont pleins à ras bord, alors n’hésitez pas à venir y jeter un œil.
Bonne chasse !
Réunions du Comité des Parents et Citoyens
Les réunions de la 8e semaine de chaque trimestre se tiendront désormais dans les salles de réception du Club de football d’Eastlake (, de 18 h 30 à 20 h 30.
La prochaine aura lieu mercredi 30 novembre. Toutes les personnes intéressées peuvent dîner sur place avant la réunion.
L’an prochain, le P&C envisage de tenir ses réunions d’autres jours que le mercredi. Nous vous demanderons votre avis sur la meilleure approche à suivre dans ce cadre.
Les enfants vivent une multitude d’expériences – grandes et petites, difficiles et magiques.
Bénéficiez d’un soutien en ligne gratuit pour vous aider à faire en sorte que chaque instant passé avec votre enfant compte, vous rapprocher de lui et le soutenir dans son épanouissement, dès maintenant et pour son avenir.
Améliorez le bien-être émotionnel de votre enfant, anticipez les problèmes éventuels et réduisez le stress, grâce à un service fondé sur des études approfondies – l’Australian Triple P Program (
Restez branchés !
Le bulletin d’informations de l’Association des Parents et Citoyens permet à tous de rester informés des réunions du Comité P&C, ainsi que des événements et des activités de l’école et de sa communauté. L’Association des Parents et Citoyens a son propre bulletin d’informations et son site Internet Veuillez noter que nous avons besoin de votre permission pour vous envoyer des emails à travers notre liste de distribution. Inscrivez-vous sur le site pour vous tenir au courant !
La page Facebook de l’Association des Parents et Citoyens publie les nouvelles, les événements et les activités du P&C –
Les pages Facebook de parents, par année – Ces groupes ont été créés par des parents en vue de pouvoir partager des informations entre parents qui ont des enfants dans la même année. Ces forums peuvent être très utiles pour diffuser des notes d’informations, en cas de perte de formulaires par des enfants du primaire, ou encore pour partager des informations concernant des événements, des devoirs, des anniversaires, etc.
Une liste des groupes Facebook se trouve sur le site Web de l’Association des Parents et Citoyens, dans la section « Who We Are » :
Flight Centre Manuka – Purchase your travel through Flight Centre Manuka and nominate Telopea. School will receive 1% of the total purchases. This is used towards funding the fete raffle travel prize to France that everyone wants to win! You must mention Telopea at time of booking and is not available on price beats.
Achetez votre prochain voyage avec Flight Centre Manuka et désignez Telopea. L’école recevra 1 % de la valeur de l’achat. Ceci servira pour financer le grand prix du voyage en France de la tombola. Il faut désigner Telopea au moment de la réservation. Cette combinaison n’est pas disponible avec « price beats ».
Rebel Sport – Nominate Telopea at the checkout or on your Rebel loyalty card. The school will earn credits to obtain sporting goods from your purchases.
Désignez Telopea à la caisse ou sur votre carte de fidélité Rebel et l’école recevra des crédits envers des équipements de sport.
Athletes Foot – Canberra Centre – Nominate Telopea as your school when purchasing shoes or add Telopea to your loyalty program. School will receive $5 for each pair of shoes purchased.
Désignez Telopea à la caisse ou sur votre carte de fidélité et l’école recevra 5 $ pour chaque paire de chaussures que vous achetez
2nd Hand Uniform Shop – Donate your old uniforms and shop at the 2nd hand uniform shop. All sales from the shop go directly to the P&C Committee. Items available include hats, jackets, summer dresses, skirts, shirts, blouses and polos of various sizes. Only $5 per piece of clothing.
Opening Hours:
Tuesday: 9am - 9.30am
Friday: 9am - 9.30am
Location: outside the Primary School Office
Faites don de vos vieux uniformes et achetez des uniformes d’occasion au magasin d’occasion. Toutes les ventes du magasin vont directement au Comité des Parents et Citoyens. On y trouve des chapeaux, pulls, robes d’été, jupes, et polos de tailles diverses. 5 $ par article.
Heures d’ouverture :
Mardi : 9 h – 9 h 30
Vendredi : 9 h – 9 h 30
Lieu : dehors, devant le bureau du primaire
The Canberra Academy of Languages will run an inaugural Korean summer school in January 2023 for students who wish to prepare for senior secondary Korean language studies. Students will learn to read and write Korean script, practise Korean pronunciation, and learn Korean sentence structures.
The summer school will be open to any interested students, whether they intend to study Korean in their day school or with CAL. It will take place in the 2nd to 4th weeks of January, with 3 hours online plus 2 hours of homework each week for a total of 15 programmed hours. As an online program, participating students will not be required to be in Canberra at the time. The cost will be $250 per student.
Details of the Japanese and Korean summer schools have been advertised on CAL website and CAL’s Facebook page and will also be published in the Schools Bulletin.
Frank Keighley | Convener
Canberra Academy of Languages
A: GPO Box 1627
T: +61 – 2 – 6152 9140
Canberra Croatia FC Juniors Open Day is for all ages and abilities to come have a kick around and meet the coaches for the 2023 football season. Come and be part of a family oriented inner south football club steeped in history where majority of coaches have played for the Club if not still playing.
For ages 6-8 Girls/Boys there will be some mini games and drills to introduce the kids to the game we all love and meet the returning players before the season.
For ages 9-12 Girls/Boys of all abilities all are welcome to register for the CCFC Development squad or come and enjoy a kick around and a bite to eat.
Help with the cost of schooling and everyday essentials
All ACT public schools can help families meet the costs of schooling or everyday essentials – such as personal hygiene products including sanitary hygiene items, school uniform items, book packs and stationery, school excursions, camps, transport and enrichment activities.
Part of public education’s important objective is making access to education more equitable for all students, regardless of personal circumstances. If you are experiencing a situation that affects your ability to meet the costs of schooling or everyday essentials for your child, we encourage you to talk to us. Families who are looking for help with the costs of schooling can:
- talk to the school principal or other staff member about their situation
- have a relative, caseworker, friend or advocate make contact on your behalf
- contact the Education Directorate
Leadership Team / School Contact Details 2022
Position | Name | |
Principal | Jason Holmes | |
Proviseure | Florence Llopis | |
Deputy Principal (SLB) K-10 | Kylie Louis | |
Deputy Principal (SLB) 7-10 | Stacey Griffiths | |
Deputy Principal (SLB) K-6 | Anna McGown | |
Directeur | Patrice Piche | |
Business Manager | Mary Ryan | |
Executive (SLC) K-Year 2 | Robyn McEwin | |
Executive (SLC) Year 3-4 | Keren Briggs | |
Executive (SLC) Year 5-6 | Andrew Livermore | |
Executive Student Services (7-10) | Melanie Consola | |
Executive Student Engagement (7-10) | Des Proctor | |
Executive Student Learning (7-10) | Sheree Avard | |
Executive (SLC) Year 7-10 PE | Megan Taylor | |
Executive (SLC) Year 7-10 Arts, Technology, IT | Ben Yuen | |
Executive (SLC) Year 7-10 HaSS | Natalie Bray | |
Executive (SLC) Year 7-10 Maths | Ainon Pillai | |
Executive (SLC) Year 7-10 English | Uraj Singh | |
Executive (SLC) Year 7-10 Science | Ona Siakimotu | |
Executive (SLC) Year 7-10 Languages | Natalie Stewart | |
Executive (SLC) French Coordinator | Aurelie Le Nevez | |
Year 7 Coordinator | Michael Thomas | |
Year 8 Coordinator | Annmarie Power | |
Year 9 Coordinator | Cade Williams | |
Year 10 Coordinator | Sheree Avard |
For contacting other staff members, please contact below:
Ph: (02) 6142 3388
Other important emails
Primary administration (absences) | |
Secondary administration (absences) | |
Parent -Teacher Interviews | |
Feedback |
Principal | Jason Holmes |
Proviseure | Florence Llopis |
Deputy Principal K-10 | Kylie Louis |
Deputy Principal K-6 | Anna McGown |
Deputy Principal 7-10 | Stacey Griffiths |
Directeur | Patrice Piche |
Business Manager | Mary Ryan |
School Board Members 2022
Board Chair | Noel Derwort | |
Principal | Jason Holmes | |
Appointed Member | Rosaline Rimes-Reich | |
Staff Member | Sarah Moncuquet | Mhairi Henderson |
P&C Member | Matthew Roper Lee Hayward | Noel Derwort |
Student member | Maribel Mansour | Anaahita Chauhan |
Australian Government | Alexandra Mattinson | |
French Government | Florence Llopis | Boris Toucas |
Board Secretary | Mary Ryan |