Telopea Topic s No 2
What an honour and a privilege to be appointed as the Deputy Principal Secondary at Telopea Park School. As a member of the Senior Leadership Team, I am excited to be working in such an exceptional school with a strong and proud history. As an experienced Deputy Principal, I am looking forward to immersing myself in the culture and life of Telopea, including working closely with our French colleagues in a bilingual environment, leading the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IB MYP), and ensuring our students all achieve their personal best. It has been great to get to know the staff and students over the past 4 weeks. I look forward to meeting many more parents and families as the term continues.
Term 1 - What has been happening so far?
We have had a smooth start to the year and the students have settled into their school routines quickly and with a positive attitude. Year 7 received their Chromebooks in Week 1 and are already taking advantage of this technology to engage in their learning. School photos were held across K-10 very early on in weeks 1 and 2 of this term. In week 3 parents and families had the opportunity to meet their Contact Group (CG) teachers in a Meet and Greet event on 15 February. It was a great to see so many parents come along and get to the know the staff and the school.
Our enrichment program is well underway and these sessions take place in our timetable on Thursdays. Students have a fantastic range of experiences to engage in including sports, creative arts, history, technology, music, English and History and STEM activities. Our PE/Sports Faculty are busy conducting swim testing in preparation for our Year 7-10 school swimming carnival coming up on 28th February at Dickson Pool.
Middle Years Program (MYP)
Year 10 Round Tables - In Term 4, 2022, all Year 9 students were involved in planning and researching their MYP Personal Project. As a transition event, all Year 10 students will have an individual interview with a teacher who is not their supervisor, to give students an opportunity to showcase their project planning and research, their ideas and progress.
It is a wonderful opportunity for students to gain interview experience; a chance for them to reflect on how they learn best (Approaches to Learning) and to showcase their new knowledge in their chosen field. Round Tables will be part of the MYP Personal Project formative assessment and will include valuable feedback and ideas to assist students for the remainder of their MYP Personal Project. Interviews will take place during school hours in the secondary library on Wednesday 22nd February 2023. Any students who are not interviewed on Wednesday will have an interview on Thursday. They will be called out of classes to attend their interviews.
Parent Information Session – we will be conducting a parent information session about our Middle Years Program later in the term. This is a great opportunity for our new families wanting to learn more about the program, or existing families who want to revisit this information. This session will explore the different aspects of the IB MYP and how they will benefit your child. We will share more information with you as the term progresses.
Student Support Services
I'd like to take this opportunity to remind you of our Student Support Services at Telopea Park School. We have a range of supports available for our students with a disability, mental health concerns or other additional needs. Alongside the Classroom and Executive Teachers, we have our Year Coordinators, Student Support Officer, Ted Noffs Counsellor, School Psychologist, and Admin Staff. In the near future we will also have a School Youth Health Nurse.
If your student has a disability, mental health concern or has additional needs that have not yet been notified to the school or require updated support, we ask that you please let us know as soon as you are able. A letter was sent to all parents on 30 January 2023 with a link to a form where you can provide this information. Please let us know if you did not receive this email. This form can also be used to notify Student Services of events in your child’s lives that may be affecting their wellbeing. Students that have received support in the past or are currently receiving support do not need to complete this form but are most welcome to complete this if updates are required.
The link will allow you to tell us what support your child needs (in line with our levels of student support) and will enable us to set up meetings with you and your child to update (or establish new) plans. Students can also submit an online request themselves through their Student Services portal or in person at Student Services.
I would like to inform you of some changes in our Student Services team. Stacey Griffiths will be returning to Student Services as our Executive Teacher of Student Welfare and Sheree Avard will be acting as Executive Teacher of Student Learning for Semester 1. We welcome two new Year Coordinators, Sophie Millington as Year 7 Coordinator and Kathryn Ibbotson as Year 10 Coordinator. We wish them all the best in their new roles.
Immunisations for Year 7 will occur later than usual this year. In past years, immunisations have been held in Term 1. This year, Year 7 immunisations will occur on 1st and 2nd May (Monday and Tuesday), Week 2 of Term 2.
Immunisations for Year 10 will take place in Term 4 on the 7th November 2023 (Tuesday), Week 5 of Term 4.
C'est un honneur et un privilège d'avoir été nommée principale-adjointe au lycée franco-australien de Canberra/Telopea Park School. En tant que membre de l'équipe de direction, je suis très enthousiaste à l'idée de travailler dans une école aussi exceptionnelle, et qui a une histoire et une identité fortes et fières. En tant que principale-adjointe avec une certaine expérience professionnelle, je suis ravie de pouvoir bénéficier d’une immersion dans la culture et la vie de l’école, notamment en travaillant en étroite collaboration avec nos collègues français dans un environnement bilingue, en dirigeant le programme de premier cycle secondaire du Baccalauréat International (PPCS) et en veillant à ce que tous nos élèves donnent le meilleur d'eux-mêmes. J'ai été ravie de faire connaissance avec le personnel enseignant et les élèves au cours de ces quatre dernières semaines. J'ai hâte de rencontrer de nombreuses autres familles au cours de ce trimestre.
Que s’est-il passé au premier trimestre?
Le début de l'année s'est déroulé parfaitement et les élèves se sont rapidement installés dans leur routine en adoptant une attitude positive face au travail. Les élèves de 5e ont reçu leurs Chromebooks la semaine de la rentrée et profitent déjà de cette technologie pour s'investir dans leur apprentissage. Les prises de photos scolaires ont été organisées pour tous nos élèves du primaire et du secondaire très tôt, en semaines 1 et 2 de ce trimestre. Au cours de la troisième semaine, les familles ont eu l'occasion de rencontrer les enseignants du Groupe de Contact (GC) de leur enfant le 15 février. Quel plaisir de voir autant de parents venir rencontrer le personnel enseignant et découvrir l'école.
Notre programme d'enrichissement est opérationnel et ces sessions sont incluses dans les emplois du temps du jeudi. Les élèves bénéficient de multiples activités dans lesquelles ils peuvent s'investir, notamment les sports, les arts, l'histoire, la technologie, la musique, l'anglais et l'histoire, ainsi que les activités STEM. Nos enseignants d’EPS effectuent des tests de natation auprès de nos élèves en vue des prochaines olympiades de natation des élèves de 5e à Seconde qui auront lieu le 28 février à la piscine de Dickson.
Programme de premier cycle secondaire (PPCS) du Baccalauréat International
Tables rondes des élèves de Seconde - Au cours du dernier trimestre 2022, tous les élèves de 3e ont commencé à travailler sur leur projet personnel du PPCS. Tous les élèves de Seconde auront un entretien individuel avec un enseignant qui ne supervise pas leur projet, afin de leur donner l'occasion de présenter les étapes et les recherches entreprises, leurs idées et l’état d'avancement du projet .
Il s'agit d'une excellente occasion pour les élèves de faire l’expérience d'un entretien, de réfléchir à la manière dont ils apprennent le mieux (méthodes d’apprentissage) et de présenter leurs nouvelles connaissances dans le domaine qu'ils ont choisi. Les tables rondes feront partie de l'évaluation formative du projet personnel du PPCS et donneront lieu à des commentaires et des suggestions très utiles pour aider les élèves à terminer leur projet personnel. Les entretiens auront lieu pendant les heures de cours dans la bibliothèque du secondaire le mercredi 22 février 2023. Les élèves qui n'auront pas d'entretien le mercredi auront un entretien le jeudi pendant leurs heures de cours.
Réunion d'information pour les parents - nous organiserons plus tard dans le trimestre une réunion d'information pour les parents sur notre programme de premier cycle secondaire du Baccalauréat International (PPCS). Il s'agit d'une excellente occasion pour nos nouvelles familles d’en savoir plus sur le programme, ou pour les familles de recevoir de nouveau ces informations . Cette séance permettra d'explorer les différents aspects du PPCS et la manière dont ils seront bénéfiques à votre enfant. Nous vous ferons part de plus amples informations au cours du trimestre.
Aides disponibles aux élèves
J'aimerais profiter de cette occasion pour vous rappeler les services d’aide disponibles aux élèves du lycée franco-australien de Canberra/Telopea Park School . Nous disposons de multiples moyens pour aider nos élèves en situation de handicap, ceux qui présentent des problèmes de santé mentale ou ceux qui ont des besoins spéciaux. En plus des enseignants et des executive teachers, nous mettons à leur disposition nos coordinateurs de niveau, le responsable du programme d’aide aux élèves, le programme de la fondation Ted Noffs, le psychologue de l'école et le personnel administratif.
Si votre enfant est en situation de handicap, présente un problème de santé mentale ou a des besoins spéciaux qui n'ont pas encore été communiqués à l'école ou qui nécessitent une aide qui doit être actualisée ou modifiée, nous vous demandons de nous en informer dès que possible. Nous avons envoyé un courrier à tous les parents le 30 janvier 2023 avec un lien vers un formulaire où vous pouvez nous communiquer ces informations. Veuillez nous faire savoir si vous n'avez pas reçu ce courrier. Ce formulaire peut également être utilisé pour informer la Vie Scolaire des événements qui pourraient affecter le bien-être de votre enfant. Les élèves qui ont bénéficié d'une aide dans le passé ou qui en bénéficient actuellement n'ont pas besoin de remplir ce formulaire mais sont invités à le faire si des modifications sont nécessaires.
Ce lien vous permettra de nous indiquer le type d’aide dont votre enfant a besoin (conformément à nos différentes aides disponibles) et nous pourrons ainsi convenir de réunions avec vous et votre enfant pour mettre à jour son plan actuel (ou en établir un nouveau). Les élèves peuvent également soumettre eux-mêmes une demande en ligne via leur portail de Vie Scolaire ou faire une demande en personne.
J'aimerais vous informer de quelques changements au sein de l'équipe de la Vie Scolaire. Stacey Griffiths revient dans l’équipe de Vie Scolaire en tant qu’executive teacher en charge du bien-être des élèves et Sheree Avard est l’executive teacher en charge de l'apprentissage des élèves pour le premier semestre. Nous souhaitons la bienvenue à nos deux nouvelles coordinatrices de niveau, Sophie Millington en tant que coordinatrice du niveau 5e et Kathryn Ibbotson en tant que coordinatrice du niveau Seconde. Nous leur souhaitons beaucoup de succès dans leur nouvelle fonction.
Vaccinations des élèves de 5e et de Seconde
Les vaccinations pour les élèves de 5e auront lieu plus tard que d'habitude. Contrairement aux années précédentes, les vaccinations des élèves de 5e n’auront pas lieu au cours du premier trimestre, mais au deuxième trimestre (Semaine 2), les lundis 1er et mardi 2 mai.
Les vaccinations pour les élèves de Seconde auront lieu le mardi 7 novembre 2023, en semaine 5 du dernier trimestre.
Quick note from the Principal
I apologise that this information hasn’t been translated to French. On Friday 16 February, Telopea Park School was fortunate to host both the Federal Minister for Education, Jason Clare, and the ACT Minister for Education, Yvette Berry. While only a short visit, it was a terrific opportunity to showcase our great school in our 100th year of operation. Minister Clare and Minister Berry spent time connecting with some of our upper primary students and Mme Llopis and I welcomed the opportunity to share information about the school and our unique binational learning environment.
There have been recent changes introduced to the operation of the canteen in relation to how upper primary students receive their lunch orders. Previously, all classes used a ‘lunch basket’ system, where orders were delivered to individual classes via the lunch baskets. With the growth of sales, it became untenable to continue this system across the whole primary school. The lunch basket system continues to operate for years K – 4, however, years 5 and 6 students are now required to line up in the canteen area to collect their lunch orders via an ‘express’ lane. We’ve had a few teething issues with the new system but have worked through them with the canteen manager to ensure timely service for students.
Student Services Team
It has been a busy start to 2023 in the student service team and we have seen a number of shuffles and changes in our staffing roster. The list of staff that are available to support students in every aspect of their school life at Telopea Park School are listed below. This also includes the amazing classroom teachers and the admin team across the school!
Secondary Student Welfare | Stacey Griffiths | 61423379 | SLC of Student Services team - NCCD Coordinator - Disability Education Coordination Officer (DECO) - Student mental health supports |
Student Engagement 7-10 | Des Proctor | 61423361 | - Transitions - 7-10 Social and Emotional Program - Camps and student events - SRC Coordinator |
Student Learning 7-10 | Sheree Avard | 61423349 | - Library SLC (7-10) (including ICT support) - Student ILPs, Adjustment Agreements, learning support adjustments |
Year 7 Coordinator | Sophie Millington | 6142 3388 | - Support of students in their year group - Liaise with parents and teachers - Share information with teachers - Collate information about students - Manages some negative student interactions (e.g. friendship breakdowns) - Organises equity supports (e.g. uniforms, food supports) - Refers to SLC / School Psychologist / Support Officer |
Year 8 Coordinator | Michael Thomas | ||
Year 9 Coordinator | Annemarie Power | ||
Year 10 Coordinator | Kathryn Ibbotson | ||
Barbara Hill | Waratah (Small Group Program) Coordinator | 61423379 | - Coordinates and supports students in the Waratah program |
Justine Rainey | School Psychologist | 61423379 | - Support for students during crisis - Connection between external support providers and the school - Advice on adjustments in classrooms - Referrals to external agencies - Small group programs as needed |
Student Support Officer | Stacey Jackson | 61423379 | - Engagement clubs - One on one check ins with students - Referrals to support agencies |
Hayley Mossop | Student Services Administration | 61423385 | - administration of Student Services - Coordination of Adjustment Agreements |
Mariam Ingle | Attendance Officer | 61423388 | - Roll checking - Contact when a student is sick or needs a leave pass - Truancy communications |
Tanya Murphy | Enrolments Officer | 61423393 | - Processes enrolment applications |
Tianya (Ti) Wang | - Drug and alcohol counselling - Provided by Ted Noffs and the Street University |
Online behaviours
Over the last few weeks have seen an increase in students engaging in online behaviours which are not in line with our school values and expectations.
In particular, we wanted to let our parents and carers know that we have been informed of a number of groups on Snapchat which have been started by our Year 7 cohort, with members from Year 7 and Year 8. The content being shared and discussed in these groups is not a reflection of the way in which we would expect our students to behave, and I believe is not how our families and the wider community would expect our young people to be speaking to, and about each other. Online bullying is a major issue for young people today, and the ramifications for the victims, and their families and friends, can be significant and long lasting.
We encourage you to check your child’s phone and social media and to have conversations with them about what they are posting and sharing online.
Please be aware that you can have multiple accounts that are easy to “swap between” and so you may need to check the profiles on your child’s social media accounts.
I would also like to remind students that our school processes around mobile phones is that they must be out of sight in their bags when they are in the building or in classes, unless they have been specifically asked by their teacher to use them for educational purposes (e.g. to take a photo of notes on the board). Any phones seen by staff that have not been asked to be out in class, will be sent to A3 for the day. They can be collected at the end of the day. If the same student is sent to A3 multiple times, we will contact home and may ask that the phone does not come to school at all for a period of time.
Reporting issues
Students can report issues, raise ideas or ask for support using the online A3 website ( This opens automatically for them when they open a Chrome browser on their Chromebook.
Alternatively, they can come to A3 to put in a report and to see our team during recess and lunch everyday. They can even heat up their lunch in the microwaves when they are there.
We follow up on every report, and our message to our students is to report early so that issues do not get bigger before we know about them and are able to help.
Supports at TLPS
We offer a range of supports as outlined below for our students. If your child has a disability or requires additional supports in their classroom, please reach out to Sheree Avard.
Gifted and Talented Athlete Program
If your child is competing at an elite level in a sporting field, they are able to apply for supports through our Gifted and Talented Athlete Program.
Information about this program, and the application form can be found at (word version) or (pdf version)
This will be on our website soon as well.
We were honored to welcome Mr. Alain Camus, from the AEFE, at Telopea Park School/Lycée franco-australien de Canberra. Mr. Camus is the Pedagogical Advisor to the Inspector of National Education (CPAIEN) for the Asia-South Pacific Zone and is based in Singapore.
Mr. Camus visited four teachers in their classrooms and attended learning sessions. He also led two professional development sessions for primary school teachers: a first session on Wednesday for the French Australian Preschool teachers and Telopea Park School Kindergarten teachers; and a second session on Thursday for all Y1-6 EFS teachers. Presentations were made on behavior management in Kindergarten, on Wednesday, and welcoming and supporting newly French-speaking students, on Thursday.
Finally, Mr. Camus attended the first school assembly of the year on Thursday morning, an opportunity to celebrate our Year 1 teacher, Aurore Séverac, for her involvement in developing sustainable practices in our school and her 2022 Sustainability Primary School Leader Award. The 2023 School Captains and Vice-Captains were also presented during the assembly.
Mr. Camus was delighted to discover our school and meet with the teaching staff. The working sessions with the French Primary Director, Patrice Piche, and the discussions with Florence Llopis, our Proviseure, Anna McGown, our Primary Deputy Principal, as well as with all the teachers were very fruitful.
Kind regards,
Patrice Piche
Telopea Park School is off to a flying start with students having settled into their new classes and routines. Our Meet and Greet with parents was super this past week and it was a pleasure for teachers to meet the parents of their new charges. Please continue to contact teachers in the first instance when you have questions.
In our really hot weather we encourage all students to have labelled water bottles and hats. Break times are outside and it can be quite warm! Many students play soccer and enjoy a run around. Lots of water is needed!
Year 4 work
In year 4 we have been building class community by getting to know each other and by deciding how we want our learning environment to look, and feel. Students have created their own rules for the classes and came up with some excellent ideas. This time spent on relationships and environment will continue throughout the year to help us all to achieve success in our work.
NAPLAN is a national literacy and numeracy assessment that students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 sit each year. It is the only national assessment all Australian students have the opportunity to undertake. As students progress through their school years, it’s important to check how well they are learning the essential skills of reading, writing and numeracy. NAPLAN assesses the literacy and numeracy skills that students are learning through the school curriculum and allows parents/carers to see how their child is progressing against national standards and over time. NAPLAN is just one aspect of a school’s assessment and reporting process. It doesn’t replace ongoing assessments made by teachers about student performance, but it can provide teachers with additional information about students’ educational progress. NAPLAN also provides schools, education authorities and governments with information about how education programs are working and whether young Australians are achieving important educational outcomes in literacy and numeracy.
This year NAPLAN will run a little earlier than in previous years. The NAPLAN test window is 9 days. This is to accommodate schools that may have fewer devices.
The NAPLAN test window starts on Wednesday 15 March and finishes on Monday 27 March 2023. Schools are advised to schedule the tests as soon as possible within the testing window, prioritising the first week. For any further information, please contact Hebe or Jodie.
Our first whole school assembly was held last week and was hosted by year 5. They did a fabulous job! We heard a song that Sam helped write, a speech about the benefits of recycling and honoured Aurore as she accepted her Sustainability award. Thank you to parents who attended.
Antarctica- Year 3
On a hot day of week 3, our year 3 students were invited to virtually board a ship on the freezing waters of Antarctica.
3.1 and 3.2 classes had the opportunity to join an online meeting with Joline Lalime, the education specialist on board of the CSIRO research vessel RV Investigator. Students were given a virtual tour of the boat where they could interview different crew members. They explored different topics such as Antarctic wildlife and oceanography.
Here is what some of the 3.2 students wrote about this refreshing experience :
“ I learnt that you can’t scuba dive in the Antarctica because you need a special suit. The scientists were there to explore the ocean water at different depths.” Patrick
“ Orcas eat seals, penguins and fish. There are little things in the ocean that are smaller than a millimetre.” Mark
“ Today we learnt about about the ship that my friend’s mum works on. Joline talked about the clothing they have to wear and also what they study. We even met one of their scientists!” Nikita
“The scientist talked about the experiments on the boat and all the different water levels. They were researching stuff under water.” Calan
“ I learnt that they take turns at sleeping on the boat. Also, I didn’t know there was a microscopic sea life!” Leo
Some informative reading about bullying is below. Please have look at the definition of bullying and the links.
Definition of bullying:
Types of bullying:
Signs of bullying:
How to stop bullying:
Le Lycée franco-australien de Canberra / Telopea Park School a eu l'honneur de recevoir en ses locaux Monsieur Alain Camus, de l'AEFE. Monsieur Camus est le Conseiller Pédagogique auprès de l'Inspecteur de l'Education Nationale (CPAIEN) de la Zone Asie-Pacifique sud ; il est basé à Singapour.
Monsieur Camus a eu l'occasion de rendre visite à quatre enseignants, dans leur classe, et a pu assister à des séances d'apprentissage. Il a aussi animé deux moments de formation professionnelle pour les enseignants du Primaire : le mercredi à destination des enseignants de la French Australian Preschool et des enseignants de Grande Section de Maternelle de Telopea Park School ; le jeudi à destination de l'ensemble des enseignants du courant français, du CP à la 6e. Les thèmes des interventions ont porté sur la gestion des comportements à l'école maternelle, le mercredi, puis l'accueil et le suivi des élèves néo-francophones, le jeudi.
Enfin, Monsieur Camus a assisté à la première assemblée de l'année qui s'est déroulée jeudi matin et dont les moments-clefs ont été l'hommage à Aurore Séverac, enseignante de CP, pour son implication dans les pratiques de développement durable de notre école et le prix qu'elle a reçu en décembre 2022 (Sustainability Primary School Leader Award) ainsi que la présentation des School Captains and Vice-Captains.
Il a été très intéressant pour Monsieur Camus et les équipes pédagogiques de découvrir notre école. Les séances de travail avec le Directeur français du Primaire, Patrice Piche, et les discussions avec Madame la Proviseure, Florence Llopis, la Deputy Principal for Primary, Anna McGown, ainsi qu'avec l'ensemble des enseignants rencontrés ont été constructives.
Alain Camus, Florence Llopis, Patrice Piche
Le Lycée franco-australien/Telopea Park School démarre sur les chapeaux de roue et les élèves se sont bien installés dans leur nouvelle classe et leur routine. Notre rencontre avec les parents était super la semaine dernière. Quel plaisir pour les enseignants de rencontrer les parents de leurs nouveaux élèves. N’hésitez pas à contacter d’abord les enseignants si vous avez des questions.
Par temps très chaud, nous encourageons tous les élèves à avoir des gourdes et des chapeaux portant clairement leur nom. Les récréations se déroulent à l'extérieur et il peut faire assez chaud ! De nombreux élèves jouent au football et aiment courir. Ils ont besoin de boire beaucoup d'eau !
Travail des élèves de CM1
En CM1, nous avons construit une communauté en apprenant à nous connaître et en décidant quelle forme notre environnement de classe doit prendre. Les élèves ont créé leurs propres règles pour les classes et ont proposé d'excellentes idées. Ce temps consacré aux relations et à l'environnement de classe se poursuivra tout au long de l'année pour nous aider tous à réussir dans notre travail.
Epreuves NAPLAN
NAPLAN est une évaluation nationale des compétences en lecture, écriture et en calcul que les élèves des classes de CE2, CM2, 5e et 3e passent chaque année. C'est la seule évaluation nationale que tous les élèves australiens ont la possibilité de passer. Au fur et à mesure que les élèves progressent dans leur scolarité, il est important de vérifier leur niveau d'apprentissage des compétences essentielles que sont la lecture, l'écriture et le calcul. NAPLAN évalue les compétences en lecture, en écriture et en calcul que les élèves acquièrent dans le cadre des programmes dispensés à l’école et permet aux familles de voir comment leur enfant progresse par rapport aux normes nationales et d’une année sur l’autre. Les épreuves NAPLAN ne sont qu'un aspect du processus d'évaluation d'une école. Elles ne remplacent pas les évaluations continues effectuées par les enseignants, mais elles peuvent fournir aux enseignants des informations supplémentaires sur les progrès des élèves. Les tests NAPLAN fournissent également aux écoles, aux autorités éducatives et aux gouvernements des informations sur le fonctionnement des programmes scolaires et sur les résultats des jeunes Australiens en matière de lecture, d'écriture et de calcul.
Cette année, les épreuves NAPLAN se déroulent un peu plus tôt que les années précédentes. Nous disposons de neuf jours pour organiser les épreuves, ceci afin d'accommoder les écoles qui ont moins d'ordinateurs ou tablettes.
Les épreuves NAPLAN se dérouleront entre le mercredi 15 mars et le lundi 27 mars 2023. Il est conseillé aux écoles de prévoir les épreuves au plus tôt, si possible la première semaine. Pour toute information complémentaire, veuillez contacter Hebe ou Jodie.
Assemblée de toute l’école
Antarctica- Year 3
On a hot day of week 3, our year 3 students were invited to virtually board a ship on the freezing waters of Antarctica.
3.1 and 3.2 classes had the opportunity to join an online meeting with Joline Lalime, the education specialist on board of the CSIRO research vessel RV Investigator. Students were given a virtual tour of the boat where they could interview different crew members. They explored different topics such as Antarctic wildlife and oceanography.
Here is what some of the 3.2 students wrote about this refreshing experience :
“ I learnt that you can’t scuba dive in the Antarctica because you need a special suit. The scientists were there to explore the ocean water at different depths.” Patrick
“ Orcas eat seals, penguins and fish. There are little things in the ocean that are smaller than a millimetre.” Mark
“ Today we learnt about about the ship that my friend’s mum works on. Joline talked about the clothing they have to wear and also what they study. We even met one of their scientists!” Nikita
“The scientist talked about the experiments on the boat and all the different water levels. They were researching stuff under water.” Calan
“ I learnt that they take turns at sleeping on the boat. Also, I didn’t know there was a microscopic sea life!” Leo
Some informative reading about bullying is below. Please have look at the definition of bullying and thelinks.
Definition of bullying:
Types of bullying:
Signs of bullying:
How to stop bullying:
Help with the cost of schooling and everyday needs
The Future of Education Equity Fund provides financial support to eligible families, helping students access everyday essentials that assist with their education and wellbeing needs. It supports families with students who are enrolled in years P-12 in ACT schools (including non-government schools) or another approved form of education who meet the eligibility criteria.
Future of Education Equity Fund years P–12
The Future of Education Equity Fund provides a one-off, annual payment to low-income families living in the ACT to help cover the costs of education expenses such as school uniforms, school excursions, sport equipment and activities and music lessons.
The following payments are available to those who meet the eligibility criteria:
- $400 for preschool students
- $500 for primary school students
- $750 for high-school and college students.
Eligibility: who can apply?
Families are eligible to apply for the fund if they, and their dependent students, meet the eligibility criteria. Independent students may also apply.
Applicants must:
- live in the ACT
- have sole or shared parental responsibility for a dependent student(s) in grades P-12, or be an independent student
- be financially responsible for the student(s)
- demonstrate low-income status through:
- a current means-tested Health Care Card or Centrelink card, which must list the student(s) as dependents (some payment codes only)
or - other forms of evidence proving low-income status or equivalent financial stress.
You must attach copies of both sides of your Centrelink or Health Care Card if this is the evidence of low-income status that you are submitting with your application. We cannot start assessing your application without this.
Students must be:
- enrolled full-time in a public or non-government school in the ACT in years P-12. For the Equity Fund, a preschool is defined as a preschool that is attached to an ACT school and led by a principal. Only eligible preschools will appear in the application form
- enrolled in an approved form of education other than a school and of an equivalent age to a student in years K–12 – for example, attending the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) or registered for home-schooling in the ACT
- living with the applicant in the ACT, or in special government care that is paid for by the applicant, or be independent.
More information about the evidence requirements for applicants, including proof of low-income status and home address, is in the Equity Fund online application form.
Applications for the Equity Fund for the 2023 school year are now open.
For assistance with your application, contact the Equity Fund Team at or on 6207 1818.
Providing students with everyday essentials
All ACT public schools are resourced to help students access everyday essentials. This is part of public education’s important objective of making access to education more equitable for all students, regardless of personal circumstances.
Schools can help students access meals, personal hygiene products including sanitary hygiene items, school uniform items, book packs and stationery, school excursions, camps, transport and enrichment activities.
If you are experiencing a situation that affects your ability to meet the costs of schooling or everyday essentials for your child, we encourage you to talk to us.
Families who are looking for help with the costs of schooling can:
- talk to the school principal or other staff member about their situation
- have a relative, caseworker, friend or advocate make contact on your behalf
- contact the Equity Fund Team at or on 6207 1818
Every parent is a member of the Telopea Park School Parents and Citizens Association. We welcome your attendance at our meetings and being involved in our subcommittees and events.
Each year has a Facebook group – tt’s a place for parents and carers to get to know everyone, share and swap information, and ask questions of the community.
We also have year coordinators, who facilitate and distribute information and communications from school and the P&C via email and the respective Facebook and/or Whatsapp groups, and represent the views of the year level cohort at P&C committee meetings.
If you’d like to be a year coordinator, you can nominate at the next the next AGM (date TBC).
Current details (of coordinators for 2022 who are listed as the 2023 coordinators for their child’s class in 2023 until the next AGM) are below- we would love to connect with you!
2023 Kindy | kindy_coordinator@ | |
2023 Year 1 – CP | Rebecca Sweett, Barbara M, Eva Bruenisholz | year1_coordinator@ Facebook ( — whatsapp group ( |
2023 Year 2 – CE1 | Lee Hayward, Alison Behie | year2_coordinator@ |
2023 Year 3 – CE 2 | Racheline Jackson | year3_coordinator@ |
2023 Year 4 – CM1 | Bernice McIntosh, Barbara M | year4_coordinator@ |
2023 Year 5 – CM2 | Marsha Gomez | year5_coordinator@ |
2023 Year 6 – 6eme | Felicity Dowden, Jenn Foulcher | year6_coordinator@ |
2023 Year 7 – 5eme | Christine Williams, Stephanie Ane | year7_coordinator@ |
2023 Year 8 – 4eme | Brenda Carlson | year8_coordinator@ |
2023 Year 9 – 3eme | Adam Poulter | year9_coordinator@ |
2023 Year 10 – 2nde | Celine Oudin, Christine Williams | year10_coordinator@ |
Another way to be involved is to be part of the Events and Fundraising Team. With 2023 being the centenary of the school and 40 years as a bi-national school, there are many opportunities (small and substantial) to help build community and raise funds for the school. We would love you to join our enthusiastic group.
Please get in touch or join our first meeting Tuesday 7 March at 7.30pm on the deck at Gryphons Caffe Bar, 16 Barker St Griffith. We will meet on the first Tuesday of each month.
For more information, please contact
Second-Hand Uniform Shop
As a reminder, the Second-Hand Uniform Shop is opened on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 9am to 9.30am near the high school and bike shed. We welcome any uniform donations, which can be dropped off at the Front Office.
Back to school costs
Rising costs are putting additional pressure on already stretched family budgets. Our National parent body - ACSSO - wants to know more. What are your back to school costs? Their survey ( takes only 4 minutes.
With NAPLAN moving from May to March from this year, ACARA (who run the tests) are interested to hear from parents and carers about how you use NAPLAN results and your thoughts on receiving results earlier in the year. Take the survey now (
Early years
The Australian Government is developing an Early Years Strategy, and needs the input parents and carers to reflect the priorities of families. Take the survey, Australian’s views on early childhood (
Allergy Support
Do you have a student with disabilities and allergies? Interested in making connections with other students and their families? Contact us ( and we will put you in touch with a support group which is forming.
Stay Connected!
The P&C Newsletter keeps everyone informed of P&C meetings, events and school & community activities. P&C has its own e-Newsletter and website Please note, we need your permission to send you emails via our emailing list. Please subscribe today to stay informed. Sign up at to receive our updates!
The P&C Facebook Page is now available to publish P&C news, events, activities -
Parents Facebook Groups per year - These groups have been set up by parents for parents to share valuable information with parents whose kids attend the same year classes. This can be very useful with lost notes and forms in the primary kids’ pochettes, events, homework, birthday invite, etc.…
A list of known Facebook groups can be found on the P&C website in the ‘Who We Are’ section:
Bonjour !
Chacun des parents de notre école est membre de l’Association des Parents et Citoyens du Lycée franco-australien de Canberra, le Telopea Park School Parents and Citizens Association (TPS P&C). Vous êtes conviés à rejoindre nos réunions et à participer aux différentes sous-commissions ainsi qu’à nos événements.
Chaque niveau de classe a un groupe Facebook assigné – c’est l’espace où les parents et tuteurs/tutrices peuvent faire connaissance, partager des informations et poser des questions à la communauté.
Nous avons aussi des « year coordinators » qui facilitent et font passer les informations et les communications de l’école et du P&C par courriel ainsi que sur des groupes Facebook et/ou Whatsapp. Ces « year coordinators » peuvent aussi représenter vos points de vue et réclamations au niveau de la promotion de leur niveau de classe respectif lors des réunions du P&C.
Si vous souhaitez devenir year coordinator, vous pouvez vous présenter lors de la prochaine réunion générale annuelle (annual general meeting – AGM – date à confirmer)
Voici les noms et coordonnées des year coordinators de l’année 2022. Ils figurent en tant que year coordinators de la promo du niveau de leur enfant jusqu’à la prochaine AGM. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter, nous serons ravis d’échanger avec vous !
2023 Kindy | kindy_coordinator@ | |
2023 Year 1 – CP | Rebecca Sweett, Barbara M, Eva Bruenisholz | year1_coordinator@ Facebook ( — whatsapp group ( |
2023 Year 2 – CE1 | Lee Hayward, Alison Behie | year2_coordinator@ |
2023 Year 3 – CE 2 | Racheline Jackson | year3_coordinator@ |
2023 Year 4 – CM1 | Bernice McIntosh, Barbara M | year4_coordinator@ |
2023 Year 5 – CM2 | Marsha Gomez | year5_coordinator@ |
2023 Year 6 – 6eme | Felicity Dowden, Jenn Foulcher | year6_coordinator@ |
2023 Year 7 – 5eme | Christine Williams, Stephanie Ane | year7_coordinator@ |
2023 Year 8 – 4eme | Brenda Carlson | year8_coordinator@ |
2023 Year 9 – 3eme | Adam Poulter | year9_coordinator@ |
2023 Year 10 – 2nde | Celine Oudin, Christine Williams | year10_coordinator@ |
Facebook :
Une autre façon de participer au P&C consiste à rejoindre l’équipe des événements et de la mobilisation de fonds (Events and Fundraising Team). En 2023, nous célébrerons le centenaire de Telopea Park School et les 40 ans de l’école bi-nationale. Il y aura plein d’occasions, petites et grandes, d’aider à construire la communauté et à lever des fonds pour l’école. Nous serions ravis de vous compter au sein de notre groupe.
N’hésitez pas à nous contacter ou rejoignez-nous lors de notre première réunion le mardi 7 mars à 19 h 30 au Gryphons Caffe Bar, 16 Barker St Griffith. Nous nous y retrouvons tous les premiers mardis du mois.
Pour tout complément d’information, veuillez envoyer un courriel (en anglais) à l’adresse
Boutique des uniformes d’occasion
Pour rappel, la boutique des uniformes d’occasion est ouverte le mardi et le vendredi, de 9 h à 9 h 30, à proximité de l’école secondaire et de l’abri à vélos. Tous les dons d’uniformes sont les bienvenus, et vous pouvez les déposer à la réception.
Frais de rentrée scolaire
La hausse des coûts exerce une pression supplémentaire sur les budgets déjà serrés des familles. Le Conseil australien des organisations des écoles publiques (ACSSO), qui représente les familles d’enfants scolarisés en école publique, souhaite en savoir plus. Quels sont vos frais de rentrée scolaire ? Vous pouvez répondre à son enquête (, qui ne demandera que 4 minutes de votre temps.
Compte tenu de l’avancée des examens du NAPLAN (Programme national d’évaluation des compétences en lecture/écriture et calculs) de mai à mars cette année, l’Autorité australienne responsable du programme scolaire, des évaluations et des rapports (ACARA – qui organise les examens) souhaite savoir comment les parents et les tuteurs/tutrices utilisent les résultats du NAPLAN et connaître leur avis à la perspective de recevoir les résultats plus tôt cette année. Veuillez répondre à l’enquête (
Petite enfance
Le gouvernement australien élabore actuellement une Stratégie sur la petite enfance et, dans ce cadre, il met à contribution les parents et les tuteurs/tutrices afin de connaître les priorités des familles. Répondez à l’enquête d’opinion sur la petite enfance (
Entraide relative aux allergies
Votre enfant est un élève qui a un handicap et des allergies ? Vous souhaitez vous mettre en rapport avec d’autres élèves et leurs familles ? Contactez le Conseil des Associations de Parents et Citoyens du Territoire de la Capitale australien (ACT Council) (en anglais,, qui vous orientera vers un nouveau groupe de soutien.
Restez branchés !
Le bulletin d’informations de l’Association des Parents et Citoyens permet à tous de rester informés des réunions du Comité P&C, ainsi que des événements et des activités de l’école et de sa communauté. L’Association des Parents et Citoyens a son propre bulletin d’informations et son site Internet Veuillez noter que nous avons besoin de votre permission pour vous envoyer des emails à travers notre liste de distribution. Inscrivez-vous sur le site pour vous tenir au courant !
La page Facebook de l’Association des Parents et Citoyens publie les nouvelles, les événements et les activités du P&C –
Les pages Facebook de parents, par année – Ces groupes ont été créés par des parents en vue de pouvoir partager des informations entre parents qui ont des enfants dans la même année. Ces forums peuvent être très utiles pour diffuser des notes d’informations, en cas de perte de formulaires par des enfants du primaire, ou encore pour partager des informations concernant des événements, des devoirs, des anniversaires, etc.
Une liste des groupes Facebook se trouve sur le site Web de l’Association des Parents et Citoyens, dans la section « Who We Are » :
For contacting other staff members, please contact below:
Ph: (02) 6142 3388
Other important emails
Primary administration (absences) | |
Secondary administration (absences) | |
Parent -Teacher Interviews | |
Feedback |
Principal | Jason Holmes |
Proviseure | Florence Llopis |
Deputy Principal K-10 | Kylie Louis |
Deputy Principal K-6 | Anna McGown |
Deputy Principal 7-10 | Cymantha Cantrill |
Directeur | Patrice Piche |
Business Manager | Mary Ryan |
School Board Members 2022
Board Chair | Noel Derwort | |
Principal | Jason Holmes | |
Appointed Member | Rosaline Rimes-Reich | |
Staff Member | Sarah Moncuquet | Mhairi Henderson |
P&C Member | Matthew Roper | Noel Derwort |
Student member | TBA | TBA |
Australian Government | Alexandra Mattinson | |
French Government | Florence Llopis | Boris Toucas |
Board Secretary | Mary Ryan |
Flight Centre Manuka – Purchase your travel through Flight Centre Manuka and nominate Telopea. School will receive 1% of the total purchases. This is used towards funding the fete raffle travel prize to France that everyone wants to win! You must mention Telopea at time of booking and is not available on price beats.
Achetez votre prochain voyage avec Flight Centre Manuka et désignez Telopea. L’école recevra 1 % de la valeur de l’achat. Ceci servira pour financer le grand prix du voyage en France de la tombola. Il faut désigner Telopea au moment de la réservation. Cette combinaison n’est pas disponible avec « price beats ».
Athletes Foot – Canberra Centre – Nominate Telopea as your school when purchasing shoes or add Telopea to your loyalty program. School will receive $5 for each pair of shoes purchased.
Désignez Telopea à la caisse ou sur votre carte de fidélité et l’école recevra 5 $ pour chaque paire de chaussures que vous achetez.
Rebel Sport – Nominate Telopea at the checkout or on your Rebel loyalty card. The school will earn credits to obtain sporting goods from your purchases.
Désignez Telopea à la caisse ou sur votre carte de fidélité Rebel et l’école recevra des crédits envers des équipements de sport.
2nd Hand Uniform Shop – Donate your old uniforms and shop at the 2nd hand uniform shop. All sales from the shop go directly to the P&C Committee. Items available include hats, jackets, summer dresses, skirts, shirts, blouses and polos of various sizes. Only $5 per piece of clothing.
Opening Hours:
Tuesday: 9am - 9.30am
Friday: 9am - 9.30am
Location: outside the Primary School Office
Faites don de vos vieux uniformes et achetez des uniformes d’occasion au magasin d’occasion. Toutes les ventes du magasin vont directement au Comité des Parents et Citoyens. On y trouve des chapeaux, pulls, robes d’été, jupes, et polos de tailles diverses. 5 $ par article.
Heures d’ouverture :
Mardi : 9 h – 9 h 30
Vendredi : 9 h – 9 h 30
Lieu : dehors, devant le bureau du primaire.