Telopea Topics No 7
Dear Parents and Carers,
We are heading towards midterm already and the weather is putting on a fabulous Autumn Canberra show. There have been a number of extra curricula activities across both Secondary and Primary sectors ranging from sporting outings, Year level and subject specific camps and excursions. Our Year 9 EFS students have recently completed their practice oral examinations in preparation for the forthcoming Bac. Formative and summative assessment periods are in full swing and teachers are preparing their end of semester reports. This year reports will return to the format they were in pre-COVID, with written comments returning.
Our centenary preparations are being led by a dedicated group of staff, parents, students and alumni. Our archivist, Esther Davies is working extremely hard behind the scenes locating items of interest. Esther is a treasure trove who we learn from daily and she has been pivotal in locating primary and secondary sources that will be shared with our community later in the year.
Now for some building news: A new accessible toilet is being built at the back of the canteen which should be available at the end of term 3. Secondary PE toilet blocks have been re furbished and modified to include accessibility from the oval for secondary students during recess and lunch time. This will also be available for community use during our school fete and other major events. We thank Mary Ryan for her persistence in getting these projects completed.
Recently our staff participated in a Professional learning relating to oral language skills in Primary. This was led by Michele Lacoste our AEFE teacher/trainer who provides advice to teachers across Australia. In secondary, our EFS teachers participated in Professional Learning relating to Web Radio. This session was led by Isabelle Savary. These are just two examples of the positive impacts of our binational approaches to learning.
Michelle Lacoste (Left) and staff engaging in effective oral language strategies for their classrooms
Enjoy this edition of Telopea Topics and please contact relevant staff should you wish to further information about a topic.
Anna McGown
Deputy Principal (Primary)
Chères familles,
Nous approchons déjà de la mi- trimestre et Canberra nous offre un fabuleux spectacle d'automne. Un certain nombre d'activités extrascolaires ont été organisées au secondaire et au primaire, notamment des événements sportifs, des camps et des sorties par niveau et dans des matières spécifiques. Nos élèves de 3e de l'EFS ont récemment passé leurs examens oraux en préparation du prochain Brevet. Les périodes d'évaluation formative et sommative battent leur plein et les enseignants préparent leurs bulletins de fin de semestre. Cette année, les bulletins reprendront le format qu'ils avaient avant la pandémie, avec le retour des commentaires écrits.
Les préparatifs de notre centenaire sont menés par un groupe dévoué de membres du personnel, de parents, d'élèves et d'anciens élèves. Notre archiviste, Esther Davies, travaille d'arrache-pied en coulisses pour localiser des éléments intéressants. Esther est un trésor dont nous apprenons tous les jours et qui a joué un rôle essentiel dans la localisation de sources primaires et secondaires qui seront partagées par notre communauté plus tard dans l'année.
Voici maintenant quelques nouvelles de construction : De nouveaux toilettes accessibles sont en cours de construction à l'arrière de la cantine et devraient être disponibles à la fin du 3e trimestre. Les toilettes du secondaire ont été rénovés et modifiés pour permettre aux élèves d'y accéder depuis l'ovale pendant les récréations et l'heure du déjeuner. Ils seront également mis à la disposition de la communauté lors de la fête de l'école et d'autres événements importants. Nous remercions Mary Ryan pour sa persévérance dans la réalisation de ces projets.
Nos enseignants ont récemment participé à une formation professionnelle portant sur les compétences linguistiques orales en primaire. Cette formation était dirigée par Michèle Lacoste, notre enseignante/formatrice de l'AEFE qui conseille les enseignants dans toute l'Australie. Au secondaire, nos enseignants de l'EFS ont participé à une formation professionnelle sur les webradios. Cette session était dirigée par Isabelle Savary. Ce ne sont là que deux exemples des impacts positifs de nos approches binationales de l'apprentissage.
Michèle Lacoste (à gauche) et les enseignants réfléchissant à des stratégies efficaces de langage oral pour leurs classes.
Nous vous souhaitons une bonne lecture de cette édition du Telopea Topics et vous invitons à contacter le personnel concerné si vous souhaitez obtenir de plus amples informations sur un sujet donné.
Anna McGown
Principale-adjointe (Primaire)
Dear Parents and Carers,
We want to again thank you for your continued support, particularly in reading with a number of our students. It is such a pleasure to walk through our corridors and witness our shared learning program that includes a number of parent volunteers. Students, parents and teachers alike are working in partnership for improved student outcomes, which is of course, our mission.
We would also like to acknowledge the work of the few Lost Property volunteers who are working tirelessly to sort and return lost items to their rightful owners. We have put in place a system that includes students that seems to be working really well. Unfortunately, we need more volunteers in this area and welcome anyone who might have a couple of hours. Please contact Emily Pollnitz or the front office should you have the time.
Some important reminders:
- School commences at 9.00 am, this is a very important instructional period
- School gates close at 3.30pm as we have meetings to attend. Young children are often quite distressed if left waiting, so if you are unable to collect your child on time, please avail yourself of our wonderful outside hours school care program
- Social Media is a fantastic tool, however, young children need to learn how to navigate this world safely. Please monitor your child/ren’s access to social media and game sites. There are some useful resources to help at Parents | eSafety Commissioner
We expect that the Year 6 students have had a wonderful time at camp from Wednesday 17 May to Friday 19 May. They experienced terrific activities such as the Flying Fox, Bush skills, Archery, the Amazing Race, Team Rescue and Team Building and a Rogaine Course (orienteering). We look forward to hearing more about your adventures!
On Tuesday the 23rd of May is the Primary Cross Country. This is for students in Years 2 to 6 born in 2015 to 2011. Students born in 2016 in Year 2 are invited to cheer and support their peers. Raphael has asked for volunteers. If you are able to help out, please speak to Raphael Vercaygne. We wish all students the best of luck in this fabulous event.
Congratulations to all the students who made it through to the ACT 12 & under Swimming Championships Sam Harvey, Harrison Edmonds, Zoe Francis, Remy Harvey, Aleksander Lawrence, Arya Lewis and Reuben Roberts. They all swam their best and some even had Personal Best times! We are so proud of your efforts and achievements.
Best wishes to Leo Travouillon who qualified for the Australian Youth Nationals in sports climbing on the 19th of May. We hope you had a wonderful time.
Congratulations and best wishes to Tom Camus who will be going to Europe at the end of May. Tom will be competing in a range of Tennis Europe Tournaments and be representing Australia. Tom is currently ranked number one in Australia for his age.
Art Cases in Year 5
Students were engaged in exploring, thinking, creating and sharing of stories to do with ancient artefacts. The Art Cases program is a core part of the National Gallery’s Touring Exhibitions program. The program comprises five art-filled cases that travel to schools, libraries, community centres, galleries and aged care homes, where the works are discovered and handled by adults and children of all ages for both exhibition and hands-on programs such as art making and story-telling.
The five cases and their themes are:
- Red – The Bodies Art Case brings together works that explore the lived experience of biology (flesh and blood) and how our bodies influence memory, space and form.
- Copper – The Country Art Case brings together First Nation works showcasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives, ideas and stories about land and Country.
- Blue – The Earth Art Case brings together artists who reflect on the importance of the natural world and our place within it.
- Yellow – The Past, Present and Future Art Case brings together works that reflect on or are invested with the passing of time.
- Orange – The Form and Function Art Case brings together works that blur the line between art and design.
Year 5 Camp Information session and PBL Information session
G.A.T.E.WAYS Ignite program
We are seeking expressions of interest for students to participate in the G.A.T.E.WAYS Ignite program which is an enrichment program for students in Years 1-6. In previous years, students went to a hub school for a day and attended a fun day with science, maths, literacy, HASS and STEM foci. This year, interested students are invited to participate in two half-day enrichment workshops over the course of one day, Wednesday the 6th of June at Forrest Primary School. The program is run by specialist educators. Parents would enrol and pay directly to the G.A.T.E.WAYS Ignite program. The school then receives a list of enrolled students directly from G.A.T.E.WAYS.
Please have a look at the following website and if you are interested, email Hebe on
Sullivan Shield
Students in Years 3 to 6 are being offered an opportunity to participate in a Rugby League Gala day at Phillip oval on the 1st of June 2023. Parents will be responsible for dropping their children off and picking them up on the day. Times are approximately 8:30am to 2:30pm. Students can participate in a mixed team (boys and girls) or a female only team. Teams will be Years 3 and 4 together and Years 5 and 6 together.
This form is for an expression of interest only and does not confirm an enrolment in the gala day. More information will come out soon, depending on numbers.
Sora Sweet Reads Year 3-6 Students
Sora Sweet Reads free promotion has just reached us again for this year. Your students will have access to a mix of Juvenile, Young Adult and Adult ebooks and select audiobooks – available for free and simultaneous use until August 28. There is no limit to the number of times a title can be borrowed during the SORA Sweet Read promotion. Learn more about the Sora Sweet Reads program in this 60-second video.
If you need reminding about accessing the centralised ebook and audiobook collection via SORA see the attachment. You can borrow up to 10 titles at one time and the loan period is for two weeks.
Chères familles,
Nous tenons à vous remercier une nouvelle fois pour votre soutien continu, en particulier pour notre programme de lecture avec certains de nos élèves. C'est un réel plaisir de déambuler dans nos couloirs et d'observer notre programme qui inclut la participation de nos parents bénévoles. Les élèves, les parents et les enseignants travaillent en partenariat pour améliorer les résultats des élèves, ce qui est bien sûr notre mission.
Nous tenons également à saluer le travail des bénévoles du service des objets trouvés qui travaillent sans relâche pour trier et restituer les objets perdus à leurs propriétaires. Nous avons mis en place un système qui inclut les élèves et qui semble très bien fonctionner. Malheureusement, nous avons besoin de bénévoles supplémentaires et nous accueillons volontiers toute personne disposant de quelques heures. Veuillez contacter Emily Pollnitz ou la réception si vous avez du temps à nous consacrer.
Quelques rappels importants:
- L'école commence à 9h00, il s'agit d'une période d'enseignement très importante.
- Les grilles de l'école ferment à 15h30 car nous avons des réunions à organiser et les jeunes enfants sont souvent très perturbés s'ils doivent attendre. Si vous n'êtes pas en mesure de récupérer votre enfant à l'heure, nous vous invitons à profiter de notre merveilleux programme de garderie du soir.
- Les réseaux sociaux sont un outil fantastique, mais les jeunes enfants doivent apprendre à naviguer dans ce monde en toute sécurité. Veuillez surveiller l'accès de vos enfants aux réseaux sociaux et aux sites de jeux.
Nous espérons que les élèves de 6e ont passé un merveilleux camp du mercredi 17 mai au vendredi 19 mai. Ils ont bénéficié d’activités formidables, tyrolienne, techniques de brousse, tir à l'arc, Amazing Race, Team Rescue, des activités de Team Building et une course d’orientation. Nous sommes impatients d’avoir des nouvelles de vos aventures !
Le mardi 23 mai aura lieu le cross du primaire. Il s'adresse aux élèves de CE1 à 6e nés entre 2015 et 2011. Les élèves de CE1 nés en 2016 sont invités à venir encourager et soutenir leurs camarades. Raphaël a demandé des volontaires. Si vous êtes intéressés, veuillez vous adresser à Raphaël Vercaygne. Nous souhaitons à tous les élèves bonne chance pour ce fabuleux événement.
Félicitations à tous les élèves qui se sont qualifiés pour les Championnats de natation de l’ACT en catégorie 12 ans et moins : Sam Harvey, Harrison Edmonds, Zoe Francis, Remy Harvey, Aleksander Lawrence, Arya Lewis et Reuben Roberts. Ils ont tous fait de leur mieux et certains ont même réalisé des records personnels ! Nous sommes très fiers de vos efforts et de votre performance.
Bravo à Léo Travouillon qui s'est qualifié pour les Australian Youth Nationals d’escalade sportive le 19 mai. Nous espérons que tu as passé un excellent moment.
Félicitations et tous nos vœux de réussite à Tom Camus qui partira en Europe à la fin du mois de mai. Tom participe à plusieurs tournois européens de Tennis et représente l'Australie. Tom est actuellement classé numéro un en Australie dans sa catégorie.
Caisses d’art en classe de CM2
Les élèves ont exploré, réfléchi, créé et partagé des histoires en rapport avec des artefacts anciens. Le programme Art Cases est un élément essentiel du programme d'expositions itinérantes de la National Gallery. Le programme comprend cinq caisses remplies d'œuvres d'art qui se rendent dans des écoles, des bibliothèques, des centres communautaires, des galeries et des maisons de retraite, où les œuvres sont découvertes et manipulées par des adultes et des enfants de tous âges dans le cadre d'expositions et de programmes pratiques tels que la création d'œuvres d'art et la narration d'histoires.
Les cinq caisses et leurs thèmes sont les suivants :
- Rouge - The Bodies Art Case rassemble des œuvres qui explorent l'expérience vécue de la biologie (chair et sang) et la manière dont nos corps influencent la mémoire, l'espace et la forme.
- Cuivre - The Country Art Case rassemble des œuvres des Premières nations qui présentent les perspectives, les idées et les récits des Aborigènes et des insulaires du détroit de Torres sur la terre et le pays.
- Bleu - The Earth Art Case rassemble des artistes qui réfléchissent à l'importance du monde naturel et à la place que nous y occupons.
- Jaune - The Past, Present and Future Art Case rassemble des œuvres qui reflètent le passage du temps ou qui s'y intéressent.
- Orange - The Form and Function Art Case rassemble des œuvres qui brouillent la frontière entre l'art et le design.
Réunion d’information pour le camp des CM2 et réunion d’information sur le Renforcement des Comportements Positifs.
Programme G.A.T.E.WAYS Ignite
Nous recherchons des élèves intéressés pour participer au programme G.A.T.E.WAYS Ignite, un programme d'enrichissement destiné aux élèves de CP à 6e. Les années précédentes, les élèves se rendaient dans une école spécifique pour une journée et participaient à une journée ludique axée sur les sciences, les mathématiques, la lecture et l'écriture, les HASS (Humanités, Arts et Sciences Sociales) et les STEM (Sciences, Technologie, Ingénierie et Mathématiques). Cette année, les élèves intéressés sont invités à participer à deux ateliers d'enrichissement d'une demi-journée, le mercredi 6 juin, à l'école primaire de Forrest. Le programme est dirigé par des éducateurs spécialisés. Les parents s'inscrivent et paient directement le programme G.A.T.E.WAYS Ignite. L'école reçoit ensuite une liste des élèves inscrits directement de G.A.T.E.WAYS.
Veuillez consulter ce site internet et si vous êtes intéressé, envoyez un courriel à Hebe à .
Sullivan Shield
Les élèves de CE2 à 6e ont la possibilité de participer à une journée de gala de rugby à Phillip Oval le 1er juin 2023. Les parents devront déposer et récupérer leur enfant ce jour-là. La journée devrait se dérouler de 8h30 à 14h30. Les élèves peuvent jouer dans une équipe mixte (garçons et filles) ou dans une équipe exclusivement féminine. Les équipes sont composées d’un regroupement d’élèves de CE2-CM1 et d’un regroupement d'élèves de CM2-6e.
Ce formulaire n'est qu'une expression d'intérêt et ne confirme pas une inscription à cet événement. De plus amples informations seront communiquées prochainement, en fonction du nombre de participants.
Wow, what a busy year it has been so far in the Physical Education and Health faculty. This year has seen some movement in our faculty staff with Ms Parker and Miss Bobbin joining our team. We farewelled Mr Callum Richardson and Mrs Paula Rayner who have moved to new schools.
The following is a wrap up of all things Secondary PE, Health and school sport from term 1 and early term 2, and a look at what is still to come this term.
Physical and Health Education
All students have settled well into their PE classes for the semester. So far students have engaged in a variety of sports, kicking off with an Indigenous and Cultural Games unit. Most classes have also completed their health unit. Health units for semester one are Food, nutrition, healthy people and healthy communities (year 7), Mental Health and wellbeing (year 8) and Drugs & safety (years 9 & 10).
Students in mainstream classes have completed their Athletics in preparation for our school athletics carnival to be held next week, on Tuesday 23 May. Following athletics, students will engage in 2 various sporting units to finish off the semester.
Due to renovations in the changerooms area, we have not been asking students to change for PE classes. This will continue for the remainder of this term. While the majority of students are doing the right thing, there has been an increasing number of students coming to PE with unsuitable footwear. Flat soled shoes, such as Vans, Converse and other street style shoes, do not provide the required support and traction needed for the activities covered in PE. Students are also requested to bring a hat through the summer, autumn and spring months and a drink bottle all year round. Sunscreen is available for students to use when outside, but students are also welcome to bring their own, especially if sensitive to general sunscreen.
Our Year 9/10 elective classes have been busy exploring the opportunities in their respective specialties.
Fitness for Life and Fitness for Boys have been making the most of the opportunity to visit Club Lime in Kingston and work on their individual fitness plan in order to improve their targeted fitness goals. The weather has not been kind for their walks, and they are hoping it improves. Class fitness sessions at school have helped to improve their teamwork and general component of fitness.
Our Sports Leadership students have been busy helping out at Forrest Primary and Telopea Park sporting carnivals and they have recently begun planning for their weekly coaching sessions in our primary school – and boy oh boy, will they gain a new appreciation of their teachers and parents. Just last week they were the timekeepers at the ACT 12 & Under Swimming Championships.
Our STRIVE students have been participating in their team challenge activities and have been working on their Community Service Project. Last week they visited the Riddle Room for one of their team challenge activities.
Year 10 Outdoor Education enjoyed a 3-day coast camp in term 1 with the opportunity to put their Australian Snorkelling award to practice in the open water on the Far Scout Coast. They also enjoyed some surfing sessions, fishing and night games and challenges on the beach. The class is presently invested in some team building initiative games and they are loving the leadership opportunities, challenges and laughter it is bringing.
Year 9/10 Outdoor Education were challenged and tested on their 3 day hiking and camping trip to Birrigai. The 3 teams built their own shelters for one night, competed for food and rations, and had a yummy breakfast cooked for them as a reward for surviving the elements in their shelters. It was a challenging but rewarding experience for them all. The class is presently learning the finer skills in Mountain Biking around our school and the local area.
Women in Sport are in the process of finalising their First Aid assessment with the Royal Life Saving Society and will soon be moving to some Zumba and Yoga/Pilates sessions as the weather cools. The girls have enjoyed a variety of recreational activities and are looking forward to heading out soon on some excursions.
Sports Carnivals
Finally we were able to kick off our sporting carnival calendar for the year … which gives our House Captains the chance to lead and organise their house groups.
Congratulation tot eh 2023 house captains:
CAMPBELL: Dylan Beeharry and Renuka Bhavni (Senior Captains)
Layla Barbour and AJ Chalma (Senior Vice Captains)
Hamish Blair (Junior Captain)
FARRER: Tendo Katabazi and Arya Gopalakrishnan (Senior Captains)
Naiira Fazlani and Finn Edwards (Vice Captains)
Aisha Elayadi and Thor Hauberg (Junior Captains)
MOORE: Zahra Nyamekye and Dominic Mackie (Senior Captains)
Marion Moncuquet and Lachlan Li (Senior Vice Captains)
Eliane Lum and Armaan Mulgund (Junior Vice Captains)
THROSBY: Frieda Xi and Matthew Sherwin (Senior Captains)
Ethan Walsh (Senior Vice Captain)
Rosy Zhu and ben Sherwin (Junior Captains)
Early term 1 we had our Secondary Swimming Carnival at Dickson – lots of competitors and lots of fun had by everyone. Beach Volleyball games and novelties were a hit with everyone. Congratulations to the following Age Champions
12 years – Madeleine Radnedge and Naland Huynh
13 years – Kiwa Kemp and Guillaume Jallier
14 years – Georgiana Roper and Campbell Quartly
15 years – A.J. Chamla and Jerome Huynh
16+ years – Lucy Campbell and Dylan Beeharry
Our “Telopea Gift” Championship races were hotly contested – Congratulations to Lucy Campbell and Campbell Quartly on their wins.
We had a team of over 30 students swim at the South Regional Competition, and then 15 qualify for ACT. Well done to all competitors.
Secondary Cross Country
We returned to Stromlo Forest Park this year for our annual Cross Country. Lots of competitors in our races, and it was great to see everyone out and about in our 30min fun run. There were loads of colour, dancing to the awesome tunes provided by Hamish, our IT guy, and fun to be had at the volleyball and tug-of-war novelties as well.
Our congratulations to all students for their participation and particularly to those who were winners within their respective race groups.
Age Champions and race winners this year are as follows:
12 years – Matilda Bannerman and William Nolan
13 years – Penelope Renn and Sacha O’Shea-Powell
14 years – Mirella De Moura and Oscar Flanagan
15 years – Layla Barbour and Joshua Perry
16+ years – Lucie Barbaret and Vishaal Vijaykumar
The regional Cross Country Carnival will be held at Stromlo Forest Park on Wednesday May 31 (Week 6). The top 10 place getters of each age group receive automatic qualification. Qualifier names have been placed on the PE noticeboard and these students should have already received their permission forms to return in anticipation of this event. We wish the 120 qualifying students well.
The last of school carnivals, the Athletics carnival, will be held next week on Tuesday 23rd May (week 5) at Woden Athletics Park (near The Canberra Hospital). It will no doubt be a chilly morning and students need to ensure they are rugged up and are warm. Students will come to school as normal at the start of the day and then be bused to and from the venue. We encourage all students to come dressed in their House colours or PE uniform for the day. For our families and students new to the school, our Houses are as follows:
CAMPBELL (Red) – Surnames A-D
FARRER (Blue) – Surnames E-K
MOORE (Green) – Surnames L-R
THROSBY (Yellow) – Surnames S-Z
The carnival will include 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, relays, long jump, triple jump, shot put and discus. Students wanting to compete in 3000m, high jump and javelin were able to do so at school in pre-carnival events which started this week. Sign-up sheets for the at-school events are on the PE noticeboard and the schedule is in the daily notices. The cost of the carnival will be $10 if you have not already paid online, and includes transport and the ground hire costs. Athletics Carnival information has been sent home with permission notes earlier this term (hard copy and email). Mr James McAuliffe and Mr Simon Foxhill have been working very hard to coordinate all things Track and Field, and ensure the staff and students have the best day possible.
School Sport
We started our 2023 SSACT competitions with ACT Tennis, sending 21 students along as part of the SSACT senior team trial day. All players came away with a great experience and we saw a couple of them appearing in the School Sport Australia Pizzey Cup tournament here in Canberra this week – Dylan Beeharry, Alisha Kumar and Zae Dwyer all representing the ACT, along with Aliyah Dwyer, Sophie McDonald, Isabella Andrews and Oscar Andrews – all former Telopea Park School students
South Region Volleyball trials have been happening this week, with the girls competing on Friday May 19 and the boys on Friday June 3. We will send through a strong team in each division and look forward to hearing how they go.
There are still some opportunities remaining for term 2 in which students can get involved with. Sign-up sheets are available on the PE Noticeboard for students to express their interest in trying out for Hockey and Bouldering. Students should keep an ear out for announcements of trials for these sports throughout the term.
In term 3 we have opportunities to represent the school in Soccer (Football), Netball, Athletics, European Handball, Mountain Biking and Futsal.
We are in the early stages of planning our annual 1-day ski trips, with the 9/10 trip booked in for July 21st (week 1 of term 3), year 8 trip on August 18th (week 5, term 3) and year 7 on August 25th (week 6, term 3). We have a wait list for the 9/10 trip, and a few seats left on the year 8 and year 7 trips. Notes and final payment due by the end of week 6. If your child is keen to try skiing or snowboarding please contact as soon as you can.
Finally, if you have any questions about your child’s participation and progress in PE and Health or Sport, please feel free to contact myself or your child’s PE teacher.
Megan Taylor (Executive Teacher – PE, Health and Sport)
CONGRATULATIONS to Leo Lafoy-Brown and Finn Edwards on being selected for the SSACT Volleyball team to compete in Canberra in June. Well done boys.
If you have any sporting achievements (school or community) you’d like us to know about, or mention, please email any photos and information to
Active travel program evaluation
Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS) is undertaking an evaluation of the school active travel programs, including the Ride or Walk to School, Active Streets for Schools and School Crossing Supervisor programs.
As part of the evaluation, TCCS is requesting school communities to complete a short online survey about their travel habits to and from school. The survey can be accessed through this link or via the QR code below.
TCCS has engaged First Person Consulting (FPC) – a Melbourne-based evaluation consultancy – to manage the evaluation and the surveys. FPC will not be collecting any identifiable information from anyone completing the survey, and all responses will be kept confidential and anonymous.
TCCS appreciates your support to evaluate these programs to continue to enhance the program offerings to schools.
Flight Centre Manuka – Purchase your travel through Flight Centre Manuka and nominate Telopea. School will receive 1% of the total purchases. This is used towards funding the fete raffle travel prize to France that everyone wants to win! You must mention Telopea at time of booking and is not available on price beats.
Achetez votre prochain voyage avec Flight Centre Manuka et désignez Telopea. L’école recevra 1 % de la valeur de l’achat. Ceci servira pour financer le grand prix du voyage en France de la tombola. Il faut désigner Telopea au moment de la réservation. Cette combinaison n’est pas disponible avec « price beats ».
Rebel Sport – Nominate Telopea at the checkout or on your Rebel loyalty card. The school will earn credits to obtain sporting goods from your purchases.
Désignez Telopea à la caisse ou sur votre carte de fidélité Rebel et l’école recevra des crédits envers des équipements de sport.
Athletes Foot – Canberra Centre – Nominate Telopea as your school when purchasing shoes or add Telopea to your loyalty program. School will receive $5 for each pair of shoes purchased.
Désignez Telopea à la caisse ou sur votre carte de fidélité et l’école recevra 5 $ pour chaque paire de chaussures que vous achetez.
2nd Hand Uniform Shop – Donate your old uniforms and shop at the 2nd hand uniform shop. All sales from the shop go directly to the P&C Committee. Items available include hats, jackets, summer dresses, skirts, shirts, blouses and polos of various sizes. Only $5 per piece of clothing.
Opening Hours:
Tuesday: 9am - 9.30am
Friday: 9am - 9.30am
Location: outside the Primary School Office
Faites don de vos vieux uniformes et achetez des uniformes d’occasion au magasin d’occasion. Toutes les ventes du magasin vont directement au Comité des Parents et Citoyens. On y trouve des chapeaux, pulls, robes d’été, jupes, et polos de tailles diverses. 5 $ par article.
Heures d’ouverture :
Mardi : 9 h – 9 h 30
Vendredi : 9 h – 9 h 30
Lieu : dehors, devant le bureau du primaire.
For contacting other staff members, please contact below:
Ph: (02) 6142 3388
Other important emails
Primary administration (absences) | |
Secondary administration (absences) | |
Parent -Teacher Interviews | |
Feedback | |
Principal | Jason Holmes |
Proviseure | Florence Llopis |
Deputy Principal K-10 | Kylie Louis |
Deputy Principal K-6 | Anna McGown |
Deputy Principal 7-10 | Cymantha Cantrill |
Directeur | Patrice Piche |
Business Manager | Mary Ryan |
School Board Members 2023
Board Chair | Stephen Bouwhuis | |
Deputy Board Chair | Kate Gauthier | |
Principal | Jason Holmes | |
Appointed Member | To Be Advised | |
Staff Member | Magali Rozborski | Mhairi Henderson |
P&C Members | Stephen Bouwhuis | Kate Gauthier |
Lee Hayward | ||
Australian Government Representative | Alexandra Mattinson | |
French Government | Florence Llopis | Boris Toucas |
Board Secretary | Mary Ryan | |
Student members | Lachlan Li | Anaahita Chauhan |