Telopea Topics No17
Dear Parents and Carers,
We have had an extremely busy first few weeks of term which is going by quickly. We are looking forward to the La Grande Fete which will be held on Telopea Park School grounds on 4th November 2023 from 11am – 5pm, with many of our children contributing to the various activities. Year 6 hosted an exceptional Market Day on 13th October which was the culmination of their Business, Economics and Advertising unit with the Jellybean Guess and Raffle winners being announced during Monday Announcements on 23rd October
We have recently welcomed Marc, Ayden and Violette to our K-10 Learning Support Assistance program. We currently have a team of 13 Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) who have a weekly schedule for each semester. Our LSAs work with specific children, their classes and teachers to support a variety of needs. LSAs are scheduled to welcome and farewell some children and will do this at agreed times and places, however, we encourage you to contact your child’s teacher/s for information about daily learning programs and achievement rather than the LSAs.
Transition programs have been prepared to orientate and welcome our 2024 new students in Kindergarten and Year 7 towards the end of term, as well as, supporting our current Kindergarten children to move into the main playground spaces and our Year 10 students to college and beyond.
In September Year 2 started a wonderful program called Reading Dawgz with an organisation called Rainbow Paws. Winnie, and her human volunteers Daniel and Miriam, meet with Year 2 one afternoon each week and listen to our students reading Winnie a story. It has been delightful to watch the students waiting for Winnie to arrive, have time sharing a story of their choice and witnessing Winnie becoming quite bilingual as she is hearing stories in both French and English.
I am looking forward to hosting K- 6 special morning teas in Weeks 5 and 10 with the winners of our Positive Behaviours for Learning (PBL) tokens. Students are awarded tokens for displaying the PBL areas of development (Respect, Responsibility, Safety and Learning) throughout each day and are encouraged to submit their tokens into their House box for a chance to be drawn during Monday announcements. Children whose names are drawn are awarded with a Values Certificate and an invitation to the special morning tea hosted by Patrice and me.
A very big thank you to our amazing P&C for their lovely World Teachers Day acknowledement of the work our staff do to provide quality learning and support to our students. The delicious pastries were greatly appreciated and there was a real spring in the step of staff on the day.
I hope you have a wonderful remainder of Term 4.
Chères familles,
Ces dernières semaines ont été bien chargées et le trimestre passe très vite. Nous attendons avec impatience la Grande Fête qui se tiendra à Telopea le 4 novembre 2023 de 11h à 17h, avec une contribution précieuse de la part de nos élèves. Les élèves de 6e ont organisé un marché fantastique le 13 octobre, point culminant de leur travail sur le commerce, l’économie et la publicité. Les gagnants du Jellybean Guess et de la tombola ont été annoncés le lundi 23 octobre.
Nous avons récemment accueilli Marc, Ayden et Violette au sein de notre équipe d’assistants d’éducation K-10. Nous disposons actuellement d'une équipe de 13 assistants d’éducation (LSA) qui ont un emploi du temps hebdomadaire pour chaque semestre. Nos assistants travaillent avec des enfants bien spécifiques, avec leur classe et leurs enseignants pour répondre à divers besoins. Cependant, si vous avez des questions, nous vous encourageons à contacter le(s) enseignant(s) de votre enfant plutôt que de vous adresser aux assistants.
Les programmes de liaison GS/CP (K/Year 1 ) et 6e/5e (Year 6/Year 7) que nous avons mis en place au lycée franco-australien/Telopea Park School aident à orienter et accueillir nos nouveaux élèves qui entreront en grande section de maternelle et en 5e à la rentrée 2024. Nos élèves de grande section s’habituent également en fin de trimestre aux espaces de la cour principale, et nos élèves de seconde à intégrer le lycée de façon sereine.
Depuis septembre, le niveau CE1 bénéficie d' un merveilleux programme appelé Reading Dawgz avec l’association Rainbow Paws (Les Pattes Arc-en-ciel). Winnie et ses volontaires humains, Daniel et Miriam, rencontrent les élèves de CE1 un après-midi par semaine et écoutent nos élèves lire une histoire à Winnie. C'est un plaisir de voir les élèves attendre l'arrivée de Winnie, prendre le temps de partager une histoire de leur choix et de constater que Winnie devient parfaitement bilingue en entendant des histoires en français et en anglais.
Je suis impatiente d'organiser les Goûters du Matin pour les élèves de Grande Section à 6e (semaines 5 et 10) pour les gagnants de nos badges Renforcement Positif de l’Apprentissage. Les élèves reçoivent des badges lorsqu’ils affichent les valeurs attendues (respect, responsabilité, sécurité et apprentissage) tout au long de la journée et sont encouragés à déposer leur badge dans la boîte de leur maison pour avoir une chance d'être tirés au sort au cours des annonces du lundi. Les enfants dont les noms sont tirés au sort reçoivent un certificat et une invitation au Goûter du Matin organisé par Patrice et moi-même.
Un grand merci à notre formidable comité des parents et citoyens (P&C) pour leur charmante journée mondiale des enseignants qui a reconnu le travail accompli par notre personnel pour fournir un apprentissage de qualité et un soutien à nos élèves. Les délicieuses pâtisseries ont été très appréciées et les membres du personnel ont fait preuve d'un réel dynamisme ce jour-là.
Je vous souhaite une excellente fin de trimestre 4
Parent workshops
In Term 4 the Early Intervention Team are excited to be trialling two new parent workshops. These workshops will be one-off sessions and are designed to be a more accessible option for a greater number of families. After the workshop, parents may decide to enrol in a 7-week group if more support is needed, or they may decide that a workshop is sufficient to start seeing some positive changes. Parents/carers can also be referred to a 7-week group without attending a workshop or information session first.
Each workshop is designed to provide an overview of the content and then assist parents to reflect and develop a plan to address the behaviours of concern. Workshops are aimed at parents of students in years 4-12.
For the workshops, EIT requires parents/carers to register using the QR code as there will be a cap on numbers of participants. If we exceed this capacity parents/carers will be placed on a waitlist. Parents/carers can register directly for a workshop or can be referred via the wellbeing team.
Our school is a SunSmart School. It is important that we support students to establish SunSmart habits now and for their future. We have a sunscreen station in every class (with the poster and sunscreen) and we remind students to apply sunscreen every day before recess and lunch.
Term 4 – Christmas Celebrations
This term students will experience a 'journey' to Bethlehem
to discover all that happened on the very first Christmas.
Student attendance is with parent request only.
Please use the section below if you would like to request and have not done
so previously
Christian Education In Schools (CEIS) occurs because parents request it for their children under ACT legislation. Sessions are coordinated by the CEIS team, using approved resources and volunteers. If you would like to add your child to the existing attendance list print off the section below and return it to the school or go to
Please return this section to the school if you wish to ADD your child to the existing list of attendees.
YES, I request my child/ren listed below participate in the CEIS sessions offered at school.
Child: ______________________ Parent name: _________________________
Child: ______________________ Parent signature : ______________________
Child: ___________________________ Date: ________________
Cupcake day
Please come to the Year 2 corridor to collect your container from the Cupcake Day we had at the end of last term 3. There is a wide variety of tupperware.
ICAS Competition
This year the organisers of ICAS are celebrating the acheivements of students a little bit differently. From participants to medal winners, we want to recognise and honour every child's effort and achievements. It’s a challenging competition after all!
The ICAS organisers are inviting parents and carers to celebrate their child’s ICAS achievement in their #ICAS2023 social media competition. Every entry will have the chance to be featured in this year’s celebration video, and also a chance to win one of 20 x $100 prizes.
An overview of the competition and helpful tips for capturing high-quality photos and videos can be found here.
ICAS Social Media Competition 2023 | ICAS Assessments
Exploring Day and Night: Year 3's Sunsmart Science Experiment
In a recent science adventure, our Year 3 students embarked on an engaging exploration of the day and night. The young scientists went beyond classroom walls to experience firsthand the wonders of our planet's rotation and its impact on shadows. Year 3 classes went outside on a sunny day where students had to outline their shadow on the ground and record the time. With their outlines in place, our keen scientists were ready to predict and observe what would happen to their shadow as the day progressed. Through this hands-on activity, students realised that the movement of the sun across the sky was responsible for these transformations and grasped the concept of Earth’s rotation. In the midst of their discoveries, the Year 3 classes engaged in conversations about sun safety and why their teachers always remind them to wear their hats and apply sunscreen. They learned about the importance of protecting their skin from harmful UV rays, even on cloudy days.
Young Ambassadors club / Ambassadeurs en herbe
Thursday 26/10 saw the opening of the Young Ambassadors Club (Ambassadeurs, Ambassadrices en herbe) open to students from Y 4 to Y 6.
The club aims to prepare the students to participate in a unique international French speaking competition organised by the AEFE. This is a great opportunity for them to gain confidence in their oral skills in French as well as a strong sense of belonging as citizens of the world. This year, students are invited to write and present a speech about the Olympics.
We kicked it off with some theatre inspired games. The next few weeks will be filled with surprises and serious work to prepare for the school final at the start of next year.
Year 6 Science
This week in Science, Year 6 have been investigating independent, dependent and controlled variables. They were able to do this by experimenting with sultanas and how they react in various liquids. Year 6 engaged in discussions about their predictions and then documented all their findings in their Scientific Report. All their collected results were then transferred into a bar graph and further analysed.
Year 6 Band
On our first day back to school, the Year 6 Band went to Floriade to perform on Stage 88. It was a beautiful day to enjoy the flowers and perform for a crowd. Congratulations to the Year 6 band on their 2 year commitment to regular practising and lessons. You did a great job! You can come and see them play again at La Grande Fête!
Year 5 Creative Project
« Pendant les vacances de printemps, les élèves de CM2 ont relevé un défi peu ordinaire : transformer leur lecture en un festin littéraire. L'objectif était simple mais créatif : ils ont choisi un livre qui les passionnait, l'ont dévoré avec enthousiasme, puis ont créé une boîte de céréales personnalisée pour partager le goût de la lecture.
Cette initiative a permis de combiner le plaisir de la lecture avec l'art de la créativité. Les élèves ont d'abord choisi des livres adaptés à leur niveau de lecture.
Une fois le livre terminé, les élèves ont laissé libre cours à leur imagination pour concevoir des boîtes de céréales uniques. La présentation de ces boîtes de céréales littéraires a été l'occasion pour les élèves de partager leurs expériences de lecture et d'encourager leurs pairs à explorer de nouveaux horizons littéraires. »
“During the spring holidays, the Year 5 students took on a challenge: turning their reading into a literary feast. The objective was simple and creative: they selected a book that truly captivated them, devoured it with enthusiasm, and then crafted personalised cereal boxes to share their love for reading.
This initiative successfully merged the joy of reading with the art of creativity. The students first chose books that matched their reading levels.
Upon finishing their chosen book, the students let their imaginations run wild as they designed unique cereal boxes. The presentation of these literary cereal boxes provided an opportunity for the students to share their reading experiences and encourage their peers to explore new literary horizons.”
Year 5 Orreries
Humans have always looked with wonder at the movement of celestial bodies in the sky. We have used its rhythms to define our days, our months and our years. Year 5 are currently making observations of the day and night sky to understand our place in space. In groups our students are making an orrery that depicts the movement of the sun, moon and earth. Their orrery needs to be labelled and move to represent their understanding. An orrery is a mechanical model of the solar system that illustrates or predicts the relative positions and motions of the planets and moons, usually according to the heliocentric model. Though the Greeks had working planetaria, the first orrery that was a planetarium of the modern era was produced in 1704, and one was presented to Charles Boyle, 4th Earl of Orrery – whence came the name. They are typically driven by a clockwork mechanism with a globe representing the Sun at the centre, and with a planet at the end of each of the arms. Here are some photos of our students' work.
Ateliers Parents
Au quatrième trimestre, l'équipe d'intervention précoce est ravie de mettre en place deux nouveaux ateliers pour les parents. Ces ateliers seront des séances uniques que nous pensons accessibles à un plus grand nombre de familles. Après l'atelier, les parents peuvent s'inscrire à une session de 7 semaines s'ils ont besoin d'un soutien plus important, ou ils peuvent décider qu'un atelier est suffisant pour commencer à voir des changements positifs. Les familles peuvent également être orientées vers une session de 7 semaines sans avoir participé à un atelier ou à une séance d'information au préalable.
Chaque atelier aborde un contenu dans son ensemble et aide les parents à réfléchir et à élaborer un plan pour traiter les comportements qui posent problème. Les ateliers s'adressent aux parents d'élèves de CM1 à la terminale.
Pour les ateliers, l'équipe demande aux familles de s'inscrire à l'aide du code QR car le nombre de participants est limité. Si nécessaire, une liste d’attente sera établie. Les parents peuvent s'inscrire directement à un atelier ou être orientés par l'équipe chargée du bien-être.
Crème solaire
Notre école est SunSmart. Il est important que nous aidions les élèves à adopter de bonnes habitudes SunSmart dès maintenant, et pour leur avenir. Les élèves ont de la crème solaire à disposition dans chaque classe et nous leur rappelons d'appliquer de la crème solaire tous les jours avant la récréation et le déjeuner.
Éducation chrétienne dans les écoles (Christian Education in Schools)
Trimestre 4 - Célébrations de Noël
Ce trimestre, les élèves feront l'expérience d'un "voyage" à Bethléempour découvrir tout ce qui s'est passé lors du tout premier Noël. La participation des élèves se fait uniquement sur demande des parents.Veuillez utiliser le coupon réponse ci-dessous pour votre réponse.
L'éducation chrétienne dans les écoles (CEIS) a lieu parce que les parents en font la demande pour leurs enfants conformément à la législation en place dans l’ACT. Les sessions sont coordonnées par l'équipe CEIS, qui utilise des ressources et des bénévoles approuvés. Si vous souhaitez inscrire votre enfant, imprimez le coupon réponse ci-dessous et renvoyez-le à l'école ou rendez-vous sur le site:
Veuillez renvoyer ce coupon réponse à l'école si vous souhaitez inscrire votre enfant
OUI, je souhaite que mon enfant participe aux sessions CEIS proposées à l'école.
Nom de l’enfant: ______________________ Nom du parent: _________________________
Nom de l’enfant: ______________________ Signature du Parent : ______________________
Nom de l’enfant: ___________________________ Date: ________________
Journée Cupcake
Merci de venir récupérer votre boîte à cupcakes dans le couloir des élèves de CE1. Il nous reste de nombreuses boîtes non récupérées.
Concours Icas
Cette année, nous célébrons les élèves ayant participé aux évaluations ICAS d'une manière un peu différente. Des participants aux médaillés, nous voulons reconnaître et honorer les efforts et les réalisations de chaque enfant. Après tout, il s'agit d'un concours stimulant !
Nous invitons les parents à célébrer la réussite de leur enfant dans le cadre de notre concours de médias sociaux #ICAS2023. Chaque participant aura la possibilité de figurer dans la vidéo de célébration de cette année et de gagner l'un des 20 prix de 100 dollars.
Nous vous invitons à soutenir votre enfant dans la création de ses photos ou vidéos à l'école. Nous vous encourageons également à partager avec les parents tout contenu capturé lors des remises de médailles et de certificats ICAS, car ils pourraient s'en servir pour leurs contributions.
Une vue d'ensemble du concours et des conseils utiles pour capturer des photos et des vidéos de haute qualité sont disponibles ici.
ICAS Social Media Competition 2023 | ICAS Assessments
Explorer le jour et la nuit : L'expérience scientifique Sunsmart des élèves de CE2
Lors d'une récente aventure scientifique, nos élèves de CE2 se sont lancés dans une exploration passionnante du jour et de la nuit. Les jeunes scientifiques ont franchi les murs de la salle de classe pour découvrir les merveilles de la rotation de notre planète et son impact sur les ombres. Les classes de CE2 sont sorties à l'extérieur par une journée ensoleillée où les élèves devaient dessiner leur ombre sur le sol et noter l'heure. Une fois leurs contours tracés, nos scientifiques passionnés étaient prêts à prédire et à observer ce qu'il adviendrait de leur ombre au fil de la journée. Grâce à cette activité pratique, les élèves ont réalisé que le mouvement du soleil dans le ciel était responsable de ces transformations et ont compris le concept de la rotation de la Terre. Au milieu de leurs découvertes, les classes de CE2 ont entamé des conversations sur la protection solaire et sur les raisons pour lesquelles leurs enseignants leur rappellent toujours de porter un chapeau et d'appliquer de la crème solaire. Ils ont appris l'importance de protéger leur peau des rayons UV nocifs, même par temps nuageux.
Ambassadeurs en herbe
Jeudi 26 octobre a eu lieu l'ouverture du Club des Jeunes Ambassadeurs (Ambassadeurs, Ambassadrices en herbe) ouvert aux élèves de CM1 à 6e.
Le club a pour objectif de préparer les élèves à participer à un concours international unique d'expression française organisé par l'AEFE. C'est une excellente occasion pour eux de prendre confiance en leurs compétences orales en français et d'acquérir un fort sentiment d'appartenance en tant que citoyens du monde. Cette année, les élèves sont invités à écrire et à présenter un discours sur les Jeux olympiques.
Nous avons commencé par des jeux inspirés du théâtre. Les prochaines semaines seront pleines de surprises et de travail sérieux pour préparer la finale de l'école au début de l'année prochaine.
Sciences en classe de 6e
Cette semaine, en sciences, les élèves de 6e ont étudié les variables indépendantes, dépendantes et contrôlées. Pour ce faire, ils ont expérimenté les raisins secs et leur réaction dans différents liquides. Les élèves de 6e ont discuté de leurs prédictions et ont ensuite consigné toutes leurs découvertes dans leur rapport scientifique. Tous les résultats recueillis ont ensuite été transférés dans un graphique à barres et analysés plus en détail.
Orchestre des élèves de 6e
Le jour de la rentrée, l'orchestre des élèves de 6e s'est rendu à Floriade pour se produire sur la scène 88. C'était une belle journée pour profiter des fleurs et se produire devant un public. Nos élèves s’engagent à suivre des cours de musique et à assister aux répétitions pendant deux ans. Félicitations! Vous avez fait du bon travail ! Vous pourrez les revoir jouer à La Grande Fête !
Project créatif des élèves de CM2
« Pendant les vacances de printemps, les élèves de CM2 ont relevé un défi peu ordinaire : transformer leur lecture en un festin littéraire. L'objectif était simple mais créatif : ils ont choisi un livre qui les passionnait, l'ont dévoré avec enthousiasme, puis ont créé une boîte de céréales personnalisée pour partager le goût de la lecture.
Cette initiative a permis de combiner le plaisir de la lecture avec l'art de la créativité. Les élèves ont d'abord choisi des livres adaptés à leur niveau de lecture.
Une fois le livre terminé, les élèves ont laissé libre cours à leur imagination pour concevoir des boîtes de céréales uniques. La présentation de ces boîtes de céréales littéraires a été l'occasion pour les élèves de partager leurs expériences de lecture et d'encourager leurs pairs à explorer de nouveaux horizons littéraires. »
Year 5 Creative Projects
"During spring break, Year 5 students took up an unusual challenge: turning their reading into a literary feast. The objective was simple but creative: they chose a book they were passionate about, devoured it with enthusiasm, then created a personalised cereal box to share their taste of reading.
This initiative combined the pleasure of reading with the art of creativity. First, students chose books adapted to their reading level.
Once the book was complete, students let their imaginations run free to design unique cereal boxes. The presentation of these literary cereal boxes was an opportunity for students to share their reading experiences and encourage their peers to explore new literary horizons."
Planétaires des élèves de CM2
Les humains ont toujours observé avec émerveillement le mouvement des corps célestes dans le ciel. Nous avons utilisé ses rythmes pour définir nos jours, nos mois et nos années. Les élèves de CM2 observent actuellement le ciel diurne et nocturne pour comprendre notre place dans l'espace. En groupes, nos élèves fabriquent un planétaire qui illustre le mouvement du soleil, de la lune et de la terre. Leur planétaire doit être étiqueté et se déplacer pour représenter leur compréhension. Un planétaire est un modèle mécanique du système solaire qui illustre ou prédit les positions et les mouvements relatifs des planètes et des lunes, généralement selon le modèle héliocentrique. Bien que les Grecs aient eu des planétariums fonctionnels, le premier planétaire de l'ère moderne a été produit en 1704 et offert à Charles Boyle, 4e comte d'Orrery - d'où son nom. Ils sont généralement actionnés par un mécanisme d'horlogerie, avec un globe représentant le Soleil au centre, et une planète à l'extrémité de chacun des bras. Voici quelques photos du travail de nos élèves.
Secondary Physical Education and Health Faculty (Term 4, 2023)
Wow, what a year it has been in PE, Health & Sport.
The following is a wrap up of all things PE, Semester 2, sport from mid term 2, and a few gentle reminders as the weather warms.
Physical and Health Education – Mainstream classes
All students have settled well into their new PE & Health classes for the semester. This semester, most mainstream classes commenced with their Skipping, Dance or Health units, then switched to complete the other unit whilst the weather was cooler. All Year 7 students were actively engaged in their dance classes – and from all reports, really enjoyed being able to partner dance – Barn Dance and Mambo were some of the dances they learnt and enjoyed – as well as the Cha Cha Slide, Boot Scootin’ Boogie, Love a rainy night, High School Hop, Ghostbusters and many more. We were amazed by their commitment, skills and performances in both the movement composition units. Health units for semester two were Relationships and Sexuality (year 7), Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking (year 8) and Food, nutrition, healthy people and healthy communities (years 9 & 10). Unfortunately, our semester 2 units have struggled to maintain consistency with the construction of the new building, but our teachers and students have managed to make use of our teaching spaces and teams in new ways and we have provided a range of engaging activities and new sports. We commend our students on their flexibility and enthusiasm in their participation.
Elective Classes
Fitness for Boys
Fitness for Boys students have been working well on improving their level of general fitness this semester. They have been productively involved in a variety of activities, which have tested their teamwork and resilience, whilst being physically active. Their visits to Club Lime on Wednesday afternoons have been valuable and the class is making good progress on their strength and conditioning. Each student has been working on an individual gym program, challenging themselves to reach their SMART goal that they created at the start of the semester. The next few weeks will see the class revisit the Fitness Testing unit, where students will participate in a select group of fitness tests to see what improvements have been made over the last few months.
Mr Sherwin
Fitness for Life
Fitness for Life students are currently in the middle of implementing their own fitness program and working toward their SMART goal. Students are attending the gym once a week and completing a school-based fitness session for one lesson a week. We have been very impressed with many of the programs so far.
Ms Ibbotson, Mrs Moro and Mrs Currie.
Year 10 Outdoor Education
The Year 10 Outdoor Education elective are excitedly preparing for the upcoming Coast Camp based at Lakesea Park, South Durras. So far, the group has completed a unit of work on Initiative and Team Building Games, which required them to design and develop, in small teams, an activity to teach to their peers. As a result, there was some significant ingenuity and creative activities delivered. The end of Term 3 saw the first of many pool snorkelling sessions in preparation for the Australian Underwater Federation Pool Snorkel Award. These sessions were conducted at Civic Pool, whilst waiting for the opening of Manuka Pool. The class has been busily practising their snorkelling skills and working on their water fitness in preparation for our Coast Camp. This practical work has been combined with a classroom lesson each week, with a focus on the theoretical aspects of snorkelling, rips, currents, ocean awareness and basic first aid.
The Coast Camp will primarily include a selection of activities from snorkelling, surfing, swimming, fishing, beach games and night activities, with various locations used dependant on weather and swell conditions. The Coast Camp is being held from Wednesday 8 – Friday 10 November. It is a fantastic opportunity for students to consolidate their learning from their lessons in a supportive and encouraging environment. The attending staff are looking forward to the opportunity to work with the class.
The remaining weeks of Term 4 will involve students completing a reflection of the Coast Camp and a clean-up of the camping equipment. The last two weeks will be spent completing a unit of work on Archery at Montgomery Oval.
Year 9/10 Outdoor Education
The 9/10 Outdoor Education class has had a busy Semester 2, with a new group of students ready to step up to the challenge. The term started with the students completing their theory unit on the environmental impact of outdoor adventure activities and strategies that could be put in place to help preserve the natural environment and promote the concept of ‘Minimal Impact’. After this the students were split into three teams to start our Initiative/Survivor Games unit where they had to work collaboratively and problem solve their way through a variety of cooperation, athletic and intellectual challenges. Through these activities teams were awarded points that they would need to ‘trade in’ for bonus items on camp.
Camp for the 9/10 Outdoor Education class was held at Birrigai Outdoor Centre from 18-20th October and included some ice-breaker challenges and a nature bushwalk where students learnt about the local flora and how the area had been used by the Ngunnawal people for the last 25000 years on day one. The first evening students camped in tents, for some this was their first camping experience – hopefully there will be many more. Day 2 of camp saw students working together in their Survivor teams to gather equipment and brush up on the survival skills they would need for the second night survival simulation where the teams ‘did it tough’, building their own shelters and managing the campsite overnight. All students banded together in their teams, supporting each other to make it through the night, and while the energy reserves were running low by morning, all students should be extremely proud of completing the survival simulation. After a big breakfast (bacon, eggs, sausages, mushrooms, onion, muffins) our last activity at camp was a High Ropes Element – the Giant Swing. This involved students being harnessed and raised almost 10m into the air, followed by a ‘relaxing’ swing out over the Birrigai valley.
After returning from camp students completed a Camp Evaluation, reflecting on the activities leading up to camp, how their group worked together to complete the tasks and what they could do differently to improve the camp in the future.
Ms Ibbotson
STRIVE students have had a productive semester thus far. Excursions have had an emphasis in building skills in teamwork and included Dragon Boating on Lake Burley Griffin and an Escape Room. Students have recently taken time out of their busy schedules to complete their Service Projects. Some projects included refereeing, tutoring, community clean up and raising money for causes including the RSPCA.
Mr McAuliffe
Women in Sport
Women in Sport students have worked on the development of individual and team skills in both indoor and outdoor activities, with emphasis on game sense, teamwork, and social interaction. This semester the physical focus was on racquet sports and field activities, which provided students with the opportunity to explore areas of interest and develop a range of skills. The health focus was the Certification in First Aid, with The Royal Life Saving Association and Mental Health, Mental Conditions and Body Image.
Mrs Currie and Mrs Moro
Sports Leadership
This term we have started putting our coaching theory into practice. On Thursday afternoon’s we have been coaching our Primary School Kindergarten and Year 1 groups. This has provided the students with a very challenging, but also very rewarding experience. We helped out with our Primary & Secondary Colour Runs at the end of Term 3 and in theory lessons we are completing an online Inclusive Coaching Course.
Simon Foxhill
Finally, if you have any questions about your child’s participation and progress in PE and Health or Sport, please feel free to contact myself or your child’s PE teacher.
Megan Taylor
As the School Sport ACT program draws to a close, we are well overdue in acknowledge some of our sporting achievements and champions.
Cross Country – We had 61 students participate in the Secondary South regional competition, more than twice the number of other southside schools, which clearly worked in our favour as we won the male teams score championship by 250 points, the Female team championship by 200 points and the overall South Region championships point score by nearly 500 points. An outstanding effort by all our students in representing our school. From this we had 47 students qualify for the ACT Carnival. Congratulations to all students, and well done! We are looking forward to increasing our training opportunities in 2024 to boost our results and qualifiers at all levels.
Mountain biking
We sent 3 teams of riders to the ACT mountain biking championships – it was an action packed day and the riders competed really well. Congratulations to all boys on their grit, determination and team work on the day.
Bouldering – we had around 20 students attend the ACT Bouldering championships, with a number of students achieving great results and 4 students winning medals. It was the first time we have attended this competition, and it is hopefully something we can continue to participate in next year. Congratulations to all students who attended. Our winning results on the day are listed below
Year 7 - 2nd - Elouan Bonnet Day
Year 8 - 3rd - Soizic Bellivard
Year 9 - 2nd Marion Moncuquet; 3rd Juliette Belivard
Track and Field
Excitingly, we had 2 students break a couple of ACT records this year – Maimuna Shave (Year 6) broke the 11 years Girls Shot Put and Discus records, and Aisha Shave (Year 8) broke the 14 years Girls 100m, 200m and Long Jump records – well done to the girls – fantastic achievement. We had a number of other children place across the range of events – congratulations to all our athletes.
Volleyball – we sent off 4 teams (7/8 and 9/10 Boys and Girls) to the championships, with our 9/10 crowned Southside regional champions, going on to the ACT finals and taking it out. Congratulations girls, and all our players. If there are any students interested in playing Volleyball, come along to our Friday afternoon trainings in the school gym from 3:30 – 4:30 (Secondary students only).
Football (Soccer) - Our year 8 and 9/10 Boys teams made it through to the ACT finals. Our 7/8 boys finished 3rd overall, with our 9/10’s playing out a tough final match, ending after extra time in a draw and they were awarded joint champions. Well done to both teams, as well as our year 7 boys and the year 7/8 and 9/10 girls who played in the South Region competition day.
Netball – Our 7/8 and 9/10 girls participated in the South Region competition – with our 9/10 girls making it through to the finals. It was a tough competition day with a few of the team members out with injury and other school commitments, but the girls played strong and were competitive.
School Sport ACT Representative Teams
With the representative championships finishing up this week, we would like to acknowledge our School Sport ACT representative team members who have represented the ACT, and Telopea Park School at School Sport Australia Championships this year:
18&U Tennis | Zae Dwyer, Alisha Kumar; Dylan Beeharry |
18&U Australian Tennis Team | Alisha Kumar |
15&U Volleyball | Finn Edwards, Leo Lafoy-Brown |
15&U Australian Volleyball | Leo Lafoy-Brown |
15&U AFL | Jesse Weston; Joshua Perry |
12&U Hockey | Mark Ferran; Thomas Ferran |
12&U AFL | Abigail Crawford; Willow Battisson |
16&U Basketball | Coen Keat |
19&U Swimming | Campbell Quartly; Genevieve Mitcham |
12&U Swimming | Zoe Francis; Samuel Harvey |
12&U Cross Country | Emilie Mclaughlin; Jules Tarry |
12&U Netball | Abigail Crawford; Willow Battisson |
12&U Football (Soccer) | Nolan Francesconi |
12&U Tennis | Jana Ayad; Tommy Camus; William Nolan |
12&U Track and Field | Maimuna Shave |
Ski trips
This year we stretched our program to include separate year 7 and year 8 ski trip days, taking 90 students each day, plus our year 9/10 day which catered for 115 skiers and boarders. Whilst the snow coverage this year was not the best, our students made the most of the opportunity and experience and had a great time on the slopes with their friends and peers. Many students had never experienced snowsports before – and the one-day trips are a great way to give them a taste. All students participated in a morning lesson in their chosen snowsport (skiing or snowboarding) then spent the remainder of the day cruising the slopes with their buddy and friends.
The 4:30am departure was early, but well worth it … and many of the students were already talking about “next year”. Thank you needs to be sent out to all the fabulous teachers who came along to help out- without their support the days could not go ahead. For those who missed out, or who might like to come along next year, we will advertise the dates and details in Term 2 …
Colour Run
Well, we did it again … we got together for a couple of days of fun and frivolity and colour – our Primary students, teachers and families enjoying a lovely afternoon of festivities and colour on the second last day of term 3, and our secondary students finishing the term off with their run on the Friday afternoon. All in all it was a great couple of days, and collectively we raised just over $30,000 – thank you to everyone who fundraised – we are hoping this year to put in an outdoor volleyball court with the funds raised – one that can be used at break times by our Primary and Secondary students, and by our PE classes as well.
Hopefully by now you have noticed the great benches that have been purchased from our fundraising efforts last year, as well as funds raised by our P&C. What a great feel there is in our outdoor learning and eating spaces now – and we sincerely thank our students, families, staff and communities, and our P&C for the support.
Stay tuned too, for our “Telopea” marquees that we are also purchasing – you’ll see them next year at our school carnivals and excursions.
And for those who ordered prizes – good news is that they have finally arrived, and we are sorting through them this week. We hope to have them distributed to classes by Friday this week.
Canberra Preschool Society invites you to celebrate 80 years of Preschool Education
The Canberra Preschool Society invites you to reconnect and exchange memories with past friends and colleagues as it celebrates 80 years of Preschool Education in the ACT on Friday 10 November 2023.
Guests are asked to bring a shared plate to the Reid Preschool, 14A Dirrawan Gardens, Reid from 3:00pm–5:00pm. Visit the Canberra Preschool Society for more information and to register.
Three-year-old preschool list of partner providers for 2024
Universal access to quality early childhood education for three-year-old children is a key initiative under Set Up for Success: An Early Childhood Strategy for the ACT. From the start of 2024, free three-year-old preschool will be available to all Canberra families for 300 hours per year. The three-year-old preschool program will be delivered through participating Early Childhood Education and Care services (long day care and non-government school settings). Over 130 services across the ACT have partnered to deliver three-year-old preschool in 2024.
A list of partner provider services is now available on the Education Directorate website, along with Frequently Asked Questions and further information for families.
Message from the P&C’s President, Alison Behie
Hello families,
I hope everyone is well and truly settled into term 4.
With World Teachers Day last Friday, the P&C organised a morning tea for the teachers to say a big thank you for all they do. It was a small gesture, but we hope that it made them feel appreciated for the long hours and tireless effort they put in for our kids. Thank you to Xavier at the cantine for providing the lovely pastries.
The focus for the P&C the last fortnight has been on La Grande Fête, which is tomorrow! I cannot thank enough our hard working volunteers for the long hours they are putting in to get the Fête up and running. It is looking like it will be a great day, so I hope to see many of our families there.
I know there are still volunteers needed, so please reach out to the event committee ( to give a hand – even 30 minutes on the day would be so very appreciated.
Thanks everyone – looking forward to a fabulous fete day!
La Grande Fête 2023 is TOMORROW
There will be over FIFTY stalls, plus a jam-packed main stage showcasing Telopea's home-grown talent, carnival rides, butterfly stilt walkers, the annual French Cars Club Display, Petit Fun Corner designed to entertain our younger guests, a silent auction, a visit from ACT Fire & Rescue (unless there's an emergency!) tickets to the Raffle Extraordinaire, cheese, wine, and much, much more!
For all the details, including important information, fête map, main stage program, what to bring, and how to get there, visit:
We recommend saving this link to your phone for tomorrow.
The fête kicks off tomorrow at 11am - we can't wait to see you!
Wine fundraiser
How would you like to have your own Telopea Park School Centenary Wine?
Perfect for l’apéro, for drinks with family and friends, or to accompany your meal, the P&C have partnered with Prospect Wines to offer 6 different wines labeled with our school's centenary!
Order directly online at:
Primary Disco
We are still hoping to hold a primary disco - possibly on 1 December.
For planning purposes, please fill in the EOI if your child/ren would be able to attend:
We will sadly no longer be able to run a movie night for high school this year. We hope to be able to hold it in 2024
Lost Properties
Don't forget that unlabeled lost properties are donated or recycled at the end of term.
The best time to help your child hunt for items in the Lost Property Area is at drop off time between 8.30am and 9am and when picking up your child from Outside School Hours Care.
The Lost Property Area is located in the primary courtyard and to the right as you enter the primary gate (near the bike cages). We clean up the lost property area at the end of every term. Any unlabeled uniforms are taken to the second-hand uniform shop, and the non-school uniforms and lunch boxes are donated to charity.
The team aims to return all clearly labelled items to the children.
We need more volunteers! If you are interested to help, please contact It's a great way to get involved in the school community!
October Board meeting
At the October Board meeting we discussed the new building works for the Secondary School. We noted the Education Department was yet to respond to our correspondence to engage with the Board or the parent community and decided to express our concerns with the Education Directorate.
We also examined the school satisfaction and climate survey results. These indicated overall positive results. However, there were some low scores on key indicators. For example, at least half of all parents felt they were not being provided the necessary information on the progress of their children at School. This is something the school has committed to examine further.
We also discussed school enrolment, noting that student retention had increased. In particular, there is a higher proportion of students progressing within the French stream. We also discussed the feedback from parents about student readers, and the school offered to do a stocktake of existing resources with a view to providing an assessment on how these resources can be improved. We are looking for volunteers to assist with this process (please contact our president -
We also noted that although staffing costs had increased the school maintained a strong financial position overall. We also discussed the review of the school timetable, which will see lunch time brought forward to earlier in the day and an afternoon recess time.
Feeding families on a budget
Are you a parent or carer of a 2–12-year-old child?
If you sometimes struggle to pay the bills, we would love to hear from you.
With the rising cost of living, many families are struggling to make ends meet.
Help us understand more about how families cope when money for essentials is tight, and what impact this has on parents and children.
Complete the anonymous online survey here: , and go in a draw to win a $200 gift card!
Free parent seminar – disordered eating and body image
The next PERKS Parenting Seminar covers disordered eating and body image concerns. Learn about the warning signs, practical strategies to best support your teen or pre-teen with recovery and when you need to seek professional help.
Date: Tuesday, 7 November
Time: 4-6 pm
Venue: Woden Community Hub, Westfield Woden, above Commonwealth Bank
Cost: Free
Register here:
Stay Connected!
The P&C Newsletter keeps everyone informed of P&C meetings, events and school & community activities. P&C has its own e-Newsletter and website Please note, we need your permission to send you emails via our emailing list.
The P&C Facebook Page is now available to publish P&C news, events, activities -
Parents Facebook Groups per year - These groups have been set up by parents for parents to share valuable information with parents whose kids attend the same year classes. This can be very useful with lost notes and forms in the primary kids’ pochettes, events, homework, birthday invite, etc.…
A list of known Facebook groups can be found on the P&C website in the ‘Who We Are’ section:
Le mot de la Présidente du Comité des Parents et Citoyens (P&C), Alison Behie
Chères familles,
J’espère que tout le monde a bien démarré le 4e trimestre.
À l’occasion de la Journée mondiale des enseignants vendredi dernier, le P&C a organisé un goûter pour remercier chaleureusement les enseignants pour tout ce qu’ils font. C’était un petit geste, mais nous espérons qu’ils se sont sentis appréciés pour les longues heures et les efforts sans relâche qu’ils consacrent à nos enfants. Merci à Xavier de la cantine pour avoir fourni de délicieuses viennoiseries.
Ces deux dernières semaines, le P&C s’est focalisé sur La Grande Fête, qui aura lieu demain ! Je ne saurais trop remercier nos bénévoles qui travaillent dur des heures durant à la préparation de notre Fête. La Fête s’annonce grandiose, et j’espère que nombre des familles de notre école seront au rendez-vous.
Davantage de bénévoles seraient les bienvenus, alors n’hésitez pas à contacter le Comité des événements (en anglais – pour nous prêter mainforte – même 30 minutes de votre temps demain serait grandement apprécié.
Merci à toutes et à tous – je me réjouis à la perspective d’un magnifique jour de Fête !
La Grande Fête 2023, c’est DEMAIN !
Il y aura plus de CINQUANTE stands, et de nombreux artistes de Telopea se produiront sur notre grande scène, sans parler des tours de manèges, des échassiers, de l’exposition annuelle du Club de voitures françaises, de l’espace « Petit Fun Corner » destiné à nos plus jeunes participants, d’une vente aux enchères silencieuse, d’une visite de l’équipe de pompiers et de sauvetage du Territoire de la Capitale australienne (ACT) (à moins qu’ils soient occupés dans une situation d’urgence !), des tickets pour notre fabuleuse tombola, des dégustations de fromages et de vins, et beaucoup plus encore !
Pour plus de détails, notamment d’importantes informations, le plan de la Fête, le programme de la grande scène, ce que nous vous recommandons d’apporter, et comment vous rendre à l’événement, accédez au site :
Nous vous conseillons d’enregistrer ce lien sur votre téléphone pour pouvoir le consulter demain.
La Fête démarrera demain à 11h – nous sommes impatients de vous y retrouver !
Collecte de fonds – vins
Aimeriez-vous avoir votre propre bouteille de vin du Centenaire de l’école Telopea Park ?
Parfait pour l’apéro, pour prendre un verre en famille et entre amis, ou pour accompagner votre repas, le Comité des Parents et Citoyens (P&C) s’est associé à Prospect Wines pour vous proposer 6 vins différents étiquetés à l’effigie du centenaire de notre école !
Commandez directement en ligne sur le site :
Disco pour les primaires
Nous espérons toujours organiser une disco pour les primaires – éventuellement le 1er décembre.
À des fins de planification, veuillez nous indiquer si votre ou vos enfant(s) souhaite(nt) participer, en remplissant le formulaire :
Malheureusement, nous ne pourrons pas tenir de soirée ciné pour le secondaire cette année. Nous espérons pouvoir l’organiser en 2024.
Objets trouvés
Pour rappel, les objets trouvés non étiquetés sont donnés ou recyclés à la fin de chaque trimestre.
Le meilleur moment de la journée pour aider votre enfant à récupérer ses articles perdus parmi les objets trouvés est entre 8h30 et 9h, ou à l’heure où vous récupérez votre enfant auprès du service de garde en dehors des heures d’école (TPSOSHC).
L’espace dédié aux objets trouvés est situé dans la cour de l’école primaire – sur votre droite lorsque vous franchissez le portail d’entrée (à proximité des cages à vélos). Nous nettoyons la zone des objets trouvés à la fin de chaque trimestre. Tous les uniformes non étiquetés sont donnés à la boutique des uniformes d’occasion et les autres articles et boîtes de déjeuner sont donnés à des œuvres caritatives.
L’équipe s’efforce de rendre tous les articles clairement étiquetés à leurs propriétaires.
Nous avons besoin de plus de bénévoles ! Si vous souhaitez nous aider, veuillez nous envoyer un courriel (en anglais) à l’adresse C’est une excellente occasion de participer à la vie de la communauté de notre école !
Réunion d’octobre du Comité d’établissement de l’école
Lors de notre réunion d’octobre, nous avons discuté des travaux de construction pour l’école secondaire. Comme le Département de l’éducation n’a pas encore répondu à notre correspondance, qui visait à établir un lien avec le Comité d’établissement et la communauté des parents, nous avons décidé de faire part de nos préoccupations à la Direction de l’éducation.
Nous avons également examiné les résultats des enquêtes de satisfaction et sur le climat de l’école. Dans l’ensemble, ces résultats étaient positifs. Toutefois, certains indicateurs clés ont fait l’objet de faibles résultats. Par exemple, au moins la moitié des parents estimaient qu’ils ne recevaient pas les informations requises sur les progrès de leurs enfants à l’école. Il s’agit d’un point que l’école s’est engagée à examiner plus avant.
Nous avons également discuté du processus d’inscription et avons constaté que la rétention des élèves avait augmenté. En particulier, une grande proportion d’élèves progressent dans le courant français. Nous avons également parlé des retours des parents sur les éléments de lecture pour les élèves, et l’école a proposé de dresser un bilan des ressources existantes en vue de soumettre une évaluation qui permettra d’y apporter des améliorations. Nous recherchons des bénévoles pour contribuer à ce processus (veuillez envoyer un courriel – en anglais – à notre Présidente –
Nous avons également observé que, malgré la hausse des coûts du personnel, l’école a su maintenir une position financière globalement solide. Par ailleurs, nous avons discuté de la révision de l’emploi du temps de l’école, qui prévoit que l’heure du déjeuner sera avancée plus tôt dans la journée, avec une récréation l’après-midi.
Nourrir sa famille à petit budget
Vous avez un enfant de 2 à 12 ans ?
S’il vous arrive de rencontrer des difficultés pour payer vos factures, nous souhaitons connaître votre avis.
Compte tenu de la hausse du coût de la vie, de nombreuses familles peinent à joindre les deux bouts.
Aidez-nous à mieux comprendre les stratégies auxquelles les familles recourent quand elles ont du mal à s’acheter même des articles essentiels, ainsi que l’impact que cela a sur les parents et les enfants.
Répondez anonymement à ce questionnaire en ligne :, et vous aurez la chance de participer à un tirage au sort pour gagner un bon cadeau de 200 $ !
Séminaire gratuit pour les parents – les troubles de l’alimentation et l’image corporelle
Le prochain séminaire de PERKS pour les parents couvre les problèmes liés aux troubles de l’alimentation et à l’image corporelle. Apprenez à reconnaître les signes avant-coureurs, découvrez des stratégies pratiques pour mieux soutenir votre adolescent(e) ou pré-adolescent(e) et sachez quand demander l’aide de professionnels.
Date : Mardi 7 novembre
Heure : De 16h à 18h
Lieu : Centre communautaire de Woden (Woden Community Hub), Westfield Woden, au-dessus de la banque Commonwealth
Coût : Gratuit
Inscrivez-vous ici :
Restez branchés !
Le bulletin d’informations de l’Association des Parents et Citoyens permet à tous de rester informés des réunions du Comité P&C, ainsi que des événements et des activités de l’école et de sa communauté. L’Association des Parents et Citoyens a son propre bulletin d’informations et son site Internet Veuillez noter que nous avons besoin de votre permission pour vous envoyer des emails à travers notre liste de distribution.
La page Facebook de l’Association des Parents et Citoyens publie les nouvelles, les événements et les activités du P&C –
Les pages Facebook de parents, par année – Ces groupes ont été créés par des parents en vue de pouvoir partager des informations entre parents qui ont des enfants dans la même année. Ces forums peuvent être très utiles pour diffuser des notes d’informations, en cas de perte de formulaires par des enfants du primaire, ou encore pour partager des informations concernant des événements, des devoirs, des anniversaires, etc.
Une liste des groupes Facebook se trouve sur le site Web de l’Association des Parents et Citoyens, dans la section « Who We Are » :
Flight Centre Manuka – Purchase your travel through Flight Centre Manuka and nominate Telopea. School will receive 1% of the total purchases. This is used towards funding the fete raffle travel prize to France that everyone wants to win! You must mention Telopea at time of booking and is not available on price beats.
Achetez votre prochain voyage avec Flight Centre Manuka et désignez Telopea. L’école recevra 1 % de la valeur de l’achat. Ceci servira pour financer le grand prix du voyage en France de la tombola. Il faut désigner Telopea au moment de la réservation. Cette combinaison n’est pas disponible avec « price beats ».
Rebel Sport – Nominate Telopea at the checkout or on your Rebel loyalty card. The school will earn credits to obtain sporting goods from your purchases.
Désignez Telopea à la caisse ou sur votre carte de fidélité Rebel et l’école recevra des crédits envers des équipements de sport.
Athletes Foot – Canberra Centre – Nominate Telopea as your school when purchasing shoes or add Telopea to your loyalty program. School will receive $5 for each pair of shoes purchased.
Désignez Telopea à la caisse ou sur votre carte de fidélité et l’école recevra 5 $ pour chaque paire de chaussures que vous achetez.
2nd Hand Uniform Shop – Donate your old uniforms and shop at the 2nd hand uniform shop. All sales from the shop go directly to the P&C Committee. Items available include hats, jackets, summer dresses, skirts, shirts, blouses and polos of various sizes. Only $5 per piece of clothing.
Opening Hours:
Tuesday: 9am - 9.30am
Friday: 9am - 9.30am
Location: outside the Primary School Office
Faites don de vos vieux uniformes et achetez des uniformes d’occasion au magasin d’occasion. Toutes les ventes du magasin vont directement au Comité des Parents et Citoyens. On y trouve des chapeaux, pulls, robes d’été, jupes, et polos de tailles diverses. 5 $ par article.
Heures d’ouverture :
Mardi : 9 h – 9 h 30
Vendredi : 9 h – 9 h 30
Lieu : dehors, devant le bureau du primaire.
For contacting other staff members, please contact below:
Ph: (02) 6142 3388
Other important emails
Primary administration (absences) | |
Secondary administration (absences) | |
Parent -Teacher Interviews | |
Feedback | |
School Board Members 2023
Principal | Jason Holmes |
Proviseure | Florence Llopis |
Deputy Principal K-10 | Peter Clayden |
Deputy Principal K-6 | Kylie Louis |
Deputy Principal 7-10 | Cymantha Cantrill |
Directeur | Patrice Piche |
Business Manager | Mary Ryan |
Board Chair | Stephen Bouwhuis | |
Principal | Jason Holmes | |
Appointed Member | Rosaline Rimes-Reich | |
Staff Member | Magali Rozborski | Mhairi Henderson |
P&C Member | Lee Hayward | Kate Gauthier |
Australian Government | Alexandra Mattinson | |
French Government | Florence Llopis | Boris Toucas |
Board Secretary | Mary Ryan |