Telopea Topics No7 2024
Dear Parents and Carers,
Autumn has arrived and I hope you have had the opportunity to enjoy the beauty that Canberra provides at this time of the year. Students from Years 2 – 6 were lucky to enjoy our Cross Country Carnival at Stromlo Park on Thursday 16th May with terrific weather in a wonderful setting. I sincerely thank all the teachers, led by Raphael V, for their organization, supervision, and management of the day. I am also extremely appreciative of the support of our Secondary Sports Leadership students who, under the guidance of their teacher, Simon Foxhill, facilitated a fantastic day of cross country running, novelty games and allowed us time to come together as a Primary community.
All Primary students have been actively engaging in our Positive Behaviours for Learning and look forward to the drawing of tokens during Weekly Announcements. Those students who have had their name drawn from the Token House box join Patrice and me for lunch in the Conference Room. It is a great opportunity to share lunch, special treats and celebrate the positive behaviours continually displayed by the students. Our goal over the next few weeks is working on assembly etiquette and I look forward to building our students’ capacity to participate in the various assemblies and ceremonies that occur throughout the year.
Our Reading Dog program has continued into 2024 and expanded from Year 2 to include our Kindergarten children. We are very lucky to have Winne (and her owners Miriam and Dan), and Ashima (and her owner Allison), visit our school and work with Kindergarten and Year 2 students to build their confidence and skills in reading.
I would like to take the time to remind you of the supervision arrangements for Primary students before and after school. Supervision is provided from 8.30am – 3.30pm and I ask that you make alternative arrangements if your child requires supervision outside these times, noting that we have an excellent Out of School Hours program. I also ask that you collect your Primary child/ren as soon as you are able and vacate school grounds so we can determine which children need additional Executive support, as well as attend to various meetings, as quickly as possible.
Finally, I am excited to announce the appointment of a Youth Worker in the Primary school and welcome Aydan Lawrence to our community. Ayden has begun development of various activities and clubs in collaboration with Keren Briggs (Executive Teacher Student Welfare) that he will implement over the coming weeks, and I look forward to seeing our children continue to thrive with the increasing opportunities that are provided.
Chères familles,
L'automne est là, et j'espère que vous avez l'occasion de pouvoir profiter de la beauté de Canberra à cette époque de l'année. Les élèves de CE1 à 6e ont eu la chance de participer au cross de l’école à Stromlo Park le jeudi 16 mai, avec un temps magnifique et un cadre splendide. Je remercie sincèrement tous les enseignants, sous la direction de Raphael V, pour l'organisation, la surveillance des élèves et la gestion de cette magnifique journée. Un grand merci également à nos élèves du secondaire qui, avec leur professeur, Simon Foxhill, ont participé à l’organisation de cette journée fantastique et du cross, ainsi que l’animation de jeux. Leurs efforts nous ont permis de nous rassembler en tant que communauté du primaire.
Tous les élèves du primaire se sont activement investis dans nos renforcements des comportements positifs et attendent avec impatience le tirage au sort des badges pendant les annonces de la semaine. Les élèves dont le nom a été tiré au sort dans la boîte des badges de leur Maison nous rejoignent, Patrice et moi, pour déjeuner dans la salle de conférence. C'est une excellente occasion de déjeuner ensemble, avec des petits plaisirs, et de célébrer les comportements positifs affichés par les élèves. Notre objectif pour les prochaines semaines est de travailler sur les règles attendues lors des assemblées, et je suis ravie de travailler avec nos élèves sur leur aptitude à participer aux diverses assemblées et cérémonies qui se déroulent tout au long de l'année.
Notre programme de lecture avec les chiens se poursuit en 2024 et inclut à présent nos élèves de grande section de maternelle. Nous avons la chance d'avoir Winne (et ses propriétaires Miriam et Dan), et Ashima (et sa propriétaire Allison), qui viennent à l’école et travaillent avec les élèves de grande section de maternelle et de CE1 pour renforcer leur assurance et leurs compétences en lecture.
J’aimerais vous rappeler les règles de l’école en matière de surveillance des élèves du primaire avant et après la classe. La surveillance est assurée de 8h30 à 15h30 et je vous demande de prendre vos dispositions si votre enfant a besoin d'être gardé en dehors de ces horaires, sachant que nous disposons d'une excellente garderie du matin et du soir.. Je vous demande également de venir chercher vos enfants du primaire dès que vous le pouvez et de quitter l'enceinte de l'école afin que nous puissions déterminer quels enfants ont besoin d'être gardés, et pour nous participer à diverses réunions le plus rapidement possible.
Enfin, j'ai le plaisir d'annoncer la nomination d'un animateur à l'école primaire et je souhaite la bienvenue à Aydan Lawrence au sein de notre communauté. Ayden a commencé à développer diverses activités et clubs en collaboration avec Keren Briggs (enseignante executive) qu'il mettra en œuvre au cours des prochaines semaines, et je suis ravie de voir nos élèves continuer à s'épanouir grâce aux activités toujours plus nombreuses qui leur sont offertes.
Book Fair Success
We are thrilled to share the wonderful news that the recent Scholastic Book Fair was an outstanding success! Throughout the week, our students enthusiastically browsed through a plethora of captivating books, engaging in lively discussions about new and exciting topics, and embarking on thrilling reading adventures. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated and contributed to making this event such a resounding triumph.
Rostrum Speaking Competition
We are delighted that Telopea Primary is one of over eighty schools that have registered to participate in the highly anticipated 2024 Rostrum Primary Schools Speaking Competition! For over five decades, Rostrum has been organising this prestigious event for schools in the ACT and surrounding areas of New South Wales.
We had our school finals this Friday the 24th of May. Speeches, which are to be three minutes long, covered a diverse range of thought-provoking topics, including "A New Olympic Sport," "Bad Advice," "Choirs," "Earth's Magnetic Field," "Get Involved," "How Exhausting," "Let it Snow," and "Think Big."
Congratulations to everyone that participated, and we were proud to witness the outstanding oratory skills and creativity of our young speakers!
Cross Country Fun and Excitement
On the 16th of May, Stromlo was buzzing with energy, enthusiasm, and joy as we had the annual Cross Country event for Years 2-6. Congratulations to all the students who participated in this exhilarating day of running, cheering, and demonstrating our school values. Your dedication and sportsmanship were truly commendable! For further information about the next stages, please contact Raphael Vercaygne.
Celebrating Musical Talent: Primary Choir Shines
We extend our heartfelt congratulations to the Primary Choir students who showcased their musical talents at the recent FAPS Fete on Saturday, 18th May. Their melodious voices resonated beautifully, captivating the audience and adding a touch of charm to the festivities. Well done to all our talented performers!
Harmonious Collaboration: Year 6 Combined Band
Our Year 6 Band had the pleasure of collaborating with students from Forrest Primary School, and the result was truly beautiful! Together, they delivered an impressive performance, showcasing their musical prowess. The highlights of the morning were their rendition of Linus and Lucy, Infinity, Spider Pig and Latin Fire, which left the Year 4 audience spellbound and looking forward to their opportunity to join the band next year. They even got to attempt Bohemian Rhapsody, which was quite a challenge!
Embracing Reconciliation Week
As we prepare to commemorate National Reconciliation Week, we are reminded of the importance of fostering understanding, respect, and unity within our school community. In the spirit of reconciliation, we hosted a whole primary school assembly on Thursday, 23rd May. We invited all students, staff, and parents to join us as we come together to reflect, learn, and celebrate our shared journey towards reconciliation.
We look forward to continuing our journey of learning, growth, and collaboration as we embark on these exciting initiatives and events together. Thank you for your ongoing support and participation!
Year 2 Special Guests
Year 2 have been fortunate to have several guest speakers. Sidney’s Dad, Scott, spoke to 2.2 about his role as a firefighter and talked about fire safety. The students enjoyed looking at all the equipment he brought to show. Charlotte’s Dad, Ben, spoke about the meaning of ANZAC Day. Ben is in the Navy. He also talked about his job and life in the Navy in general. In particular, students were inquisitive about life on ships and submarines. Thank you to both parents.
Foire aux Livres
Nous sommes ravis de vous annoncer que la récente foire aux livres de Scholastic a été un franc succès ! Tout au long de la semaine, nos élèves ont parcouru avec enthousiasme de nombreux livres captivants, ont participé à des discussions animées sur des sujets passionnants qui leur étaient nouveaux, et se sont lancés dans des lectures palpitantes. Nous remercions chaleureusement tous ceux qui ont participé et contribué à faire de cet événement un succès retentissant.
Concours d’éloquence
Nous sommes ravis que notre école soit l'une des quatre-vingts écoles inscrites au très attendu concours d'éloquence des écoles primaires 2024 ! Depuis plus de cinquante ans, Rostrum organise cet événement prestigieux pour les écoles de l'ACT et des régions voisines de la Nouvelle-Galles du Sud.
Les finales de l'école ont eu lieu ce vendredi 24 mai. Les discours, d'une durée de trois minutes, ont couvert un large éventail de sujets de réflexion, notamment "Un nouveau sport olympique", "Les mauvais conseils", "Les chorales", "Le champ magnétique terrestre", "Impliquez-vous", "C'est épuisant", "Qu'il neige" et "Voyez grand".
Félicitations à tous les participants et nous avons été fiers de constater les talents oratoires et la créativité exceptionnels de nos jeunes orateurs !
Cross de l’école
Le 16 mai, Stromlo débordait d'énergie, d'enthousiasme et de joie à l'occasion de notre cross annuel organisé pour nos élèves de CE1 à 6e. Félicitations à tous les élèves qui ont participé à cette journée exaltante, ont couru, encouragé et affiché les valeurs de l'école. Votre dévouement et votre esprit sportif sont vraiment dignes d'éloges ! Pour plus d'informations sur les prochaines courses, vous pouvez contacter Raphaël Vercaygne.
Nos talents musicaux : La chorale du primaire brille
Nous adressons nos plus sincères félicitations aux élèves de la chorale du primaire qui ont démontré leurs talents musicaux lors de la dernière fête de FAPS, le samedi 18 mai. Leurs voix mélodieuses ont magnifiquement résonné, captivant le public et ajoutant une touche de charme aux festivités. Bravo à tous nos talentueux artistes !
Collaboration harmonieuse: orchestre des élèves de 6e
Notre orchestre des élèves de 6e a eu le plaisir de collaborer avec des élèves de l'école primaire de Forrest, et le résultat était vraiment magnifique ! Ensemble, ils ont livré une performance impressionnante, mettant en valeur leurs prouesses musicales. Les moments forts de la matinée ont été leur interprétation de Linus and Lucy, Infinity, Spider Pig et Latin Fire, qui a laissé les élèves de CM1 sous le charme et impatients de pouvoir rejoindre l'orchestre l'année prochaine.
Semaine de la Réconciliation (Reconciliation Week)
Alors que nous nous préparons à commémorer la semaine nationale de la réconciliation, nous nous rappelons l'importance de favoriser la compréhension, le respect et l'unité au sein de notre communauté scolaire. Dans l'esprit de la réconciliation, nous avons organisé une assemblée pour tous les élèves de l'école primaire le jeudi 23 mai. Nous avons invité tous les élèves, le personnel et les parents à se joindre à nous pour réfléchir, apprendre et célébrer notre voyage commun vers la réconciliation.
Nous sommes ravis de poursuivre notre voyage d'apprentissage, de progression et de collaboration alors que nous nous lançons ensemble dans ces initiatives et événements passionnants. Nous vous remercions de votre soutien et de votre participation !
Invités spéciaux pour les élèves de CE1
Les élèves de CE1 ont eu la chance d'avoir plusieurs conférenciers invités. Scott, le père de Sidney, a parlé à la classe de CE1.2 de son métier de pompier et de la sécurité incendie. Les élèves ont apprécié de voir tout l'équipement qu'il a apporté pour la démonstration. Ben, le père de Charlotte, a parlé de la signification de la Journée de l'ANZAC. Ben est dans la marine. Il a également parlé de son travail et de la vie dans la marine en général. Les élèves se sont montrés particulièrement intéressés par la vie à bord des navires et des sous-marins. Merci aux deux parents.
Secondary PE & Health News
Wow, what a busy year it has been so far in the Physical Education and Health faculty. This year has seen some movement in our faculty staff with Mr Jacob Fruean and Mr Ben Favero joining our team. We farewelled Mr James McAuliffe and Mrs Alex Currie, who have both moved to new schools.
The following is a wrap up of all things Secondary PE, Health and school sport from term 1 and early term 2, and a look at what is still to come this term.
Physical and Health Education
All students have settled well into their PE classes for the semester. So far students have engaged in a variety of sports, kicking off with an Indigenous and Cultural Games unit. Most classes are finishing up their Health unit over the upcoming weeks – this year we have trialled a new program of Health classes once a week rather than in a 3-4 week block. Health units for semester one are Food, nutrition, healthy people and healthy communities (year 7), Mental health and wellbeing (year 8) and Relationships & sexuality (years 9 & 10).
Students are completing their Athletics unit in preparation for our school athletics carnival to be held in week 6 (Thursday June 6). Following athletics, students will engage in 2 various sporting units to finish off the semester.
Our Year 9/10 elective classes have been busy exploring the opportunities in their respective specialties.
Fitness for Life and Fitness for Boys have been making the most of the opportunity to visit Club Lime in Kingston and work on their individual fitness plan to improve their targeted fitness goals. Class fitness sessions at school have helped to improve their teamwork and general components of fitness.
Our Sports Leadership students have been busy helping out our primary area's swimming and cross country carnivals, as well as coaching their classes on a Friday afternoon - and boy oh boy have they gained a new appreciation of their teachers and parents. They were also invited to be the timekeepers at the ACT 12 & Under swimming championships earlier in the term. We love the way our students can not only support the primary area of our school, but also our school sporting community across the ACT.
Our STRIVE students have been participating in their team challenge activities and have been working on their Community Service Project. We are looking forward to their presentations soon, and the awarding of the team challenge cup later in the term. There is lots of debate about whether the blue team, or the red team, will be crowned champions for Semester 1.
Year 10 Outdoor Education enjoyed a 3-day coast camp in term 1 with the opportunity to put their Australian Snorkelling award to practice in the open water on the Far Scout Coast. They also enjoyed some surfing sessions, fishing and night games and challenges on the beach. The class is presently invested in some team building initiative games and they are loving the leadership opportunities, challenges and laughter it is bringing.
Year 9/10 Outdoor Education were challenged and tested on their 3-day hiking and camping trip to Birrigai. The 3 teams built their own shelters for one night, competed for food and rations, and had a yummy breakfast cooked for them as a reward for surviving the elements in their shelters. It was a challenging but rewarding experience for them all. The class earlier learned the finer skills in Mountain Biking around our school and the local area and are about to begin their Archery unit.
Women in Sport are planning their “health Expo” which will soon be presented to the year 7 girls – it’s an exciting opportunity for them to present information and strategies to their younger peers, based on what they “wish they knew more about” when they were in year 7. The girls have also enjoyed a variety of recreational activities and are looking forward to continuing their challenges and enjoyment around all things involving an active and healthy lifestyle.
Sports Carnivals
Finally, we were able to kick off our sporting carnival calendar for the year … which gives our House Captains the chance to lead and organise their house groups.
Congratulation to the 2024 house captains:
Campbell | Farrer | Moore | Throsby | ||||
Captain | Vice | Captain | Vice | Captain | Vice | Captain | Vice |
Adam Ayad | Alisa Collett | Zidan El Jammoudi | Andrew Jeppesen | Sahasri Penta | Ryaan Munshi | Aiden Wright | Samnit Singh |
Layla Barbour | Beni Demeter | Aishwarya Karthik | Sam Edmunds | Lachlan Li | Annora Oh | Emma Wong |
Campbell | Farrer | Moore | Throsby | ||||
Captain | Vice | Captain | Vice | Captain | Vice | Captain | Vice |
Angus Blair | Kalan Beeharry | Aisha El Ayadi | Mahilan Jegaan | Clarrie O'Hare | Leandre Maury-Laib | Ben Sherwin | James Xu |
Dihain Ambepitiyage | Guilliaume Jallier | Jude El Hassan | Elianne Lum | Madeleine Radnedge | Rosy Zhu | Maja Torres-Schmidt |
Secondary Swimming Carnival
Early term 1 we had our Secondary Swimming Carnival at Dickson – lots of competitors and lots of fun had by everyone. Beach Volleyball games and novelties were a hit with everyone. Congratulations to the following Age Champions
12 years – Havana Foulcher and Janko Zagrapan
13 years – Madeleine Radnedge and Naland Huynh
14 years – Eleanor Barker and Ruhain Ambepitiyage
15 years – Emma Zhang and Campbell Quartly
16+ years – Genevieve Mitcham and Jerome Huynh
Thank you to Ms Parker and Ms Moro for the excellent carnival – lots of students were participating and enjoying the races and novelties.
We had a team of over 30 students swim at the South Regional Competition, and then 15 qualify for ACT. No final results from the ACT Day yet – we will share them soon. Well done to all competitors.
Secondary Cross Country
We returned to Stromlo Forest Park this year for our annual Cross Country. Lots of competitors in our races, and it was great to see everyone our out and about in our 30min fun run. There was loads of colour, dancing to the awesome tunes provided by Mr Fruean, one of our new PE staff members, and fun to be had at the volleyball and tug-of-war novelties as well.
Thank you to Mr Sherwin and Mr Fruean for organising and leading a fabulously fun day.
Our congratulations to all students for their participation and particularly to those who were winners within their respective race groups.
Age Champions and race winners this year are as follows:
12 years – Gurasees Gill and Vihain Sanagala Venkata
13 years – Matilda Bannerman and Nivin Vinothkumar
14 years – Bridget Grove and Thomas Madigan
15 years – Annora Oh and Nayan Manoharan
16+ years – Layla Barbour and Adam Ayad
The regional Cross Country Carnival will be held at Stromlo Forest Park on Friday June 14th. The top 1 place getter of each age group receive automatic qualification. Qualifier names have been placed on the PE noticeboard and these students should have already received their permission forms to return in anticipation of this event. We wish the 120 qualifying students well.
The last of school carnivals, the Athletics carnival, will be held in Week 6, on June 6th, at Woden Athletics Park (near The Canberra Hospital). It will no doubt be a chilly morning and students need to ensure they are rugged up and are warm. Students will come to school as normal at the start of the day and then be bused to and from the venue. We encourage all students to come dressed in their House colours, or PE uniform for the day. For our families and students new to the school, our Houses are as follows:
CAMPBELL (Red) – Surnames A-D
FARRER (Blue) – Surnames E-K
MOORE (Green) – Surnames L-R
THROSBY (Yellow) – Surnames S-Z
The carnival will include 100m, 200m, 400m, 800m, 1500m, relays, long jump, triple jump, shot put and discus. Students wanting to compete in high jump and javelin are able to do so at school in pre-carnival events which starts next week. Sign-up sheets for the at-school events are on the PE noticeboard and the schedule is in the daily notices. The cost of the carnival day is $10 and includes transport and the ground hire costs. Athletics Carnival permission notes have been sent home through contact group. Mr Foxhill, Miss Bobbin and Mr Favero have been working very hard to coordinate all things Track and Field, and ensure the staff and students have the best day possible.
Thanks too, for all 3 carnivals, to the Hospitality classes and their teachers for their preparation of the superb refreshments for the teachers. It is a long busy day for teachers, and the constant provision of fine food and snacks is greatly appreciated.
School Sport
We started our 2024 SSACT competitions with ACT Tennis, sending 27 students along as part of the SSACT senior team trial day. All players came away with a great experience and we saw a couple of them appearing in the School Sport Australia 18 & Under Championships (which includes the Pizzey Cup and Aussie Cup tournaments) which were held in Hobart earlier this term – Tommy Camus represented Telopea in the ACT team, along with Aliyah Dwyer and Dylan Beeharry – both former Telopea Park School students.
Our 7/8 and 9/10 boys teams joined the South Touch Football day for the first time in a couple of years. They had a great day out, learned a lot about the fast paced game,and have vowed to come back next year to give it another go. We enjoy seeing our students try new sports, with their friends, representing our school with passion, energy and commitment. Well done to these boys, and their teachers, for their efforts and time.
We sent off 4 teams to the ACT Schools championships in term 1 – our 9/10 boys bringing home the championship trophy with a repeat of their finals winning performance last year. Our year 7/8 girls narrowly missed out on the top spot in their competition with a closely fought penalty shootout. Out 7/8 boys and 9/10 girls made it through to the semi finals. This was a highly successful competition for Telopea and our teams, building for the outdoor competition in term 3.
South Region Volleyball
Our 9/10 girls took out the South region championships last week – CONGRATULATIONS GIRLS. Our 7/8 girls team were holding their own, winning the majority of their games and making it through to the semi finals. Our boys teams are playing on Friday this week. ACT Finals will be in week 9.
There are still some opportunities remaining for term 2 that which students can get involved in. Sign-up sheets are available on the PE Noticeboard for students to express their interest in trying out for Hockey. Students should keep an ear out for announcements of trials for these sports throughout the term.
In term 3 we have opportunities to represent the school in Soccer (Football), Netball, Athletics, European Handball and Mountain Biking.
We have managed to lock in 4 one-day ski trips this year – one for each year group. We are excited that the students enjoy these days with their friends and peers and we are lucky enough to be able to take all interested students. Notes to those students went out this week – and an email home to parents to let everyone know of the new spaces. The trip dates for each year group are
Year 8 – Week 1 - 27th July
Year 7 – Week 2 – 2nd August
Year 9 – Week 3 – 9th August
Year 10 – Week 4 – 16th August
In order to meet our deadlines, the permission note, medical form and hire agreement, along with the final payment are due by the end of week 7 of this term. If your child missed out on their note, or is now keen to try skiing or snowboarding, please contact me on as soon as you can. There were around 10 spots left on each of the trips when I last checked.
Finally, if you have any questions about your child’s participation and progress in PE and Health or Sport, please feel free to contact myself or your child’s PE teacher (their name is on the mid-semester report for email purposes).
Megan Taylor (Executive Teacher – PE, Health and Sport)
Please join the TPS community on the morning of Tuesday 28 May from 8am -9:00am for a free coffee (provided by an external vendor), and the chance to purchase a Croissant or another pastry (which will be sold by our canteen operator Xavier). We hope to connect ahead of the P&C AGM meeting (which will take place the following evening).
Please come early and enjoy breakfast with your child/children while connecting and learn about what you can do to help the school community. See you there!
P&C AGM- Wednesday 29 May
We have been able to finalise our financial documentation to enable the Annual General Meeting to take place next Wednesday 29 May in the Senior Campus staffroom.
We look forward to welcoming new and returning families, with a meet and greet from 6pm, before the formalities kick off at 6.30pm.
An election for executive and non-executive positions will occur, with most of the current exec are stepping back to make way for fresh new faces.
You can review all the positions here and reach out via this page with any questions:
Please keep an eye on the Facebook page for details ( and the website.
The P&C is still urgently looking for a Comms Officer
The communication role plays a crucial part in promoting the values and initiatives of our association. The role can be filled by one or more volunteers, including someone able to translate the news into French to create bilingual versions. Please reach out for more details:
TPS Events and Fundraising Team
Team leaders and volunteers for TPS Events and Fundraising Team urgently needed for 2024! To volunteer, please email
Centenary Wine Fundraiser
We are still running our centenary wine fundraiser so you can still buy a nice bottle of wine and support the P&C. For every dozen bottles sold, the profits of wine sales goes back to the P&C, so you can enjoy wine and support our fundraising at the same time! The wines are delivered directly to you, so place an order now to enjoy our selection of wines, perfect for your next occasion or gift!
Second-Hand Uniform Shop
The Telopea second-hand uniform shop is located next to the senior campus hall. The shop opens on Tuesdays and Fridays 9-9:30am. If you wish to purchase second-hand uniforms, send us an email
Lost Property
Primary lost properties are located in the playground near the bike cages, to the right when you enter the primary gate. Come and look for your lost property as unclaimed items are donated to charity or the School Uniform Shop in the last week of each term. The P&C are looking for volunteers to help sort lost properties and return lost items to students. Any time you can offer will be greatly appreciated. Contact us
Stay Connected!
The P&C Facebook Page is now available to publish P&C news, events, activities - The P&C also has its own website
Parents Facebook Groups have been set up by parents for parents to share valuable information with parents whose kids attend the same year classes. This can be very useful with lost notes and forms in the primary kids’ pochettes, events, homework, birthday invite, etc.… A list of known Facebook groups can be found on the P&C website in the ‘Who We Are’ section:
Prière de joindre la communauté de Telopea Parkm ce mardi 28 mai de 8h à 9h pour un café et pâtisserie. Le café sera gratuit (fourgon à café) et vous aurez la chance d’acheter de la pâtisserie (Xavier Cantine) pour partager avec votre enfant.
On vous informera des activités de la communauté des parents d’élèves et citoyens (P&C) et on vous expliquera comment vous pourriez participer.
L’assemblée générale étant prévue le lendemain soir (29 mai), soyez nombreux.
Assemblée générale annuelle du Comité des parents et citoyens (P&C)- Mercredi 29 mai
Nous avons finalisé la documentation financière prévue pour nous permettre de tenir notre réunion générale annuelle (AGM) le mercredi 29 mai dans la salle des professeurs.
Nous avons hâte d’accueillir toutes les nouvelles familles et celles qui font déjà partie de la communauté, avec une rencontre amicale à partir de 18h, et les formalités à partir de 18h30.
L’élection pour les rôles exécutifs et non-exécutifs aura lieu lors de cette réunion générale annuelle, avec beaucoup des membres actuels qui se retirent, pour faire place à des nouvelles personnes.
Vous pouvez revoir tous les rôles et nous contacter via cette page si vous avez des questions :
Suivez-nous sur Facebook pour toutes les informations ( et notre site internet.
Le Comité des Parents et Citoyens (P&C) recherche un(e) responsable des communications de toute urgence
Le rôle de communication joue un rôle crucial dans la promotion de nos valeurs et de nos initiatives. Le rôle est vacant dès maintenant et peut convenir à un ou plusieurs bénévoles, notamment quelqu’un qui puisse traduire les informations en français afin de diffuser des communications bilingues. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour plus de détails :
L’équipe des événements et de la mobilisation de fonds du P&C pour 2024
Appel pour des responsables d’équipe et volontaires pour se joindre de toute urgence à L’équipe des événements et de la mobilisation de fonds du P&C pour 2024 ! Envoyez vos questions à
Collecte de fonds – vins
Notre initiative de collecte de fonds avec la vente de vins à l’effigie du Centenaire de notre école se poursuit, et vous pouvez encore acheter une bouteille et soutenir votre P&C. En effet, comme les profits réalisés sur chaque douzaine de bouteilles vendue sont reversés au P&C, vous pouvez déguster une bonne bouteille tout en soutenant notre initiative de levée de fonds ! Les vins vous sont livrés directement chez vous – n’attendez pas pour passer commande et savourer notre sélection de vins, ils seront parfaits pour votre prochaine soirée ou à offrir en cadeau !
Boutique des uniformes d’occasion
La boutique des uniformes d’occasion de l’école Telopea Park se trouve à côté du hall du campus du secondaire. La boutique est ouverte le mardi et le vendredi, de 9h à 9h30. Si vous souhaitez acheter des uniformes d’occasion, envoyez-nous un courriel (en anglais) à l’adresse
La zone des objets trouvés
La zone des objets trouvés dans le primaire se trouve dans la cour à proximité de la cage à vélos, sur votre droite lorsque vous franchissez le portail d’entrée des primaires. Étiquetez clairement les affaires de vos enfants (et contrôlez occasionnellement que les étiquettes sont encore claires). Venez chercher vos affaires perdues, car les articles non réclamés sont donnés à des œuvres caritatives ou à la Boutique des uniformes d’occasion au cours de la dernière semaine de chaque trimestre. Le P&C a besoin de bénévoles pour aider à trier les objets et vêtements trouvés et les rendre à leurs propriétaires. Même si vous avez peu de temps à consacrer, toute assistance sera grandement appréciée. Contactez-nous (en anglais) à l’adresse
Restez branchés !
L’Association des Parents et Citoyens a son propre site Internet La page Facebook de l’Association des Parents et Citoyens publie les nouvelles, les événements et les activités du P&C –
Les pages Facebook de parents, par année – Ces groupes ont été créés par des parents en vue de pouvoir partager des informations entre parents qui ont des enfants dans la même année. Ces forums peuvent être très utiles pour diffuser des notes d’informations, en cas de perte de formulaires par des enfants du primaire, ou encore pour partager des informations concernant des événements, des devoirs, des anniversaires, etc.
Une liste des groupes Facebook se trouve sur le site Web de l’Association des Parents et Citoyens, dans la section « Who We Are » :
Flight Centre Manuka – Purchase your travel through Flight Centre Manuka and nominate Telopea. School will receive 1% of the total purchases. This is used towards funding the fete raffle travel prize to France that everyone wants to win! You must mention Telopea at time of booking and is not available on price beats.
Achetez votre prochain voyage avec Flight Centre Manuka et désignez Telopea. L’école recevra 1 % de la valeur de l’achat. Ceci servira pour financer le grand prix du voyage en France de la tombola. Il faut désigner Telopea au moment de la réservation. Cette combinaison n’est pas disponible avec « price beats ».
Rebel Sport – Nominate Telopea at the checkout or on your Rebel loyalty card. The school will earn credits to obtain sporting goods from your purchases.
Désignez Telopea à la caisse ou sur votre carte de fidélité Rebel et l’école recevra des crédits envers des équipements de sport.
Athletes Foot – Canberra Centre – Nominate Telopea as your school when purchasing shoes or add Telopea to your loyalty program. School will receive $5 for each pair of shoes purchased.
Désignez Telopea à la caisse ou sur votre carte de fidélité et l’école recevra 5 $ pour chaque paire de chaussures que vous achetez.
2nd Hand Uniform Shop – Donate your old uniforms and shop at the 2nd hand uniform shop. All sales from the shop go directly to the P&C Committee. Items available include hats, jackets, summer dresses, skirts, shirts, blouses and polos of various sizes. Only $5 per piece of clothing.
Opening Hours:
Tuesday: 9am - 9.30am
Friday: 9am - 9.30am
Location: outside the Primary School Office
Faites don de vos vieux uniformes et achetez des uniformes d’occasion au magasin d’occasion. Toutes les ventes du magasin vont directement au Comité des Parents et Citoyens. On y trouve des chapeaux, pulls, robes d’été, jupes, et polos de tailles diverses. 5 $ par article.
Heures d’ouverture :
Mardi : 9 h – 9 h 30
Vendredi : 9 h – 9 h 30
Lieu : dehors, devant le bureau du primaire.
For contacting other staff members, please contact below:
Ph: (02) 6142 3388
Other important emails
Primary administration (absences) | |
Secondary administration (absences) | |
Parent -Teacher Interviews | |
Feedback | |
School Board Members 2023
Principal | Jason Holmes |
Proviseure | Florence Llopis |
Deputy Principal K-10 | Peter Clayden |
Deputy Principal K-6 | Kylie Louis |
Deputy Principal 7-10 | Cymantha Cantrill |
Directeur | Patrice Piche |
Business Manager | Mary Ryan |
Board Chair | Paul De Fombelle | |
Principal | Jason Holmes | |
Appointed Member | Rosaline Rimes-Reich | |
Staff Member | Magali Rozborski | Stacey Griffiths |
P&C Member | Stephen Bouwhuis | Kate Gauthier |
Australian Government | Alexandra Mattinson | |
French Government | Florence Llopis | Francesco Colonna-Romano |