Telopea Topics No3 2025
The term has already been a busy and active time. The recent K-6 and Year 7-10 information sessions were well attended and well received. This will be further complemented with the upcoming Parent teacher sessions, which provide an opportunity for parents to talk with staff about their child’s progress. This will occur on site on Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th April from 3.45 – 6.00. Each interview is quite short. If further follow up is required, then alternative meetings can be established. Further details will be communicated shortly about how to book in.
All children continue to learn about cyber safety through many mechanisms at school. However, there are many instances when social media interactions of students cause significant harm and distress to themselves, their peers and families. The impact of social media interactions is often expressed at school. To further improve our holisitic approach to support students, families are asked to continue to monitor their child’s access and engagement on diverse sites. If families identify explicit concerns involving groups of students, please make a report to our student services teams. To further support the mental health and wellbeing of our students, Des Proctor has facilitated the YAM program for our year 9 students. Youth Aware of Mental health, also known as YAM, is a school-based program for young people ages 13 to 17, in which they learn about and explore the topic of mental health. YAM is an evidence-based program taking place in classrooms around the world. Students actively engage with the topic of mental health through role-play and student-led discussions. The YAM program takes place over 3 weeks with 1 session per week with all of our Year 9 students engaged in this program. This commenced in week 3 this term.
NAPLAN will soon be upon us commencing 12 and 13 March. This is for year 3, 5, 7 and 9 students. Parents will receive more information about this and have the opportunity for their student to be withdrawn from this national testing regime.
Our school continues its work as an Affiliated School. This is a partnership that links us with the University of Canberra. 25 other ACTED schools are also Affiliated School members. There are many aspects of this three year partnership. The work includes access to elements of the program in teachers as researchers, seminars, preservice teacher clinics and placements and research options. In term 1, there are 15 UC PE Preservice teachers working with one year 7 and one year 8 PE and Health class once a week. These preservice teachers are guided on site by a UC mentor and our own PE teachers. They provide innovative learning opportunities for our students. This follows on from our preservice clinics in Science in 2024. One of those placed students is now working as a part time teacher at Telopea Park School. Our work in the research field will progress this year. This is being developed by a professional learning community of teachers of the school. The group is looking to formulate approaches to measure the intercultural understanding of students in year 5-10. This work will align to the ACARA general capabilities progressions. Surveys will be undertaken of students, staff and parents. There will also be focus groups of each community group. All the data will be collected to help to determine appropriate professional learning for staff. This will then feed in to improved pedagogical practices to further develop intercultural understanding for all our community groups. Further information and permissions will be shared with the school community in coming months about this exciting research project.
The secondary and primary swim carnivals are coming up in week 6. These are exciting opportunities for students to participate in house groupings, demonstrate their skills and to have fun and work together in ways beyond the classroom. Thanks to teachers who work hard to create these opportunities and for all the other diverse programs of learning offered outside of the normal classroom. Another great example of this was the organisation by one of our primary staff, Aurore Severac, who facilitated the performance of le spectacle ecologique et musical “La Note de Scott” This was well received by primary students over 2 days in the main hall. There are many other great examples of staff organising additional activities for students. It is wonderful when students and families provide a little comment of thanks to demonstrate appreciation of the effort given by staff.
The wonderful opportunity of engagement in the Astrolabe Project came to a climax on 26 and 27 Feb. Now in its eighth year, 2 staff and 8 students went to Hobart to visit the key facilities linked to this project. The Astrolabe project is named after the French naval frigate which supports the international scientific community based in Antarctica. It is an opportunity to enhance and strengthen bilingual collaboration across the school, as well as STEM in action. Students in Year 9 Quantum and EFS work collaboratively to complete an independent scientific investigation connected with the Astrolabe vessel and/or the scientific research currently happening in Antarctica. These are assessed and the best projects are chosen. The following year, these students, now in year 10, get to visit the IMAS/UTAS facility to present their project to a panel of scientists who work closely with the Australian Antarctic division. The projects our attending students researched in 2024 as year 9s were: Group One – Filtering Microplastics in the Antarctic . Group two – Sustainable animal tracking. Group three – Greenhouse effect. Group four – Ph and the acidification of the oceans. Group five – Transport of medicine in the Antarctic. Students also gained the opportunity to interact with the Krill Laboratory and the drone facility at the Australian Antarctic Division, the Astrolabe frigate and see how scientists can collect data on how much Carbon our in our Oceans and what are the steps moving forward at CSIRO. Students are from both the Australian and French Curriculum streams.
Peter Clayden Deputy Principal K-10.

IB Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) News.
Strengthening Our MYP: A Collaborative Journey
At Telopea Park School, we are committed to providing an enriching and engaging learning experience for our students. As part of this commitment, we are embarking on our IB Middle Years Programme (MYP) evaluation across years 7-10, a process that allows us to reflect on our achievements, gather community input, and continue strengthening our programme.
What is Programme Evaluation?
Every five years, IB World Schools participate in a programme evaluation, a structured reflection on how effectively we are implementing the MYP. This is not an inspection, but rather a growth-focused process that helps us celebrate successes and identify areas for continuous improvement.
Why is This Important for Our Students?
This evaluation helps ensure that we:
✅ Provide a high-quality, internationally recognised education.
✅ Foster student learning through an inquiry-driven, concept-based approach.
✅ Align our teaching practices with the IB’s global standards.
✅ Continuously enhance our learning community with your input.
How Will the Community Be Involved?
We believe that parents, caregivers, and students play a vital role in shaping our school’s growth. Over the coming months, we will invite you to share your perspectives through:
📌 Surveys and feedback opportunities to understand your experience with the MYP.
📌 Community conversations where we discuss our progress and aspirations.
📌 Collaborative planning to ensure our next steps reflect the needs of our students.
Your voice matters, and we look forward to working together to make our MYP even stronger. Stay tuned for updates and opportunities to participate!
If you have any questions or thoughts, please reach out—we would love to hear from you. You can direct your MYP questions or thoughts to Cymantha Cantrill, MYP Coordinator and Deputy Principal 7-10 on
📢 Together, we shape the future of learning at our school!
Un début de trimestre dynamique et enrichissant ! Le trimestre a démarré sur les chapeaux de roues avec de nombreuses activités et événements ! Les récentes réunions d’information pour les classes K-6 et Year 7-10 ont été très bien suivies et appréciées. Nous remercions toutes les familles présentes pour leur engagement.
Ces rencontres seront complétées par les prochaines réunions parents-professeurs, qui offriront un moment privilégié d’échange entre parents et enseignants sur le parcours scolaire des enfants.
Ces entretiens auront lieu à l’école le lundi 7 et mardi 8 avril, de 15h45 à 18h00. Chaque rendez-vous étant relativement court, des rencontres supplémentaires pourront être organisées si nécessaire. Plus d’informations sur les réservations seront bientôt partagées.
Nos élèves continuent d’apprendre à naviguer en toute sécurité sur internet grâce aux différents programmes mis en place à l’école. Cependant, nous savons que l’utilisation des réseaux sociaux peut parfois être source de difficultés pour certains élèves et leurs familles.
Dans cet esprit, nous encourageons les parents à accompagner et surveiller l’usage des plateformes en ligne par leurs enfants. En cas de préoccupations particulières concernant un groupe d’élèves, notre équipe de la vie scolaire reste disponible pour vous accompagner.
Nous avons également le plaisir d’annoncer que Des Proctor anime cette année le programme YAM (Youth Aware of Mental Health) pour les élèves de 3e (Year 9). Ce programme international, basé sur des recherches scientifiques, permet aux jeunes d’explorer la santé mentale à travers des discussions et des jeux de rôle.
Le programme YAM se déroule sur 3 semaines, avec une session hebdomadaire, et a débuté en semaine 3.
Les évaluations NAPLAN débuteront bientôt, les 12 et 13 mars, pour les élèves de CE2, CM2, 5e et 3e. Les familles recevront prochainement des informations complémentaires, notamment sur la possibilité de demander une dispense pour leur enfant si elles le souhaitent.
Nous poursuivons cette année notre partenariat avec l’Université de Canberra, aux côtés de 25 autres écoles ACTED. Ce programme nous permet de bénéficier de nombreuses initiatives :
✔️ Formation et recherche pour les enseignants
✔️ Séminaires et stages pour les futurs professeurs
✔️ Opportunités d’apprentissage enrichissantes pour nos élèves
Au premier trimestre , nous avons le plaisir d’accueillir 15 enseignants en formation en éducation physique (PE), qui collaborent chaque semaine avec nos classes de 5e et 4e (Year 7 et 8). Grâce à l’accompagnement de l’Université de Canberra et de nos enseignants, ces futurs professeurs apportent des approches pédagogiques innovantes.
Nous lançons également un projet de recherche sur la compréhension interculturelle des élèves de CM2 à Seconde, aligné sur les progressions générales d’ACARA. Ce travail impliquera des enquêtes auprès des élèves, enseignants et parents, ainsi que des groupes de discussion, afin de mieux adapter nos pratiques pédagogiques. Plus de détails seront communiqués prochainement.
Les olympiades de natation du primaire et du secondaire approchent à grands pas en semaine 6! Ces événements sont une formidable occasion pour nos élèves de se dépasser, de s’amuser et de renforcer l’esprit d’équipe.
Un grand merci aux enseignants qui œuvrent pour organiser ces journées et bien d’autres initiatives tout au long de l’année !
Un bel exemple est le spectacle écologique et musical, "La Note de Scott", organisé par Mme Aurore Séverac et présenté aux élèves du primaire. Cette représentation a rencontré un franc succès et a permis de sensibiliser les élèves de manière ludique et interactive.
Nous savons combien ces initiatives demandent du temps et de l’investissement, et un simple mot de remerciement aux enseignants est toujours apprécié !
Le Projet Astrolabe a connu un moment fort les 26 et 27 février, marquant l’aboutissement d’une année de travail et de recherche.
Depuis 8 ans, ce programme offre aux élèves de 3e (Year 9 Quantum et EFS) une opportunité unique de réaliser une étude scientifique en lien avec le navire français L'Astrolabe, qui soutient les recherches en Antarctique.
Après une année de travail sur leurs projets, les élèves sélectionnés, désormais en Seconde (Year 10), ont eu la chance de se rendre à l’IMAS/UTAS à Hobart pour présenter leurs recherches devant un panel de scientifiques de la division antarctique australienne.
Les projets 2024 portaient sur des sujets d’actualité tels que : Filtration des microplastiques en Antarctique, Suivi durable des animaux, Effet de serre, pH et acidification des océans, Transport de médicaments en Antarctique.
En plus de leurs présentations, nos élèves ont exploré : Le laboratoire de Krill et le centre de drones de la Division Antarctique Australienne, Le navire L’Astrolabe, Les recherches menées par le CSIRO sur le carbone océanique. Nos élèves, issus des courants australien et français, ont ainsi pu enrichir leurs connaissances et développer leurs compétences en science et collaboration internationale !
Peter Clayden, Principal-adjoint (K-10)

Last year Telopea Park School sent some of our preloved home readers to the QK orphanage “Smile for Children” in Kenya. This orphanage was founded in 2008 by Lindy Kisaka and is currently home to around 60 children between the ages of 1 and 17. It was so lovely to know these have been received and that we have helped bring a smile to other students across the world as well as to assist in their literacy journey too through reading.

Sisi ni familia" - "We are one family "
All students in the Primary School were treated to a fabulous show last week ‘La Note De Scott. Scott the robot came from far away to deliver an important message! 🤖✨
Through an interactive and musical show, featuring instruments made from recycled materials, Scott taught us how to adopt the right habits to protect our planet – all while having fun!
A huge thank you to French artist Étienne Sibille for this fun and engaging experience 🎶♻️🌍

Year 3 and 5 students will be conducting NAPLAN assessments from 12 March until the 21st March. Please support your children by ensuring they are well rested and have a good breakfast particularly during this time. If you have any concerns or questions about these assessments, please contact either or

Just a reminder that school photos for the Primary school will be taken on Wednesday the 5th March. Sibling photos will be available from 7:30-9am on the 19th March in the Secondary hall. Please stay with your children for the sibling photos as supervision will not be provided for them until 8:30am in the primary quad area.

Years 2-6 will be off to the Dickson pool on 13th March for a day filled with water activities, races and fun!! We are all hoping for a warm day!
Please ensure your child has lots of sun protection- sunscreen, hat, rashies and extra snacks. We all know how hungry we get when around water! The canteen will be open for snacks so a small amount of money is all they may need.
The Online Safety Education team are offering live webinars this term where they are sharing the latest trends and practical advice on keeping children and young people safe online. Check out the link below to find out more about these.

Our students were involved in an extra clean up of our school last Friday. They had opportunities to sort rubbish into recyclables and landfill. A wonderful opportunity to be more proactive in putting rubbish in the bins and in raising awareness of the rubbish we are creating which is going to landfill.

L’année dernière, le lycée franco-australien/Telopea Park School a envoyé des livres de lecture que nous n'utilisons plus à l’orphelinat QK Smile for Children au Kenya. Cet orphelinat a été fondé en 2008 par Lindy Kisaka et accueille actuellement environ 60 enfants âgés de 1 à 17 ans. C’était un vrai plaisir de savoir que ces livres ont été bien reçus et que nous avons contribué à apporter un sourire à d’autres élèves à travers le monde, tout en les aidant dans leur apprentissage de la lecture.

"Sisi ni familia" - "Nous sommes une seule famille"
Que s'est-il passé cette semaine pour les élèves de primaire à Telopea ? Scott le robot est venu de loin pour nous délivrer un message important ! 🤖✨
Grâce à un spectacle interactif et musical, mêlant des instruments fabriqués à partir de matériaux recyclés, Scott nous a expliqué comment adopter les bons gestes pour préserver notre planète, tout en s’amusant.
Un grand merci à l'artiste français Étienne Sibille pour cette expérience ludique et engagée 🎶♻️🌍

Les élèves de CE2 (Year 3) et CM1 (Year 5) passeront les évaluations NAPLAN du 12 au 21 mars. Merci de soutenir vos enfants en veillant à ce qu’ils se reposent bien et prennent un bon petit-déjeuner, en particulier durant cette période.
Si vous avez des questions ou des préoccupations concernant ces évaluations, n’hésitez pas à contacter : ou

Petit rappel : les photos de classe pour l’école primaire auront lieu le mercredi 5 mars.
Les photos de fratrie seront disponibles le 19 mars de 7h30 à 9h dans le hall du secondaire. Merci de rester avec vos enfants pour ces photos, car la surveillance ne sera assurée qu’à partir de 8h30 dans la cour de l’école primaire.

Les élèves de CE1 (Year 2) à 6E (Year 6) se rendront à la piscine de Dickson le 13 mars pour une journée remplie d’activités aquatiques, de courses et de plaisir !! Nous espérons tous une journée ensoleillée !
Merci de veiller à ce que votre enfant soit bien protégé du soleil : crème solaire, chapeau, rashie et des collations supplémentaires. Nous savons tous à quel point l’eau creuse l’appétit ! La cantine sera ouverte pour des collations, donc une petite somme d’argent suffira.
L’équipe d’éducation à la sécurité en ligne propose cette année des webinaires en direct pour partager les dernières tendances et donner des conseils pratiques sur la protection des enfants et des jeunes en ligne.
Consultez les liens ci-dessous pour en savoir plus :

Nos élèves ont participé à un nettoyage supplémentaire de notre école vendredi dernier. Ils ont eu l’occasion de trier les déchets entre recyclables et déchets destinés à la décharge.
Une belle initiative pour encourager les bonnes pratiques et sensibiliser nos élèves à l’impact des déchets que nous produisons.

Our Year 7 students have quickly adjusted to high school life, thanks to the guidance of Year 7 Coordinators Jacob Fruean and Andrew McEwin. They are actively engaging in the Peer Support program, which is led by the Year 10 Peer Support Leaders every Monday during their extended CG lesson. This initiative helps Year 7 students build connections with their contact group while working collaboratively on challenging activities. In Personal & Social lessons, they are focusing on online safety through the ESafety Taking the Lead Program, alongside transitioning into high school with their contact group teachers.
Year 8 students have brought vibrant energy to the academic year, engaging in goal setting and strengthening friendships during their Personal & Social lessons this term. Year 8 Coordinator Lee Hribar has been instrumental in supporting the students as they settle into their classes.
Our Year 9 students have begun the year with enthusiasm, adjusting to new classes and challenges, with the support of their classroom teachers and Year Coordinators Amy Deng and Sophie Millington. Over weeks 3, 4, and 5, Year 9 students have participated in the YAM (Youth Aware of Mental Health) program through MIEACT. In their Personal & Social lessons, they will focus on developing resilience and communication skills.
Year 10 students are maturing into their leadership roles within the school under the guidance of Year Coordinators Jacob Charters-Brown and Maddie Cowie. Our Peer Support leaders have embraced the responsibility of leading the Peer Support Program. This term, Year 10 students will cover topics such as time management and planning and will also focus on building resilience during their Personal & Social lessons.
Recently, all Year 10 students participated in Personal Project Round Tables and are now working toward completing their Personal Projects, which are due later this year.
Student Representative Council
Our School Captains for 2025 are Year 10 students May Li, Campbell Quarterly, and Ciru Nganga. The Year 10 SRC members include Luca Ghenossis, Avash KC, and Fang Fei Li, while the Year 9 SRC is made up of Sophie Li, Ayan Khan, Mitchell Chan, and Raissea Ginting. Elections for the Year 7 and 8 SRC will take place in week 6.
With help from other Year 10 students, our SRC successfully organized a Valentine’s Day fundraiser for the Year 10 formal, raising $1,100. Students enjoyed the delivery of chocolate roses and serenades, bringing many smiles to their faces
Des Proctor
Executive Teacher Student Engagement

Canteen Payment Methods
A reminder that as per ACT Public School Policy, students cannot use personal communication devices at school, which includes using their phones to pay for items at the Canteen during recess and lunch. Please ensure that if your child is purchasing food or drinks from the Canteen that they have either cash or a bank card to pay for their items.
School Photos
2025 school photo days are:
- Wednesday 5 March 2025 - Primary School Photography Day & Sibling Photo Day 1
- Thursday 13 March 2025 - Secondary School Photography Day & Sibling Photo Day 2
- Wednesday 19 March 2025 – Make Up Day & Sibling Photo Day 3
Please note: ALL Sibling Photography will be completed each day between 7.30am and 9.00am ONLY.
Please see the attached flyer for photo package ordering details.

P&C meeting minutes found here:

Here is the links to access the information :
Link to P&C facebook group:
Link to P&C page of website:
Comité des Parents et Citoyens (P&C)

Le compte-rendu de la réunion ici:

Voici les liens pour accéder aux informations:
Link to P&C facebook group:
Link to P&C page of website:

Rebel Sport – Nominate Telopea at the checkout or on your Rebel loyalty card. The school will earn credits to obtain sporting goods from your purchases.
Désignez Telopea à la caisse ou sur votre carte de fidélité Rebel et l’école recevra des crédits envers des équipements de sport.

Athletes Foot – Canberra Centre – Nominate Telopea as your school when purchasing shoes or add Telopea to your loyalty program. School will receive $5 for each pair of shoes purchased.
Désignez Telopea à la caisse ou sur votre carte de fidélité et l’école recevra 5 $ pour chaque paire de chaussures que vous achetez.

2nd Hand Uniform Shop – Donate your old uniforms and shop at the 2nd hand uniform shop. All sales from the shop go directly to the P&C Committee. Items available include hats, jackets, summer dresses, skirts, shirts, blouses and polos of various sizes. Only $5 per piece of clothing.
Opening Hours:
Tuesday: 9am - 9.30am
Friday: 9am - 9.30am
Location: at the P&C storeroom
Faites don de vos vieux uniformes et achetez des uniformes d’occasion au magasin d’occasion. Toutes les ventes du magasin vont directement au Comité des Parents et Citoyens. On y trouve des chapeaux, pulls, robes d’été, jupes, et polos de tailles diverses. 5 $ par article.
Heures d’ouverture :
Mardi : 9 h – 9 h 30
Vendredi : 9 h – 9 h 30
Lieu : au local de stockage du P&C
For contacting other staff members, please contact below:
Ph: (02) 6142 3388
Other important emails
Primary administration (absences) | |
Secondary administration (absences) | |
Parent -Teacher Interviews | |
Feedback | |
School Board Members 2025
Principal | Michelle Morthorpe |
Proviseure | Florence Llopis |
Deputy Principal K-10 | Peter Clayden |
Deputy Principal K-6 | Kylie Louis |
Deputy Principal 7-10 | Cymantha Cantrill |
Primary Directeur | Patrice Piche |
Business Manager | Jodie Hinton |
Board Chair | Paul De Fombelle | |
Principal | Michelle Morthorpe | |
Appointed Member | Rosaline Rimes-Reich | |
Staff Member | Magali Rozborski | Stacey Griffiths |
P&C Member | Stephen Bouwhuis | Joanna Roy |
Australian Government | Olivia Stossich | |
French Government | Florence Llopis | Francesco Colonna-Romano |