Telopea Topics No. 14
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome to Spring! It is an exciting time to be at school with our students enthusiastically engaging in a wide range of sporting, cultural and academic activities. Years 7 and 8 students participated in the ACT School Hope Tour on Wednesday 24th August, thoroughly enjoying the production by Kulture Break with the Voice Winner Chris Sebastian performing. Wear It Purple Day was held on Friday 26th August to celebrate diversity across the school with a variety of activities including an outstanding fashion parade in Secondary. Staff and students celebrated Book Week on Monday 29th August by dressing up as their favourite book characters and shared their stories.
As we approach the end of the term, it is time for Mid-Semester Reports and Parent Teacher Interviews. The ACT Education Directorate has been agreed that A-E reporting provided to families at the end of this semester will exclude teacher commentary. Parent/Teacher interviews continue to be valuable opportunity for conversations and collaboration with the teachers to support your child/ren at school.
Please be reminded that we are having a Pupil Free Planning Day on Friday 9th September, 2022. If your child must attend school on the day because you’re unable to make other arrangements, please email ( as soon as possible so we can plan for any supervision that is required. If your child is attending on Friday, please ensure they wear school uniform and we ask that students enter through the main front entrance of the school instead of gates around the school.
The 2022 School Satisfaction and Climate Surveys are currently open for parents/carers, staff and students from Years 4-12 to provide an opportunity to capture data about their experience of public education. The survey results will help us to continue to make quality informed decisions about how to improve our school. No personal identifying information will be provided to the school and I encourage you to take the time to complete the survey before it closes on 9th September. Please, also, don’t hesitate to contact me for any support.
I wish everyone a safe and healthy remainder of this term.
Kylie Louis
A/g K-10 Deputy Principal
Chères familles,
Le printemps est là! C'est toujours une saison spéciale à l'école, car c’est une période où nos élèves prennent part à de nombreuses activités sportives, culturelles et scolaires avec enthousiasme. Nos élèves de 5e et 4e ont participé à l'ACT School Hope Tour le mercredi 24 août, et ont beaucoup aimé le spectacle de Kulture Break avec Chris Sebastian, le gagnant de l’émission The Voice. La journée Wear It Purple s'est tenue le vendredi 26 août pour célébrer la diversité à l'école avec différentes activités, comme un défilé de mode extraordinaire avec nos élèves du secondaire. Les enseignants et les élèves ont célébré la Semaine du livre le lundi 29 août en revêtant le déguisement de leur personnage de livre préféré et en partageant les histoires de leur héros/héroïne préféré.
Alors que la fin du semestre approche, c'est la période des bulletins semestriels et des réunions parents-enseignants. La Direction de l'éducation de l’ACT a décidé que les bulletins scolaires A-E remis aux familles à la fin de ce semestre ne comporteraient pas les commentaires des enseignants. Les réunions parents/professeurs continuent d'être une excellente occasion d’échanger et de collaborer avec les enseignants pour soutenir votre enfant dans sa scolarité.
Nous vous rappelons que la prochaine journée pédagogique aura lieu le vendredi 9 septembre 2022. Si votre enfant doit venir à l'école ce jour-là parce que vous n’avez pas trouvé d’autre solution, nous vous remercions de bien vouloir nous envoyer un courriel ( dès que possible afin que nous puissions organiser la surveillance des élèves. Si votre enfant vient à l'école le vendredi, il devra porter son uniforme et entrer par l'entrée principale de l'école.
Les enquêtes de satisfaction et du climat de l'école pour cette année scolaire 2022 sont actuellement ouvertes aux familles, au personnel et aux élèves du CM1 à la Terminale. Elles permettent de recueillir des données sur leur expérience de l'enseignement public. Les résultats de l'enquête nous aident à continuer à prendre des décisions éclairées et de qualité sur la manière d'améliorer notre école. Aucun renseignement personnel permettant d’identifier les personnes ne sera communiqué à l'école et je vous encourage à prendre le temps de remplir l'enquête avant sa clôture le 9 septembre. N'hésitez pas non plus à me contacter en cas de besoin.
Je souhaite à tous une excellente fin de trimestre.
Kylie Louis
Principale-adjointe faisant-fonction
Dear Parents and Carers,
We hope that you are enjoying the spring bulbs and blossoms. Our gardeners and sustainability group have been working hard preparing beds and will soon be planting their summer crop. Thank you Aurore and her many dedicated helpers who have made such a positive contribution to our environment.
Tournament Of The Minds:
Telopea Park Students participated in Tournament of Minds at the ANU on 28 August. This program provides students with the opportunity to solve open- ended challenges through collaborative teamwork.
Thank you to Naomi Lamb who prepared and guided the participants, it was a wonderful experience.
Collecting students after school.
Recently a number of students have not been collected by 3:15 in the afternoon. Please ensure that students are collected on time, or have a booking with the After School Care program. The gate is closed at 3:30 pm and students will then need to be collected through the front office of the school.
Last Monday evening Alborz (Albi) Arabzadeh represented Telopea Park School at the Rostrum semi finals at Turner Primary School. It was a privilege to listen to Albi speak on the topic of the importance of being organised, his entertaining speech also outlined the advantages associated with not being organised. Congratulations to Albi, his teachers and parents who were there to support him throughout his preparation. We congratulate him on a fantastic presentation.
Book Week
Last Monday we celebrated Book Week. It was a wonderful opportunity to spend the week discovering great literature and sharing our love of reading. It was wonderful to see the students’ and teachers’ enthusiasm for their favourite books and characters. The children and their teachers paraded in the quad and had a fabulous morning! We can’t wait for next year!
Kindergarten went to Questacon on Tuesday and had a wonderful time. They especially loved the lightning, earthquakes and pendulum drawing. Thank you to those parents who accompanied us on this excursion.
K1 Questacon writing
Farewells: Alisha Tooma
We would like to farewell Alisha Tooma, Executive Teacher for Years 5 & 6 who has been successful in applying for a curriculum role within the ACT Education Directorate. Alisha has made significant contributions to our community which are too many to list here. We would like to acknowledge her rich work in developing and leading staff in the Binational curriculum. She has been a fierce advocate of collaborative teamwork and student welfare. Alisha will be departing at the end of term 3. We wish her all the best in her new role and thank her for all that she has given to the staff and students during her time with us at Telopea Park School , she will be greatly missed.
Teacher Contact Information:
Should you wish to raise a concern or query regarding your child please contact their teacher in the first instance. We have included an updated list for your convenience below.
Kindergarten - Year 2: Robyn McEwin –
Years 3 & 4: Keren Briggs –
Years 5 & 6: Alisha Tooma –
Deputy Principal: Anna McGown -
Director: Patrice Piche -
Isabelle Reynier - Anne-Laure Payet-
Nicole Doherty – Guilhem Pellefigue –
Marika Guerin Celeste –
Suzanne Pippen - David Clerbois –
Raphael Fernandez Violette Grosse –
Sebastien Lassalvy – Aurore Severac –
Aminah Kazak - Alisha Tooma -
Magali Rozborski – Mildrède Guiraud –
Laurence Barthelemy- Cecile Pouleau-
Leonie Blenkiron - Chrystel Wille-
Andrew McEwin Carole Desbois
Elsa Deane Isabelle Chevreau
Katya Sharafeldin- Alice Baudart -
Rose Clarke - Camille Balleul -
Mhairi Henderson Christine Rufflet
Naomi Lamb Sarah Moncuquet
Stacey Francis - Tim Ward-Harvey -
Vincent Séverac - Pricilla Boulet-Gilly -
Telopea Topics Semaine 8
Chères familles,
Nous espérons que vous profitez des bulbes et des fleurs de printemps. Nos jardiniers et notre équipe du développement durable ont travaillé dur pour préparer les parterres et vont bientôt planter leurs cultures d'été. Merci à Aurore et à ses jeunes assistants dévoués qui apportent une contribution si positive à notre environnement.
Tournament Of The Minds:
Les élèves du lycée français de Canberra / Telopea Park School ont participé à l’événement Tournament of the Minds organisé à l'ANU le 28 août. Ce programme permet aux élèves de résoudre des défis ouverts grâce à un travail d'équipe collaboratif.
Merci à Naomi Lamb qui a préparé et guidé les participants, ils ont tous passé un excellent moment.
Fin des cours :
Récemment, un certain nombre d'élèves n'ont pas été récupérés à 15h15 après la fin des cours. Nous vous invitons à venir chercher les élèves à l’heure ou à les inscrire à la garderie du soir. Les grilles ferment à 15h30 et vous devez alors récupérer votre enfant à la réception de l'école (front office).
Concours d'éloquence :
Lundi dernier, Alborz (Albi) Arabzadeh a représenté le lycée franco-australien de Canberra / Telopea Park School lors de la demi-finale du concours d’éloquence qui avait lieu à l'école primaire de Turner. Nous avons eu la chance d'écouter le discours divertissant d’Albi, où il a parlé de l'importance d'être bien organisé, et des avantages liés au fait de ne pas être organisé. Félicitations à Albi, ses professeurs et ses parents qui l’ont soutenu tout au long de sa préparation. Nous le félicitons pour son excellente présentation.
Semaine du Livre
Lundi dernier, nous avons célébré la Semaine du livre. Ce fut une merveilleuse occasion de passer la semaine à découvrir des œuvres littéraires et à partager notre amour de la lecture. Quel plaisir de voir l'enthousiasme des élèves et des enseignants pour leur livre et leur personnage préféré. Les enfants et leurs professeurs ont défilé dans la cour du Primaire et ont passé une matinée fantastique ! Vivement l'année prochaine !
Nos élèves de Grande Section de Maternelle sont allés à Questacon mardi et ont passé un merveilleux moment. Ils ont particulièrement aimé les éclairs, les tremblements de terre et le dessin du pendule. Nous remercions les parents qui nous ont accompagnés lors de cette sortie.
Textes rédigés par les élèves de K1 à propos de leur visite à Questacon
Au revoir :
Nous voudrions dire au revoir à Alisha Tooma, enseignante exécutive pour les années CM2 et 6e, qui rejoint la Direction de l'Education de l'ACT pour travailler sur les programmes scolaires. Alisha a apporté des contributions importantes à notre communauté qui sont trop nombreuses pour être énumérées ici. Nous tenons à souligner son riche travail dans le développement et la direction du personnel du programme binational. Elle a été une ardente défenseuse du travail d'équipe collaboratif et du bien-être des étudiants. Alisha partira à la fin du 3e trimestre. Nous lui souhaitons bonne chance et le meilleur dans ses nouvelles fonctions et la remercions pour tout ce qu'elle a apporté au personnel et aux élèves pendant son séjour avec nous au Lycée Franco Australien / Telopea Park School, elle nous manquera beaucoup.
Coordonnées des enseignants :
Si vous souhaitez faire part d'un problème ou d'une question concernant votre enfant, nous vous invitons à contacter en premier lieu son enseignant. Afin de faciliter la communication à l’école, vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste mise à jour des coordonnées des enseignants.
Grande Section de Maternelle à CE1: Robyn McEwin –
CE2 et CM1: Keren Briggs –
CM2 et 6e: Alisha Tooma –
Principale adjointe: Anna McGown -
Directeur du Primaire: Patrice Piche -
Isabelle Reynier - Anne-Laure Payet-
Nicole Doherty – Guilhem Pellefigue –
Marika Guerin Celeste –
Suzanne Pippen - David Clerbois –
Raphael Fernandez Violette Grosse –
Sébastien Lassalvy – Aurore Séverac –
Aminah Kazak - Alisha Tooma -
Magali Rozborski – Mildrède Guiraud –
Laurence Barthelemy- Cécile Pouleau-
Leonie Blenkiron - Chrystel Wille-
Andrew McEwin Carole Desbois
Elsa Deane Isabelle Chevreau
Katya Sharafeldin- Alice Baudart -
Rose Clarke - Camille Balleul -
Mhairi Henderson Christine Rufflet
Naomi Lamb Sarah Moncuquet
Stacey Francis - Tim Ward-Harvey -
Vincent Séverac - Pricilla Boulet-Gilly -
Telopea Topics – Arts/Tech news
With covid restrictions easing in some areas, the winter months have seen Telopea Park School students involved in a huge range of activities as part of their work in Arts and Technology. Here are a few highlights:
Limelight 2022
Well done to all the secondary students involved in Limelight this year!
In the high school students developed concepts centred around the theme of ‘Found’. I must say, it’s been a wonderful way of getting the entire school involved in an exhibition and showcasing the incredible work of our students.
Congratulations to Zala Khan, Kiwa Kemp, Charlotte Rinaudo, Eshal Aslam, Antara Dissanayake, Abi Thirunavukkarasu, Alexandra Brothers and Leisel Ann Freyens for adhering to their own high standards and creating work of such marvellous quality!
A special mention and congratulations to Alexandra Brothers, whose artwork was selected as the media release for Limelight! Her prodigious piece was used for print and digital media advertisement in this year’s show.
Well done, Alexandra, and everyone involved!
Ms Danielle Olney (Northey)
Year 7 Dance
This semester the Year 7 Dance class has engaged in understanding the basics of the artform and developing the skills and confidence to collaboratively develop compositions. They initially developed their very own warm-up routines and have for the past months been developing Sport Inspired Dances. In the three years that I have been teaching this unit I can honestly say that I have not come across such well thought out and engaging pieces. Some of our students have legitimate concerns about performing so have applied the creativity to developing complex lighting and sound elements for their peers.
Congratulations to all the Year 7 Dance students on their work and I look forward to seeing what they develop as we move into our Poetry-Inspired and Dreaming Stories modules.
Mr Michael Thomas
Band News!
The bands are finally back in action after many setbacks, cancellations, runny noses and super-early morning rehearsals.
In week 10 of term 3 there are TWO trips to Junee. Monday 19 = yr9/10 band and Jazz Band and Wednesday 21 September = yr 7/8 band. Save up your chocolate money -we are playing at the Chocolate Factory there!
We are also off to Floriade (Tuesday 20 September). Floriade is an ALL bands event, so it should be a real hoot!
Band Camp is now in its third incarnation this year! This time we are heading out to Greenhills on Mon 17 Oct – Wed 19 October. This is a revitalised, refreshed and renewed Band Camp unlike any Band Camp we have ever done before!
Remember, the school fete is coming up – the bands will be there too!
The Wee Jasper trip has been re-generated from 2020 and we are hoping to run that trip in mid-term 4 (TBC) … watch this space for more info …
Lastly, keep an eye out for the Family Concert in the Hall in week 8 (Saturday 3 December) – this promises to be a great night out where our parents can finally have a good long listen to the fantastic music the Telopea are producing – the secret will be out!
All excursion notes will be available on Google classrooms …
See you at our next concert!
Mr Rob Clements
Photography News
Year 9/10 Digital Photography classes with Ms Dixon and Mrs Webster have been busy experimenting with manipulating various settings on the school cameras this term. A recent trial with shutter speed has produced some interesting and creative results.
Last Term Telopea year 9/10 Drama students did a brilliant job performing their own devised work in the ACT UP Festival at the Canberra Theatre. Next Term they will be at it again, this time performing their own piece at the COME ALIVE festival at the Portrait Gallery.
Andrew Livermore
Acting SLC Arts/Technology
School Sport ACT Representatives
CONGRATULATIONS to the following students who also gained selection in their respective School Sport ACT teams to participate in School Sport Australia National Championships:
Mark Ferran Cabrera (Year 6) who recently captained the 12 & Under Boys hockey team at the championships here in Canberra. As the Championship Convenor I had the pleasure of watching Mark play – he was a leader on and off the field, and he scored an amazing goal in one of his games.
Samuel HARVEY (Year 5) competed in the recent School Sports Swimming Championships in Brisbane with some impressive results … a PB in 100m Backstroke, a PB in 200m Medley Relay (Freestyle leg) and he would have swum a PB in 200m Freestyle Relay had he not already broken it in the previous race!
CONGRATULATIONS to Mr Des Proctor on receiving his School Sport Australia Service Award at the recent 13 & Over Cross Country Championships in South Australia – thank you Mr Proctor for your commitment to supporting our students across the ACT in chasing their dreams (we all know you have been supporting and encouraging our students for many more than 10 years … )
Congratulations to Mr Cade WILLIAMS who represented the ACT at the National Indoor Cricket Championships earlier this term, claiming the Over 45s Australian Masters. It was a triumph effectively three years in the making, and ACT’s over-45s team earned it the hard way after being crowned Australian Masters Indoor Cricket Championships victors in Melbourne. After they were beaten three times by Queensland during the week, ACT were big underdogs in the decider, but toppled the favourites after a thrilling super over.
Level on 83 runs after regulation, their team successfully defended the six runs ACT posted batting first in the super over, with Queensland managing only four. Congratulations Mr Williams.
The Telopea interschools team has completed the 2022 regional tournament, and had a great showing, with 15 children competing across years 1-10. And just as importantly, all of the participants in the team had a great time competing for Telopea.
In a fantastic result Hugo Thompson, a former TPS student (now at Narrabundah college) came second in the Alpine skiing and ski cross races. Hugo will now move on to the State championships; best wishes Hugo!
The Interschools Championship is Australia’s national school snowsports event. It offers schools across Australia with the opportunity to field teams of competitors from Kindergarten to Year 12. It is an inclusive event, providing the opportunity for students of all levels of experience to compete recreationally or competitively.
In addition to this, the Telopea Division 4 Male team came second in the ACT Schools Cup, behind only Grammar, and ahead of all other schools, including the other private schools! Will Davy-Shirm also came fourth.
Here are some photos from Telopea’s year one interschools ski team. Both students were racing for the first time - Celia Scholes (pink) and Alexandra Murray (red).
School Sport results
Secondary South and Primary South Weston Athletics
A strong team represented the school at both regional championships– congratulations to all participants, and good luck to those who have qualified for the 12 & under or 13 & Over ACT events coming up. Thank you to Alisha and Raphael for organising and taking our primary team, and to Mr McAuliffe, Mr Foxhill and Mr Drummond for organising and taking our Secondary team.
The 7/8 Boys, 7/8 Girls, 9/10 Boys and 9/10 Girls all qualified from the South regional carnival to attend the ACT carnival – getting all 4 teams through was a massive effort for the coaches and the students. The 7/8 teams were Southside Champions, but lucked out at the ACT day in the semis. The 9/10 teams went through as Southside runners up – lucking out in the semis at the ACT day as well. CONGRATULATIONS to all teams and their coaches on great performances. Thanks to Mr Foxhill, Ms Ibbotson, Mr Yuen and Mr Drummond for taking the teams.
Our best results to date - Year 9/10 girls are Southside runners up – pipped at the post by the Erindale College Year 10 Sports academy team. The 7/8 girls had a tough draw but pulled off some great wins and close losses. Excitingly we are sending our first 7/8 and 9/10 boys teams to the ACT competition this year … will have to let you know in the next issue how they went. Good luck to the 9/10 girls at the ACT championships next week. Thanks to Mrs Rayner, Miss Millington and Mr Richardson for taking the teams.
Table tennis
We entered some students in the ACT Table tennis Championships a few weeks back - Audrey Frawley, Emma Robinson and Alicia martin (Year 9) were the winners! Hopefully we will get a few more results through to share. Thanks to Mr Richardson for organising the teams, and to the parents who helped us out to get the students there.
We took 200 kids from years 7-10 to Thredbo for a day of skiing – some of these students had never even seen snow before, let alone skied or snowboarded before. The 7/8’s got a welcome snow flurry in the morning, and both groups enjoyed the day on the slopes. It was an early start – 4:15am meeting at school – but it was so worth it. Thank you to the teachers who came along and helped out on the day - Mr Yuen, Mr McAuliffe, Mr Greig, Mr Livermore, Mr Lewington, Miss Cowie, Ms Power, Miss Avard, Mrs Hribar, Mr Drummond and Ms Taylor.
2022 12&U Track and Field State Team - Registration Portal Open
With all Primary Regional events now concluded and the SSACT 12&U ACT Track and Field Championship scheduled for Thursday 8 September at Woden Park, we have opened the registration portal for expressions of interest from students who wish to be considered for State Team selection.
The selected team will compete at the School Sport Australia 12&U Track and Field Championship 17- 21 November, Brisbane QLD. This team travels independently and requires a parent/carer to accompany the student and organise own transport and accommodation. This team is eligible to access the SSACT Scholarship Fund, criteria to be found in the Resources section of the SSACT website.
When registering please write relevant events of interest in the Positional Preference section. Selection Criteria and Process information can also be found following the link above.
From Personal Project goal to lifestyle change … a true IB learner
What began as a personal project has become a lifestyle for Megan Duquette, a year 10 IB student and dedicated athlete. At the end of year 9, she set a goal for her year 10 Personal Project to train and run 10k in the 2022 Run2Cure race in Sydney, for which she raised over $1100 for Neuroblastoma research. Leading up to this goal, she developed a passion for running long distance, participating weekly in the 5k Park Run, as well as regular cardio and weight training at the gym before school. She has since completed several 10k races, and is currently training to run a 1/2 marathon. Megan also plays fullback for the U18 Eastlake Demons AFL Rising Stars team, winning the grand finals this season. Her fitness and strength make her a force to be reckoned with on and off the oval.
Congratulations to Jelenka Adam (year 8) and her Under 14s Vikings Rugby Union team won their grand final on Saturday.
It was a hard-fought game, with the final score of 35-19 against a combined Broulee/Goulburn Trinity squad. At one point in the 2nd half the Broulee team were within inches of taking the lead - and then the Viking spirit kicked in and they came home with the win.
Michael Shen-Zhao (year 8) plays basketball and this season their team has made to the grand final on 11 Sep for U14 Div1 ACT Basketball. Congratulations and good luck to Michael!
Diego, Max and Declan (year 7) are into the grand final for the Div 3A basketball team for the Weston Creek Woden Dodgers. They play at 11.15am on Sunday in Belconnen.
Several other boys, including Aidan, Jayvis and Royal (year 9) have had a fabulous basketball season with the Weston Creek Woden Dodgers, with most teams making the finals. They have displayed not only great athletic skills but also the abilities to see and make strategic plays and to work together as a team.
Nathan Mahaarachchi (year 10) plays Div 1 Basketball for the Ramblers Club, and they have made it through to the grand finals, this week. GOOD LUCK Nathan.
Aisha SHAVE (Year 7) had a great week away in Bendigo with the School Sport ACT. 12& Under Girls Basketball team. Very well organised and great fun on and off the court! The team came 4th. They are the only ACT team to have won any games.
Georgia Valentine (1.1) is a competitive dancer and has been competing all year and has achieved some fabulous results:
Riverside Dance Festival – 1st song and dance, 1st ballet, 2nd tap, 3rd lyrical
Canberra Dance Festival – 1st song and dance, 1st tap, 2nd ballet, 2nd lyrical
Adrenaline Dance Competition – 2nd lyrical, 3rd ballet, top 10 score
Time to Shine Dance Competition – 1st ballet, 1st tap, 1st song and dance, 2nd lyrical and qualified for nationals, in which she will be competing in October.
She is also competing in the NSW acrobatic gymnastics state trials next weekend in Sydney. Well done to Georgia and good luck for your upcoming events.
Jasper Noyen (year 9) was recently selected for the ACT u14 Futsal team going to the National Championships in January, and for the ACT u14 Football (soccer) squad to play at the National Championships in Coffs Harbour in late September. GOOD LUCK Jasper!
CONGRATULATIONS to the Eastlake Rising Stars Girls team won the Grand Final at Manuka yesterday. There are a number of Telopea girls in the team. One of the more junior Eastlake girls teams won their GF also. CONGRATULATIONS girls.
CONGRATULATIONS to the students who have made it in to the National Hardcourt Tennis tournament in Adelaide starting 26 September: Zae Dwyer & Luka Cowles (year 8), Alisha Kumar (year 9) in the 14/u. Also Tommy Camus (year 5) for 12/u.
Frida and Aisha (year 6) represented Woden Valley at ACT gymnastics comps on 28 August. They both won medals and their team came first overall.
Noor Moharam (Year 8) won a bronze medal on the Horizontal bars at the ACT State Gymnastics Championships recently – WELL DONE Noor.
Oliver Harrington (grade 4.4) is part of the Wests Junior Rugby Club U10 team, division 1. Here is he is action during the semi-final match against Marists.
GOOD LUCK to Eve Ilowski (Year 6), Ainsley Aitken (Year 7) and Sophie Taylor (Year 7) who are heading to the Gold Coast for the National Clubs Gymnastics Championships on Wednesday next week.
Last weekend Finn Edwards and Leo Lafoy-Brown (both in Year 9) were named as Co-Captains of the ACT U15 volleyball team heading off to nationals in Bendigo over the Term 3 break. This is a credit to the boys and Telopea, and the leadership skills it imparts into its students.
Thomas (year 5) and Chloe Ferran Cabrera (Year 2, together with their brother Mark (Year 6) have competed in the Hockey ACT representative program this season, with competitions in Canberra, Goulburn, Albury, Sydney and a number of towns in regional NSW. WELL DONE to the Ferran Cabrera family on their Hockey achievements this year.
If you have any sporting achievements or activities you’d like us to know about, or mention, please email the information (and photos too if you like) to
We’re holding the School Fun Run’s Crazy Colour Day as a major fundraising event this year! The event will be held on FRIDAY OCTOBER 14. We are really hoping to raise $40,000 which will pay for upgrades and improvements to our K-10 outdoor learning spaces. .
Keep your eyes peeled for the sponsorship forms which will be sent home with your child. Once you have the form, you should sign up for a Student Profile Page at You’ll be able to access online fundraising and can win a $20,000 Ultimate Family Package!
Students who raise $10 or more will receive a reward, and the more money you raise the better the reward, and the more you help the school!
We’re looking for all students to participate and we’re organising a great day for our school community, so we’d love everyone to come in to support the kids.
If you have any questions about the Crazy Colour Day please contact the School Fun Run Office on 1800 FUN RUN.
Thanks for supporting the school and we hope to see you at the event!
Telopea Park School Kids shave for the brave
On 14 October 2022, nine Telopea Park School students will be shaving their heads to raise awareness and vital funds for Canberra’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service (DVCS)
If your child would like to join the fundraiser and shave for the brave, please email with subject heading Shave for the brave and a photo of your child to add to the cover photo on the fundraiser.
Domestic and family violence does not discriminate. It impacts all ages, genders, cultural, ethnic, religious, and socio-economic groups. Family, domestic, and sexual violence is a major health, welfare and social issue that can have lifelong impacts on victims and people who use violence.
“The Royal Commission into Family Violence identified the critical role that schools and early childhood education have in creating a culture of respect to change the story of family violence for future generations.” (Source: Reform Delivery: Respectful Relationships, 2021)
This team of little Aussie legends are banding together towards better safety outcomes for the Canberra community and hope you will join them in raising funds for the critical frontline service that is DVCS.
If you are able, please consider donating to cheer these young people in their commitment to raising money for a great cause!
Give a little or a lot – every dollar counts! Thank you in advance for your support!
Here’s the link!
Duke of Edinburgh Award Information Night
Following an easing in Covid restrictions, we are looking to restart our students’ involvement in the Duke of Edinburgh Award. This award recognises student engagement and achievement in four areas; Physical Recreation, Skills, Voluntary Service and Adventurous Journey. There will be an information session for any students and their parents/carers interested in signing up for the Duke of Edinburgh Award in Week 10.
Wednesday 21st September
5:30 – 6:30
Telopea Park School Library
If you are interested in attending please fill out this short Google Form -
More information on the Award can be found here or contact Kathryn Ibbotson (
Eastlake Junior Cricket Club is in the local
catchment for your school. We offer Junior
Blaster (6-7yrs) and Master Blaster (8-9yrs) and
cricket for boys and girls from 10-18yrs. Kids new
to cricket are welcome in Graded and Ungraded
with Stage 1 thru 3.
Scan QR code for registration or visit the club
Facebook page to see Come Try Cricket dates and trials dates.
Applications are now open for Future of Education Equity Fund – Round 2, 2022.
The ACT Government's expanded Future of Education Equity Fund provides financial
assistance to low-income families (and independent students) with students in years P-12 to
meet the costs of education expenses, such as school uniforms, school excursions, sport
equipment and activities and music lessons through a one-off payment.
The Future of Education Student Equity Fund Round 1 opened in late 2021 for families with
students in years 7-10. Round 2 is only open to families who have NOT already applied for
and/or or received payment to support their students in the 2022 school year using a paper
based form.
The following payments are available to those who meet the eligibility criteria:
• $400 for preschool students
• $500 for primary school students
• $750 for high-school and college students
2022 applications close 30 September 2022. Only applications received by this date will be
processed. There is no limit on the number of students for whom each applicant can
apply, providing they meet all conditions.
Eligibility Criteria
Applicants must:
Reside in the ACT
Have sole or shared parental responsibility for a dependent student(s) in grades P-12; or be
an independent student
Be financially responsible for the student(s)
Demonstrate low-income status through:
a current means-tested Health Care Card or Centrelink card, which must list the student(s)
as dependents; or
alternative forms of evidence proving low-income status or equivalent financial stress.
Students must be:
• Enrolled full-time in a public or non-government school in the ACT in years P-12.
NOTE: For the purposes of the Equity Fund, a preschool is defined as a preschool that is
attached to an ACT school and led by a Principal. When applying online, only eligible
preschools will appear in a drop-down list.
• Enrolled in an approved form of education other than a school and of an equivalent age
to a student in years K-12 E.g. attending the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT), or
registered for home-schooling in the ACT.
• Residing with the applicant in the ACT, or in special government care that is paid for by
the applicant, or be independent.
Visit the Education Directorate, Support for our students, financial and resource assistance
for families webpage more information and to apply
La Grande Fête!!!
La Grande fete is back Saturday 5th November 2022!
After nearly two years of absence due to Covid 19, the Grande Fete of the French-Australian Telopea Park School of Canberra is back with a delightful program prepared by the P&C.
In an ambiance of fun fair will be an amusement park with rides, games, food and beverages with a French flair.
Every year, La Grande Fete is an important date in the Canberran Calendar and this year will not be any different. Save the date for this wonderful day in your calendars.
The Grande Fete is our fete.
Inform your family, Friends and your circle of contacts. There will be something for young and old and activities to do as a family or with your friends
We will need you to volunteer your time or help for a plethora of activities and roles: Sales, minding stalls, supervision, guide, a pair of hands…etc… The list of tasks will be published in the weeks to come. Please keep your ears open for more announcements.
For any info, please contact Jeannot from the events team:
Vacation Care
Bookings Open for September/October holidays.
Bookings are completed through MyFamilyLounge ( in the casual booking calendar
Lost Property - the Paris TPS service des objets trouvés!
With the end of term on its way, there is just one week left to claim unlabelled items from the Lost Property Area. From Friday 16 September, the lost property team will begin donating, recycling or discarding items with no names and cleaning up the area for the school holidays. We would love your lost treasures to find their way home, so please:
- search the Lost Property Area (8.30-9am or when picking up from Outside School Hours Care).
- label student items with at least an initial and last name. Thank you!
Follow up survey on priorities
In the previous Telopea Topics, we foreshadowed that there will be another survey to help prioritise the suggestions that were made in an earlier questionnaire. The survey responses will help the PnC prioritise the activities it was suggested to deliver. Once again, thank you for your participation. We invite you now to complete the survey. It should only take about 5 minutes. The survey will close on 22 September.
Out Of School Hours Care (OoSHC) – Did you know?
OoSHC is a heavily regulated space, with a National Quality Framework (NQF) underpinning it and an Australian Children's Education and Quality Authority supporting the sector to provide outcomes for children. There are National Law and Regulations which detail our legal responsibilities. Here in the ACT, we are regulated by CECA - the Childhood Education and Care Assurance.
The P&C, through an OOSHC sub committee, are responsible for the provision of OOSHC at Telopea, and it is run as a not for profit service to our community.
All OOSHC providers have to be licenced and go through a quality assessment and rating review against the National Quality Framework. Telopea's overall rating currently is Meeting NQS, although there are 7 quality areas and in 3 of them we received Exceeding.
For perspective, the latest quarterly NQF Snapshot ( found 88% of education and care services nationally, are rated Meeting National Quality Standard (NQS) or above. This number is the highest proportion of Meeting or above since quality ratings began in 2012.
For more information about education and care services please see or
Why are we sharing this with you?
Because the recent P&C survey had some feedback regarding the quality of the service, and parents and the community may not be aware that they are welcome to talk to me - or any member of the subcommittee overseeing the service - if you have any questions, ideas for improvements, or just want to know more. I am also planning on writing more OOSHC Q&A so if you have any topics you would like covered please contact Tui Davidson,
TPS’ Parents’ Café
Telopea Park School's Parents' Café takes place once a month between 8:30 and 9:30am at the school, in the staff room accessible through the main entrance. Over a hot drink and pastries, this is an opportunity to meet with the primary and secondary administrative team to discuss issues of importance to the community 💬🗨
The number of places is limited to 20 people due to the pandemic. To participate and reserve your spot, click on this private link: (maximum 2 spots per ticket). The ticket service will close on 13 September at noon.
For this first edition, the theme chosen by the parents in our online survey is: Welcoming and communicating with parents at school. We look forward to seeing you!
Kids raising awareness about domestic violence
On 14 October 2022, nine Telopea Park School students will be shaving their heads to raise awareness and vital funds for Canberra’s Domestic Violence Crisis Service (DVCS)
If your kids are interested in joining the fundraising, please shoot us a pic ( and we’ll add it to the cover photo. Domestic and family violence does not discriminate. It impacts all ages, genders, cultural, ethnic, religious, and socio-economic groups. Family, domestic, and sexual violence is a major health, welfare and social issue that can have lifelong impacts on victims and people who use violence.
This team of little Aussie legends are banding together towards better safety outcomes for the Canberra community and hope you will join them in raising funds for the critical frontline service that is DVCS.
To support this campaign, go to Give a little or a lot – every dollar counts! Thank you in advance for your support!
Starting School: Parents’ webinar
Council's Starting School webinar helps parents and carers prepare children for preschool or kindergarten. Organised in collaboration with the ACT Education Directorate, this live webinar provides an opportunity to ask questions about early education transitions. Expert speakers share information about what the research tells us, ways to prepare and support children, and understanding the school-family partnership. Speakers: Dr Kathryn Hopps, Adjunct Research Fellow, Charles Sturt University and Simone Hobday and Anne Gummow, ACT Education Directorate. Register for the Webinar:
Kids’ Art Competition
Kids' art competition The Australian Conservation Foundation's Wild At Art competition ( is Australia's biggest wildlife art competition for kids.
Let children unleash their artistic creativity while learning about Australia's threatened animals and plants – and the threats facing them.
Throughout September and October, children aged 5-12 are invited to create an original artwork of one of Australia's many threatened native animals or plants, along with a short written component on their chosen threatened species.
New online safety resources
The eSafety Commissioner has released new resources to help parents and carers from all backgrounds protect their families online. The new videos and advice sheets give parents the confidence to talk to kids about online safety, including managing popular apps, social media and online bullying.
The new resources are available in English, Simplified Chinese, Arabic, Vietnamese, Tamil and Dari and can be downloaded from eSafety's website at
Stay Connected!
The P&C Newsletter keeps everyone informed of P&C meetings, events and school & community activities. P&C has its own e-Newsletter and website Please note, we need your permission to send you emails via our emailing list. Please subscribe today to stay informed. Sign up at to receive our updates!
The P&C Facebook Page is now available to publish P&C news, events, activities -
Parents Facebook Groups per year - These groups have been set up by parents for parents to share valuable information with parents whose kids attend the same year classes. This can be very useful with lost notes and forms in the primary kids’ pochettes, events, homework, birthday invite, etc.…
A list of known Facebook groups can be found on the P&C website in the ‘Who We Are’ section:
La Grande Fête!!!
La Grande Fête fait son Grand Retour le samedi 5 novembre 2022
Après une interruption de deux ans pour cause de Covid-19, la Grande Fête de l’école franco-australienne Telopea Park de Canberra revient avec un programme copieux, préparé par l’association des parents d’élèves (P&C).
Au Programme, sur un air de fête foraine et de kermesse, une foire avec des attractions et manèges, des expositions culturelles et artistiques et de la gastronomie.
Chaque année, La Grande Fête est une journée importante dans le calendrier de la ville de Canberra, et cette année ne sera pas une exception. Marquez la date dans votre calendrier pour cette journée exceptionnelle.
La Grande Fête, c’est notre fête.
Informez votre famille et vos amis, et passez le mot autour de vous. Il y aura des activités pour les grands et les petits, à faire en famille ou entre amis.
Nous aurons besoin de bénévoles pour une multitude d’activités et de fonctions : vente, supervision de stands, guides, aides, etc. La liste des tâches sera publiée dans les semaines qui viennent. Ne manquez pas nos prochaines annonces à ce sujet.
Pour plus d’infos, prière de contacter Jeannot de l’équipe des événements, à l’adresse :
Service de garde pendant les vacances
Les réservations sont ouvertes pour les vacances de septembre/octobre.
Les réservations se font sur le site MyFamilyLounge ( en suivant les instructions dans la section « Casual Booking Calendar » (calendrier de réservations occasionnelles)
Objets trouvés – Le service parisien des objets trouvés du TPS !
IL NE RESTE PLUS QU’UNE SEMAINE ! Alors que la fin du trimestre est proche, il ne reste plus qu’une semaine pour récupérer des articles non étiquetés dans la zone des objets trouvés. À partir du vendredi 16 septembre, l’équipe des objets trouvés commencera à donner, recycler ou jeter les articles sans nom et à dégager l’espace pour les vacances scolaires. Nous serions ravis que tous ces trésors perdus retrouvent leurs propriétaires – pour nous aider, veuillez vous rendre dans la zone des objets trouvés entre 8 h 30 et 9 h ou au moment de récupérer les enfants au service de garde en dehors des heures d’école.
N’oubliez pas d’étiqueter les articles de votre enfant avec au moins une initiale et un nom de famille. Merci !
Enquête de suivi sur les priorités
Dans la dernière édition du Telopea Topics, nous avons annoncé le lancement d’une autre enquête dont les résultats nous permettront de déterminer la priorité des propositions qui ont été soumises dans le cadre d’un questionnaire récemment.
Les réponses à l’enquête aideront les membres du P&C à attribuer un ordre de priorité aux activités que la Comité a été encouragé à réaliser.
Une fois de plus, nous vous remercions de votre participation. Nous vous convions à répondre à l’enquête. Cela ne devrait demander qu’environ 5 minutes de votre temps. Le formulaire de l’enquête sera disponible en ligne jusqu’au 22 septembre.
Service de garde en dehors des heures d’école (OoSHC) – Le saviez-vous ?
Le service de garde en dehors des heures d’école (OoSHC) opère dans un espace rigoureusement réglementé, sur la base des normes du Cadre national de la qualité (National Quality Framework – NQF), et l’Autorité australienne responsable de la qualité de l’éducation des enfants (Australian Children's Education and Quality Authority) soutient le secteur afin d’assurer des résultats positifs pour les enfants. Nos responsabilités juridiques sont régies par une loi et des réglementations nationales. Ici, dans le Territoire de la Capitale australienne (ACT), nous sommes réglementés par l’Assurance pour les services d’éducation et de garde des enfants (Childhood Education and Care Assurance – CECA).
Au travers de son sous-comité du service OoSHC, le Comité des parents et citoyens de notre école (P&C) est chargé de la prestation du service OoSHC à l’école Telopea Park School – un service à but non lucratif au profit de notre communauté.
Tous les membres de l’équipe du service OoSHC doivent détenir une licence et se soumettre à une évaluation de la qualité ainsi qu’à un examen de la performance, selon les critères du Cadre national de la qualité. Actuellement, le niveau de performance global de l’école Telopea Park School satisfait aux critères du NQS –7 aspects liés à la qualité sont examinés, dont 3 pour lesquels notre niveau de satisfaction dépasse les attentes.
Pour vous donner un ordre d’idée, le dernier aperçu trimestriel du NQF ( a déterminé que 88 % des services d’éducation et de garde à l’échelle nationale ont satisfait ou dépassé les normes du NQS. Ce taux est le plus élevé depuis le début de ce classement du niveau de qualité en 2012.
Pour des informations complémentaires sur les services d’éducation et de garde, veuillez consulter le site ou
Pourquoi vous présentons-nous cette information ?
Dans le cadre de l’enquête récente du P&C, certaines des réponses reçues portaient sur la qualité du service, et il se peut que les parents ainsi que la communauté ne sachent pas à qui s’adresser s’ils ont des questions ou des remarques. Pour toute question, idée d’amélioration ou demande d’information, n’hésitez pas à contacter (en anglais) la présidente du sous-comité du service OoSHC (Tui Davidson,
De plus, comme elle prévoit également de publier une liste de questions et réponses au sujet du service OoSCH, veuillez lui soumettre tout sujet que vous souhaiteriez y voir abordé (Tui Davidson,
Café des Parents de l’école TPS
Les rencontres du Café des Parents de l’école Telopea Park School ont lieu une fois par mois, entre 8 h 30 et 9 h 30 à l’école, dans la salle des professeurs accessible par l’entrée principale. Autour d’une boisson chaude et de pâtisseries, ce moment est l’occasion de rencontrer l’équipe administrative du primaire et du secondaire afin de discuter des questions importantes pour la communauté 💬🗨
Le nombre de places est limité à 20 personnes en raison de la pandémie. Pour réserver votre place, veuillez cliquer sur ce lien privé : (maximum 2 places par ticket). La billetterie fermera le 13 septembre à midi.
Pour cette première édition, le thème choisi par les parents à l’issue de notre sondage en ligne est : Accueillir et communiquer avec les parents à l’école. À bientôt !
Les enfants sensibilisent le public à la violence domestique
Le 14 octobre 2022, neuf élèves de l’école Telopea Park School se raseront la tête afin de mobiliser les consciences et de lever des fonds essentiels au profit du service d’assistance de Canberra pour les victimes de violence domestique (DVCS -
Si vos enfants souhaitent se joindre à cette campagne, veuillez nous envoyer leur photo ( et nous l’ajouterons sur la photo de couverture de la campagne.
La violence domestique et familiale ne fait pas de discrimination. Elle affecte des personnes de tous âges et genres, sans égard à leur culture, leur appartenance ethnique, leur religion ou leur statut socioéconomique. La violence familiale, domestique et sexuelle est un problème social majeur en termes de santé et de bien-être qui peut avoir des répercussions à vie sur ses victimes et les personnes qui l’infligent.
Ces jeunes légendes australiennes unissent leurs forces pour améliorer la sécurité au sein des communautés de Canberra et espèrent que vous participerez à leur campagne, en soutien au service de première ligne essentiel qu’offre DVCS.
Pour participer, accédez au site Donnez un peu ou beaucoup – chaque dollar compte ! Merci d’avance pour votre soutien !
La Covid-19 et le bien-être des enfants
Plus tôt cette année, un grand nombre de familles à Canberra ont participé à une enquête du Commissaire national à l’enfance en Australie (National Children’s Commissioner) au sujet des impacts de la pandémie sur la santé mentale et le bien-être des enfants. Les résultats de l’enquête ( montrent que les enfants et leur famille ont besoin d’un appui amélioré en matière de santé mentale. Le gouvernement fédéral s’apprête à examiner les conclusions de l’enquête. Le Conseil fédéral des associations de parents – ACSSO ( – y participe également et continue de faire valoir les besoins des familles.
L’entrée à l’école : séminaire en ligne pour les parents
Ce séminaire en ligne vise à aider les parents et les tuteurs à préparer leurs enfants à démarrer l’enseignement préscolaire ou la maternelle. Organisé en collaboration avec la Direction de l’éducation du Territoire de la Capitale australienne (ACT), ce séminaire en ligne sera l’occasion de poser des questions sur les transitions dans l’éducation de la petite enfance. Des intervenants spécialisés présenteront des informations sur ce que les recherches montrent à ce sujet, les moyens de préparer et de soutenir les enfants et la relation de partenariat entre l’école et la famille.
Intervenants : Dre Kathryn Hopps, chargée de recherche auxiliaire à l’Université Charles Sturt, ainsi que Simone Hobday et Anne Gummow de la Direction de l’éducation de l’ACT.
S’inscrire au séminaire en ligne :
Concours artistique pour les enfants
Le concours artistique « Wild At Art » de l’Australian Conservation Foundation ( est le plus grand concours artistique pour les enfants consacré à la vie sauvage en Australie.
L’occasion pour les enfants de donner libre cours à leur créativité artistique tout en découvrant les espèces d’animaux et de plantes qui sont en danger d’extinction en Australie – ainsi que les menaces auxquelles ces espèces sont confrontées.
Tout au long des mois de septembre et d’octobre, les enfants de 5 à 12 ans sont invités à créer une œuvre d’art originale sur l’une des nombreuses espèces natives d’animaux et de plantes menacées en Australie, ainsi qu’à rédiger une courte présentation sur l’espèce menacée de leur choix
Nouvelles ressources sur la sécurité en ligne
Le Commissaire à la sécurité en ligne (eSafety Commissioner) a publié de nouvelles ressources pour aider les parents et les tuteurs de tous horizons à protéger leur famille en ligne. Les nouvelles vidéos et les fiches de conseils permettent aux parents de discuter avec assurance de la sécurité en ligne avec leurs enfants, notamment la manière de gérer les applications populaires, les médias sociaux et les intimidations/agressions en ligne.
Disponibles en anglais, en chinois simplifié, en arabe, en vietnamien, en tamil et en dari, les nouvelles ressources peuvent être téléchargées depuis le site Internet d’eSafety :
Restez branchés !
Le bulletin d’informations de l’Association des Parents et Citoyens permet à tous de rester informés des réunions du Comité P&C, ainsi que des événements et des activités de l’école et de sa communauté. L’Association des Parents et Citoyens a son propre bulletin d’informations et son site Internet Veuillez noter que nous avons besoin de votre permission pour vous envoyer des emails à travers notre liste de distribution. Inscrivez-vous sur le site pour vous tenir au courant !
La page Facebook de l’Association des Parents et Citoyens publie les nouvelles, les événements et les activités du P&C –
Les pages Facebook de parents, par année – Ces groupes ont été créés par des parents en vue de pouvoir partager des informations entre parents qui ont des enfants dans la même année. Ces forums peuvent être très utiles pour diffuser des notes d’informations, en cas de perte de formulaires par des enfants du primaire, ou encore pour partager des informations concernant des événements, des devoirs, des anniversaires, etc.
Une liste des groupes Facebook se trouve sur le site Web de l’Association des Parents et Citoyens, dans la section « Who We Are » :
Flight Centre Manuka – Purchase your travel through Flight Centre Manuka and nominate Telopea. School will receive 1% of the total purchases. This is used towards funding the fete raffle travel prize to France that everyone wants to win! You must mention Telopea at time of booking and is not available on price beats.
Achetez votre prochain voyage avec Flight Centre Manuka et désignez Telopea. L’école recevra 1 % de la valeur de l’achat. Ceci servira pour financer le grand prix du voyage en France de la tombola. Il faut désigner Telopea au moment de la réservation. Cette combinaison n’est pas disponible avec « price beats ».
Rebel Sport – Nominate Telopea at the checkout or on your Rebel loyalty card. The school will earn credits to obtain sporting goods from your purchases.
Désignez Telopea à la caisse ou sur votre carte de fidélité Rebel et l’école recevra des crédits envers des équipements de sport.
Athletes Foot – Canberra Centre – Nominate Telopea as your school when purchasing shoes or add Telopea to your loyalty program. School will receive $5 for each pair of shoes purchased.
Désignez Telopea à la caisse ou sur votre carte de fidélité et l’école recevra 5 $ pour chaque paire de chaussures que vous achetez.
2nd Hand Uniform Shop – Donate your old uniforms and shop at the 2nd hand uniform shop. All sales from the shop go directly to the P&C Committee. Items available include hats, jackets, summer dresses, skirts, shirts, blouses and polos of various sizes. Only $5 per piece of clothing.
Opening Hours:
Tuesday: 9am - 9.30am
Friday: 9am - 9.30am
Location: next to the senior campus hall
Faites don de vos vieux uniformes et achetez des uniformes d’occasion au magasin d’occasion. Toutes les ventes du magasin vont directement au Comité des Parents et Citoyens. On y trouve des chapeaux, pulls, robes d’été, jupes, et polos de tailles diverses. 5 $ par article.
Heures d’ouverture :
Mardi : 9 h – 9 h 30
Vendredi : 9 h – 9 h 30
Lieu : à côté de la salle du campus senior.