Telopea Topics No 16
Hello parents and carers,
I hope the recent break was an enjoyable one for you and your children. It was terrific to welcome students back on the first day of term and to see excitement on many faces as they caught up with their friends and teachers and formally re-engaged with their learning.
The term started at frenetic pace with our final preparations for the external school review, which is part of the School Improvement Cycle of the ACT Education Directorate. During week two we had a panel of four reviewers, led by an Australian Council of Education Research lead reviewer, spend time in the school to evaluate our work towards school improvement from 2018 to present. The review looks at the school through the lens of the nine domains of the National School Improvement Tool (NSIT). If you’d like further information about the NSIT, you can find it at School improvement tools & services - ACER.
During the process, evidence and artifacts were reviewed and the panel interviewed almost all staff and a number of students and parents to gain a balanced insight to the school. Thank you to the parents who made themselves available to share their thoughts with the review team. I look forward to sharing the findings and recommendations of the panel, which will help shape our next School Improvement Plan.
Sandstone blocks
You may have noticed some new instalments at the front of the school. We’ve purchased some sandstone blocks to be used as seating next to the War Memorial and for the creation of a space that can be used for a yarning circle and as an outdoor learning space. Thank you to the parent who offered to use their expertise to investigate the age of the blocks and provide some information about the geological era of their origin – the breadth and depth of expertise of our parent/carer body is quite astounding!
La Grande Fete
The countdown is on! We are very excited that La Grande Fete can run this year and I know the P&C team responsible for this event has been working hard to make it a reality on 5 November. This will be my first experience of La Grande Fete and I’m excited and thoroughly looking forward to the event, which as I understand, is a significant event in the Canberra community calendar!
Other Events
The whole school will be having 2 pupil free days this term -28 October and 28 November. As with the previous pupil free days this year, we ask that you keep your children home for the future days. The support you have provided to date by doing this has been greatly appreciated and valued by staff and we hope you are able to continue this support. If your child does need to attend on either of these days, supervision of self directed learning will occur at the school but no formal classes will be running.
Towards the latter half of last term it was great to see a number of excursions and a few camps happening and being planned for the near future. These events enrich the learning opportunities for students and provide learning in different contexts to occur.
It was also great to be able to start inviting parents back into the school for particular events and things like reading programs. Having parents come in to do this is also enriching and we’ve missed it during the period of increased COVID restrictions.
During the first two weeks of this term we also had a couple of great student events in the form of Year 10 and Year 6 Market Days. These days allowed students to learn about and put into practice some entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, marketing and selling different products, performances and events. I was honoured to be asked to help a couple of student groups out, although I think I’ll need to ask more questions before agreeing next time………………
The Colour Run and associated fundraising is another school event happening. Students have been outstanding in their fund-raising efforts and at the time of writing this article, they had raised a little over $41,000! I’ve had some parent feedback regarding the rewards related to the fundraising side of things and we will consider this for future fundraising events. Due to a rainy weather forecast, the original date was postponed and we are looking to reschedule, hopefully to the end of week 4. We’ll share more details when the organisation has been finalised.
There have been a further easing of restrictions related to COVID for the start of Term 4 also. We are looking forward to inviting parents to the school for a broader range of activities and to hosting face-to-face end of year celebrations if Health advice remains as it is.
Our school, like all other ACT Public Schools, will continue to operate with respect to our COVID Safety Assurance Plan in an effort to continue to keep our school community safe. At present we are experiencing less pressure on our staffing than we did in Term 3, which is allowing great continuity of learning for students.
The school is no longer required to send notification to families of COVID exposures at the school but parents/carers are still required to inform us if their child contracts COVID, so please call the school or send an email to if this is the case. Thank you in advance.
Chères familles,
J'espère que vous et vos enfants avez passé de bonnes vacances. Quel plaisir d'accueillir les élèves à la reprise et de lire, sur leur visage, la joie de retrouver leurs amis et professeurs et de retourner en classe.
Le trimestre a commencé sur les chapeaux de roue avec nos derniers préparatifs en vue de l'inspection externe de l'école, qui fait partie du cycle d'amélioration de l'école demandé par la Direction de l'Education de l'ACT. Au cours de la deuxième semaine, un panel de quatre inspecteurs, dirigé par un inspecteur général du Conseil australien de la recherche en éducation (Australian Council of Education Research - ACER), est venu évaluer notre travail d'amélioration de l'école de 2018 à la présente année scolaire. L'inspection porte sur l'école à travers le prisme des neuf domaines de l'outil national d'amélioration des écoles (National School Improvement Tool - NSIT). Si vous souhaitez obtenir de plus amples informations à ce sujet, voici un lien qui vous sera utile School improvement tools & services - ACER.
Au cours du processus, les preuves et autres documents variés ont été examinés, le panel s’est entretenu avec presque tout le personnel, ainsi que des élèves et des parents afin d'obtenir un éclairage équilibré de l'école. Merci aux parents qui se sont rendus disponibles pour partager leurs réflexions avec l'équipe d'inspection. Je serai ravi de partager bientôt les conclusions et les recommandations du panel, qui contribueront à façonner notre prochain plan d'amélioration de l'école.
Blocs de grès
Vous avez peut-être remarqué une nouveauté devant l’école. Nous avons acheté des blocs de grès que nous utiliserons comme espace pour s’asseoir à côté du monument aux morts, pour un cercle d'apprentissage ou pour l’apprentissage en extérieur. Merci au parent qui a offert son expertise pour se renseigner sur l'âge des blocs et fournir quelques informations sur l'ère géologique de leur origine. Nous sommes stupéfaits de l'étendue et de la profondeur d’expertise de nos familles !
La Grande Fête
Le compte à rebours a commencé ! Nous sommes très heureux que La Grande Fête puisse avoir lieu cette année et je sais que l'équipe de l’association de parents d’élèves P&C en charge de cet événement travaille dur pour qu'il prenne forme le 5 novembre. Ce sera ma toute première Grande Fête et je suis très enthousiaste et impatient de participer à cet événement qui, si j’ai bien compris, est un événement important pour toute la communauté de Canberra !
Autres événements
En fin de trimestre dernier, nous avons été ravis de voir qu'un certain nombre de sorties et de camps ont eu lieu ou sont prévus dans les prochaines semaines. Ces événements enrichissent l’apprentissage des élèves et leur permettent d'apprendre dans des contextes différents.
Formidable également de pouvoir commencer à inviter à nouveau les parents à l'école pour des événements et programmes particuliers, comme celui de lecture. Le fait que les parents viennent animer ce programme est également enrichissant et leur présence nous a cruellement manqué au plus fort des restrictions liées au COVID.
Au cours des deux premières semaines de ce trimestre, nous avons également organisé deux grands événements pour les élèves, le marché des élèves de 6e et le marché des élèves de Seconde. Ces journées leur ont permis d'apprendre et de mettre en pratique certaines connaissances et compétences entrepreneuriales, en commercialisant et en vendant différents produits, spectacles et événements. C'est un honneur pour moi d'avoir été sollicité pour aider quelques groupes d’élèves, même si, la prochaine fois, je demanderai davantage de détails sur ma participation avant d’accepter…
The Color Run™ et la collecte de fonds qui y est associée est un autre événement que nous organisons actuellement à l’école. Les élèves ont fourni des efforts remarquables pour collecter des fonds et, au moment où je rédige cet article, un peu plus de 41 000 dollars ont été récoltés ! J'ai reçu quelques commentaires de parents concernant les récompenses liées à la collecte de fonds et nous en tiendrons compte pour les futurs événements de ce style. En raison des prévisions de pluie, la date initiale a été reportée et nous envisageons de la reprogrammer, si possible en semaine 4. Nous vous donnerons davantage de détails lorsque nous aurons finalisé l’organisation.
Informations COVID
Un nouvel allègement des restrictions liées au COVID a eu lieu au début de ce dernier trimestre. Nous nous réjouissons de pouvoir inviter les parents à l'école pour davantage d'activités et d'organiser les célébrations de fin d'année en personne, si les allègements sont maintenus d’ici là.
Notre école, comme toutes les autres écoles publiques de l'ACT, continuera à fonctionner dans le respect de notre plan d'assurance sécurité COVID afin de protéger notre communauté scolaire. À l'heure actuelle, la gestion des absences du personnel est beaucoup moins complexe qu’au cours du troisième trimestre, ce qui permet à nos élèves de poursuivre leur apprentissage.
L'école n'est plus tenue d'envoyer une notification aux familles en cas d'exposition au COVID au sein de l’établissement. En revanche, les familles sont toujours tenues de nous informer si leur enfant contracte le COVID. Dans ce cas, nous vous demandons de contacter l'école par téléphone ou par courriel à Je vous remercie par avance.
Year 9 IDU
Year 9 Interdisciplinary Unit in Term 3 was a project aimed at combining Languages, Art and English. We started off with an excursion to the Connection exhibition at the National Museum of Australia. Hearing, seeing, and smelling the creative works of many First Nations artists. During the IDU time the students then created their own Artwork, Poems, Dances, Songs, stop animation and other creative work to share their interpretation of a creation story with the world, providing the audience with a glimpse of well-known stories such as the Rainbow Serpent or Tiddilack the Frog. In Language classes, students summarised a First Nations story in their target language in order to share the original with a global audience. Lastly students used their English writing skills to reflect on the whole process.
Here are some examples of their amazing work:
Commedia dell’arte performance and workshop at Alfred Deakin High School.
After our covid oblivion with zero excursions and way too much family time, this year’s commedia excursion was the absolute best. We went by bus to Alfred Deakin High School where we watched another amazing performance by professional commedia dell’arte actors, Fools in Progress. They delivered an entertaining play full of the common commedia dell’arte characters; Pantalone, Arlecchino, the Lovers; Capitano, il Dottore. The actors gave a brilliant demonstration, especially because they were improvising much of the play. The fact that the professionals had several roles to play shows that they were very well informed about all the characters and not just their own and they used this later in the workshops to help us learn. The performance was a perfect introduction to our fun commedia dell’arte workshops, where we learnt the gestures and walks for all the stock characters.
After recess, we were guided to learn the character's poses and personalities. The instructors were incredibly helpful throughout the workshop. As we learnt about the Zanni (servants) and Padroni (masters) we learned more about Italian culture and new words. We had so much fun acting as these characters, we know very little about who they are yet they have these larger than life personalities, so they are perfect for adapting their personalities to many different scenarios.
After we learnt the ways of each character we were split into groups. We received a Commedia dell'arte skit plot with characters, and we then worked to create our Commedia script. Everyone seemed to enjoy it even if they were scared of performing it. Our group was again lucky enough (and brave enough) to perform our skit. It was super fun!
Grazie Signora Shihoff and the Italian Network leader, Antonietta Martiniello, for organising this terrific Commedia day.
This Commedia workshop used the Maschere di Sindoca leather masks that are a part of the Italian network Collection that is available to Italian teachers of the ACT and schools that teach Italian in the ACT.
Our Italian Assistants
This year we have 2 fabulous native speaking Italian assistants helping in Italian class; Francesca Maugeri and Gaia Trincone. They help students with pronunciation, engage them in speaking and listening task, create games and help to build some enriched and authentic Italian resources for the school. We are ever so grateful to the Dante Alighieri Society and the Italian embassy for supporting our students. Grazie mille, Francesca e Gaia!
This year, the Year 9 Indonesian language students had the opportunity to experience the 77th Indonesian Independence Day celebration at the Embassy of Indonesia. The students were also able to taste some traditional Indonesian cuisine!
Indonesian Speech Contest / Lomba pidato
Three students from Year 9 Indonesian language students entered the Indonesian Speech contest organised by the Indonesian Embassy. Telopea Park School students won second, third and fourth place. The winners received certificates and money for winning. Elissa GE was not there to receive her prize.
Year 10 Indonesian
After completing the Unit on Travel, the Year 10 Indonesian students cooked some delicious Indonesian food to share with their classmates. The students were amazed that they could find the ingredients and cook Indonesian food in their own home.
Visit from Narrabundah College Language Department
As part of the Transitions Program for our Year 10 students, the Narrabundah College Language Department visited Telopea Park School on Friday 29 July. This visit showcased the Languages Program at the college and promoted language learning progression for our language students. The group organised an interactive quiz followed by a video with testimonies from current Narrabundah Students (including some familiar faces of Telopea Park student alumni) and a Q&A session. Several students came and presented in person to share their experience and discuss the benefits of learning a language at college. We are very thankful to the Narrabundah College staff and students for arranging this visit.
German students have had a successful year and still have more events to come! Our last event was the German Kino for Kids Film Festival in conjunction with the German Film Festival. The students enjoyed the visit very much and were happy to apply their language skills. One of the student attendees from Telopea Park School reflected on his experience and review below:
The film we watched at the German film festival, “Mission Ulja Funk”, was both exciting and funny. We thought it would be cancelled a few weeks before the film festival due to the teacher’s planning day at our school. But with the effort of Frau Avard, she made the cinema movie the film to another day just for us. We set off in the chilly morning with mixed expectations for the movie due to the mysterious trailer we watched. However, the movie turned out to be way better, and more exciting than the one we watched last year. It is funny and wacky in a way that it can capture the attention of both adults and kids. It is about a road trip from Germany to Belarus, in search of a meteorite, made by two teenagers and two stowaways in a stolen hearse. “Mission Ulja Funk” not only told a unique story but also taught us German in a way that no one will ever get bored of. Strongly recommended. - Siyuan
On Thursday, the 16 June 2022, Ms Avard and the German teacher at Narrabundah College had the privilege to attend a reception held by the German Embassy at the National Museum of Australia. The reception celebrated 70 years of Diplomacy between Australia and Germany as well as the official opening of the exhibition ‘Songlines – Tracking The Seven Sisters’ in Berlin at the Humboldt Forum, which was linked directly online to the reception. We also had access to the exhibition ‘Connections’, which was an amazing experience.
Year 9 Asia Pacific Day @ the Australian National University
Year 9 Asian languages students attended the Asia Pacific Day at the ANU on 16th September. Students from Indonesian class, Japanese class and Mandarin class spent the whole day on campus, attending a series of presentations, cultural activities, workshops and various language taster classes. The students had the opportunity to meet not only some current students from the College of Asia and the Pacific, but also some world-renowned regional experts. They expanded their knowledge of Australia’s engagement with the Asia-Pacific region through the visit.
Year 8 Mandarin class celebrated the Moon Festival in September by painting silk fans and making sweet moon cakes. The students presented a thorough understanding of the moon festival history and its tradition.
Year 9 Mandarin class were very lucky to have the Tea Ceremony in June. They enjoyed the tea and also enhanced their appreciation of Chinese tea culture.
To celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, Year 8 and Year 10 Mandarin classes celebrated NAIDOC Week in July by weaving with raffia. They weaved baskets and necklaces, etc.
The Year 7 Mandarin class has progressed well in their first year Mandarin learning. It is so impressive to see their achievements from saying ni hao to being able to write this email in Chinese characters after only 3 terms of study! Congratulations, Year 7!!!
Sporting Shout Out – Week 2 term 4
Year 8 student Nadja Stefanovic has won bronze medal at the ACT Volleyball Open League - 2022 Spring Indoor Women's Youth Division competition with her volleyball team Royals White. In a very exciting bronze medal match, Royals White won against the team Merici Yellow. Nadja acted as the team's captain and she has also been nominated for an Academy Award by Royals Volleyball Club. Here she is (back row, far left) with her team members. Congratulations Nadja
Congratulations to Lachlan Forno (Yr 7), Mattia Sommacal (Yr 8) and Shaeel Rana (Yr 8) - 2022 National Premier League Boys U13 Champions with Canberra Olympic Football Club
Congratulations to Oliver Taylor (Year 9) on representing Canberra Lacrosse at the East Coast Cup held at the Gold Coast last weekend. Oliver was part of the Men’s team, together with one of our parents, Patrick McDonald, whose daughter Hailey is in Year 6. Well done.
Welcome back to Term 4 of 2022. This year has gone quickly, and we now approach the end of the year.
Please welcome Andrew Livermore to the primary executive team as he will be replacing Alisha Tooma as the year 5-6 executive for the first 6 weeks of this term.
As you know the kindergarten health checks were completed in Term 3. Children who missed out on the health check due to absence are able to book into the kindergarten health check catch up clinics by telephoning the Community Health Intake Line on 62079977.
The second BASE assessments for kindergarten students will be conducted during weeks 2 and 3 of this term.
On the last Friday of term students celebrated Flower Day. There was a lot of work and fun taking place with Aurore at the helm. A new garden has been created with students bringing in plants. Many thanks to Bunnings, who also supplied many punnets.
The Year 6 Market Day was a huge a huge success with all students enjoying the activities. Thank you to the year 6 students and their teachers. Thank you to Stacey Francis for leading the whole school for this wonderful event.
Telopea Park Indigenous Bush Tucker Garden
We received the first Aboriginal edible plants.
The students of first year 1, year4 and the garden club begin to paint before the arrival of the earth.
The pupils of year 2 created informative wooden panels with the Latin name of the plants.
The recycling corner: always further for a green school!
The students of year 3 presented the recycling corner during the Monday announcements.
3 bins:
The 10 cents bin, the cork bin in partnership with Lids4Kids, and the small supplies bin (pen, marker, slate marker) in partnership with Officeworks.
This new corner will provide information on sustainable development.
Thank you Aurore for this wonderful initiative.
On Monday some brave students had their heads shaved as a fundraiser for the Domestic Violence Crisis Centre in Canberra. Some beautiful locks of hair were collected and will be used to make wigs for young children with cancer.
Forthcoming Parent Engagement Session
Managing Anxious and Fearful Behaviours
Presenters: Anna McGown and Edwina Tierney (Senior Psychologist)
Date: 25th October 2022
Venue: Secondary Library
Time 5.00 p.m.
Nous sommes ravis de vous retrouver pour ce dernier trimestre de l’année scolaire 2022. Cette année est passée très vite, et nous approchons déjà de la fin de l’année.
Nous vous demandons de faire un accueil chaleureux à Andrew Livermore dans l’équipe de direction du Primaire. Il remplacera Alisha Tooma comme executive teacher pour les niveaux CM2-6e au cours des cinq premières semaines de ce trimestre.
Comme vous le savez, les visites médicales de nos élèves de Grande Section de Maternelle ont eu lieu au cours du troisième trimestre. Pour les enfants absents lors de la visite médicale, il est possible de prendre rendez-vous au cabinet médical en appelant leur ligne téléphonique au 51249977.
Nos élèves de Grande Section de Maternelle passeront les deuxièmes évaluations BASE au cours des semaines 2 et 3 de ce trimestre.
Le dernier vendredi du trimestre dernier, nos élèves ont célébré la Journée de la Fleur. Ils ont été très actifs et ont passé un excellent moment avec Aurore aux commandes. Pour la création du nouveau jardin, les élèves ont apporté des plantes et le magasin Bunnings a également fait de nombreux dons.
Notre marché des élèves de 6e a remporté un énorme succès et les élèves ont beaucoup aimé les différentes activités proposées à cette occasion. Un grand merci aux élèves de 6e et à leurs professeurs. Nous remercions Stacey Francis qui a organisé cet événement magnifique pour l’école.
Nous avons reçu les premières plantes comestibles aborigènes.
Les élèves de CP , de Cm1 et du club jardin commencent a peindre avant l’arrivée de la terre.
Les élèves de Ce1 avancent sur les panneaux informatifs en bois avec le nom latin des plantes
Le coin recyclage : toujours plus loin pour une école verte !
Les élèves de Ce2 ont présenté lundi le coin recyclage lors des annoncements du lundi .
3 poubelles :
La poubelle des 10 centimes , la poubelle des bouchons en partenariat avec Lids4Kids et la poubelle des petites fournitures ( stylo, feutre , feutre d’ardoise) en partenariat avec officework.
Ce nouveau coin permettra d’accueillir des informations sur le développement durable .
Lundi, des élèves valeureux se sont fait raser la tête afin de récolter de l’argent pour le Centre d’urgence des victimes de violences conjugales et familiales de Canberra. Les plus belles mèches de cheveux seront utilisées pour la fabrication de perruques destinées aux enfants atteints de cancer.
Coupe du monde de basketball
10 AM-4PM! 🎢😋
Join us for on a trip to France ... without leaving Canberra!
We've now created an Event on Facebook for La Fête so please share & encourage people to follow our Facebook page too.
There’s something for everyone—including delicious food, carnival rides, the annual Canberra French Car Club's display, live entertainment, clothing, books and market stalls.
One of the largest public school fêtes in the ACT, La Grande Fête is sure to be a magnifique day out for the whole family!
Pre-purchase your Durkins Carnival Rides tickets today for $25 ($30 on the day)! Your ticket lets you ride-all-day on the Super Cha, Dodgem Cars, Giant Slide, Cup and Saucer, Cartoon Castle, Gorilla Jumping Castle, and the thrilling Disco Show!
Simply take your Trybooking ticket to the Durkins booth onsite and exchange it for your wristband. Ticket pre-sales close at 5pm on Friday 4 November, so avoid the queue and grab yours online now!
Please note, ride tickets will be available for purchase on the day of La Grande Fête (5 November) from Durkins booth for $30.
We are looking forward to enjoying some main stage entertainment on November 5. We have lined up some great performances, and have room for some more. If you have any talent (music, dance, other) which you would like to share with our community, please get in touch with Rebecca and Selvi on
Two school/children performance ideas we are working on, include :
- Primary school sing-along (K-6) – participation is voluntary, with no rehearsal commitments needed. We will choose some well-known English and French tunes to sing together for the fun and joy of sharing music with each other, our families and the community.
- Telopea talent show – an opportunity for your child to perform in front of a friendly and supportive audience. All children welcome to prepare a short performance (music, dance, drama, sport, tricks, jokes, stories, etc).
If your child is interested in contributing to either or both of the above, or if you’d like to stay in the loop for more information, please let us know on by COB Monday 24 October.
It’s your fête and we need your help!
PARENT VOLUNTEERS: Please signup for a range of set-up, on-the-day, and pack-up tasks to help us make the fête fantastic. If you have time, it would be appreciated if you could sign up for more than one slot!
STALL COORDINATORS: If you have already volunteered to run a stall please do not complete this form. We have your details elsewhere.
HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Please do not complete the above form if you are a student. High school students should use the signup form at
For all other inquiries, please contact us at
Thanks so much for your help. We can't do it without you!
AND, like every year, The Grande fête will also have the pleasure to host a French Cars Show for cars lovers.
This will be a display of French Cars from private collectors from the Canberra French Car Club.
The public will be able to vote on 6 categories:
- best Peugeot
- best Renault
- best Citroën
- best modern French car
- best overall car
For any inquiries contact Barry McAdie at:
OoSHC News
𝕎𝕖𝕝𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 𝕓𝕒𝕔𝕜 !!
𝕋𝕖𝕣𝕞 𝟜, 𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕖 𝕨𝕖 𝕔𝕠𝕞𝕖 !
We hope you all have had a great holiday and stayed safe through the floods.
We’d like to remind you of some general housekeeping, please see below:
It is a legal requirement that ALL children are signed in and out of care – we have had parents allow the children to run into the program and not sign them in. This is not permitted, and staff cannot sign your child into care. Fees do apply.
Before school care opens at 7.30am and finishes at 9am. We will not be accepting any children before this time, and all children need to be signed in by a legal guardian.
All bookings including casual, permanent, cancellations, changes must be done through email ( with a 2-week notice.
We don't use My Family Lounge through the school term.
As your aware, it will be getting warmer, and we are in hats on season. Therefore, we ask that your child has a hat and a water bottle as well as their own sunscreen if they have special medical requirements or allergies and cannot wear what we provide.
Please ensure you pick up our child before 6pm. If you are going to be late, please give us a call on 0426692553 just so we are aware and so we can let your child/ren know that you’re running late – please note that late pickup fees do apply.
All correspondence is to be done via email – we ask that you don't send texts, as this does not always get seen and having the email chain will assist us in making sure that we have attended to your email.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the above information, please do not hesitate to contact us on the above email or phone number.
Second-Hand Uniform Shop
As some of you have been asking recently, the Second-Hand Uniform Shop is opened on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 9am to 9.30am.
This information is also available at the end of this piece.
Parents’ Survey re. COVID-related school disruptions
At the beginning of last term, the ACT P&C Council ran a parent survey about current concerns and COVID-related disruptions to schools.
It is clear that here are significant levels of concern about children's learning, wellbeing and the lack of certainty of school arrangements. Almost everyone surveyed experienced some COVID-related disruption.
Over 80% of parents surveyed were concerned about learning gaps caused by the effects of COVID disruptions over the past few years.
They have shared these results with the ACT Education Minister and senior staff at the Education Directorate and requested a system-wide approach to identifying learning gaps and helping students catch up on what they have missed.
Parent Webinar
Preparing for today’s world of work is characterised by career uncertainties and increased competition, which requires responsive strategies in preparing young people for study-to-work transition.
This myfuture webinar: Preparing to transition into work and lifelong learning ( highlights the importance of promoting and developing your child's information-seeking capacity, to better prepare them for study-to-work transition and lifelong learning.
It's on Tuesday 22 November at 4pm.
Stay Connected!
The P&C Newsletter keeps everyone informed of P&C meetings, events and school & community activities. P&C has its own e-Newsletter and website Please note, we need your permission to send you emails via our emailing list. Please subscribe today to stay informed. Sign up at to receive our updates!
The P&C Facebook Page is now available to publish P&C news, events, activities -
Parents Facebook Groups per year - These groups have been set up by parents for parents to share valuable information with parents whose kids attend the same year classes. This can be very useful with lost notes and forms in the primary kids’ pochettes, events, homework, birthday invite, etc.…
A list of known Facebook groups can be found on the P&C website in the ‘Who We Are’ section:
Flight Centre Manuka – Purchase your travel through Flight Centre Manuka and nominate Telopea. School will receive 1% of the total purchases. This is used towards funding the fete raffle travel prize to France that everyone wants to win! You must mention Telopea at time of booking and is not available on price beats.
Achetez votre prochain voyage avec Flight Centre Manuka et désignez Telopea. L’école recevra 1 % de la valeur de l’achat. Ceci servira pour financer le grand prix du voyage en France de la tombola. Il faut désigner Telopea au moment de la réservation. Cette combinaison n’est pas disponible avec « price beats ».
Rebel Sport – Nominate Telopea at the checkout or on your Rebel loyalty card. The school will earn credits to obtain sporting goods from your purchases.
Désignez Telopea à la caisse ou sur votre carte de fidélité Rebel et l’école recevra des crédits envers des équipements de sport.
Athletes Foot – Canberra Centre – Nominate Telopea as your school when purchasing shoes or add Telopea to your loyalty program. School will receive $5 for each pair of shoes purchased.
Désignez Telopea à la caisse ou sur votre carte de fidélité et l’école recevra 5 $ pour chaque paire de chaussures que vous achetez
2nd Hand Uniform Shop – Donate your old uniforms and shop at the 2nd hand uniform shop. All sales from the shop go directly to the P&C Committee. Items available include hats, jackets, summer dresses, skirts, shirts, blouses and polos of various sizes. Only $5 per piece of clothing.
Opening Hours:
Tuesday: 9am - 9.30am
Friday: 9am - 9.30am
Location: outside the Primary School Office
Faites don de vos vieux uniformes et achetez des uniformes d’occasion au magasin d’occasion. Toutes les ventes du magasin vont directement au Comité des Parents et Citoyens. On y trouve des chapeaux, pulls, robes d’été, jupes, et polos de tailles diverses. 5 $ par article.
Heures d’ouverture :
Mardi : 9 h – 9 h 30
Vendredi : 9 h – 9 h 30
Lieu : dehors, devant le bureau du primaire
Leadership Team / School Contact Details 2022
Position | Name | |
Principal | Jason Holmes | |
Proviseure | Florence Llopis | |
Deputy Principal (SLB) K-10 | Kylie Louis | |
Deputy Principal (SLB) 7-10 | Stacey Griffiths | |
Deputy Principal (SLB) K-6 | Anna McGown | |
Directeur | Patrice Piche | |
Business Manager | Mary Ryan |
Executive (SLC) K-Year 2 | Robyn McEwin | |
Executive (SLC) Year 3-4 | Keren Briggs | |
Executive (SLC) Year 5-6 | Andrew Livermore | |
Executive Student Services (7-10) | Melanie Consola | |
Executive Student Engagement (7-10) | Des Proctor | |
Executive Student Learning (7-10) | Sheree Avard | |
Executive (SLC) Year 7-10 PE | Megan Taylor | |
Executive (SLC) Year 7-10 Arts, Technology, IT | Ben Yuen |
Executive (SLC) Year 7-10 HaSS | Natalie Bray | |
Executive (SLC) Year 7-10 Maths | Ainon Pillai | |
Executive (SLC) Year 7-10 English | Uraj Singh | |
Executive (SLC) Year 7-10 Science | Ona Siakimotu | |
Executive (SLC) Year 7-10 Languages | Natalie Stewart | |
Executive (SLC) French Coordinator | Aurelie Le Nevez | |
Year 7 Coordinator | Michael Thomas | |
Year 8 Coordinator | Annmarie Power | |
Year 9 Coordinator | Cade Williams |
Year 10 Coordinator | Sheree Avard |
For contacting other staff members please contact below:
Ph: (02) 6142 3388
Other important emails
Primary administration (absences) | |
Secondary administration (absences) | |
Parent -Teacher Interviews | |
Feedback |
Principal | Jason Holmes | Deputy Principal 7-10 | Stacey Griffiths |
Proviseure | Florence Llopis | Conseillère Pédagogique | Patrice Piche |
Deputy Principal K-10 | Kylie Louis | Business Manager | Mary Ryan |
Deputy Principal K-6 | Anna McGown |
School Board Members 2022 | |||
Board Chair | Noel Derwort | ||
Principal | Jason Holmes | ||
Appointed Member | Rosaline Rimes-Reich | ||
Staff Member | Sarah Moncuquet | Staff Member | Mhairi Henderson |
P&C Member | Matthew Roper | P&C Member | Noel Derwort |
P&C Member | Lee Hayward | ||
Student member | Maribel Mansour | Student Member | Anaahita Chauhan |
Australian Government | Alexandra Mattinson | French Government | Boris Toucas |
French Government | Florence Llopis | Board Secretary | Mary Ryan |